Coming down from the chaotic hall, Nan Yan said nothing, did nothing, and hurried back to Yonghe Palace with Tingfu and Ruoshui.

Entering the main hall, it is still the same as before.

Concubine Shun Xin Qingyi sat on the edge of the bed in a puzzled manner, her eyes as if they were being pulled by an invisible thread on the pale, bloodless body on the bed.

Zhu Feng...not awake yet.

Although I know that there is a knife in my heart, this kind of injury cannot be healed in one or two days. Even those who only said that Wang Baizhi said three points and left seven points, they said that they must do their best to know the fate, which shows that it is not so easy to wake up, but Nan Yan’s I still look forward to it.

I always thought that he could survive so many hardships, and this time, he must not be troubled.

He can wake up.

But when will you wake up?

Entering the hall, her footsteps slowed down and sank. As she walked past step by step, Concubine Shun heard her footsteps and hurriedly got up: "Emperor Concubine, you are back!"

Before she came forward to salute, Nan Yan walked over and held her shoulders.

Whispered: "The emperor... are you all right?"

Shun Fei said: "In the morning, I was given another medicine."

"Still, no response?"



Nan Yan frowned.

But immediately, he took another deep breath, as if to cheer himself up, and said slowly: "It doesn't matter, this is just beginning to cultivate. The emperor is just recovering now. When the injury is healed and he has enough rest, he will definitely Woke up."



Although Concubine Shun kept comforting herself in this way when she was here, when she heard these words from the concubine, she somehow felt unspeakable sadness.

She turned her head and looked at Nan Yan, and then said softly, "Is the empress going down to the court with Wei Wang's hall today?"


"Ministers, are you embarrassed?"

"My palace is not afraid of them."

This sentence has already explained everything.

Concubine Shun lowered her head and said softly, "Although the concubine has been with the emperor for the longest time, it is the empress who can best help the emperor and solve problems for the emperor."


"Now these things will bother the noble concubine and the empress and make you wronged."

Nan Yan smiled at her, and said, "Why did my sister still tell this palace?"


"My sister has been with the emperor since he was a child. When he was in the most difficult time, it was his sister who spent time with him. This kind of feelings, this palace sighs."


"At this time, it's just taking advantage of the situation to suppress others. The palace is not afraid of those courtiers."

"Don't be afraid of going back, your mother must also take care of her body,"

Concubine Shun looked at her and said softly: "The eyes are all red."

Nan Yan said calmly: "It's okay. After this period of work is over and those troubles are resolved, the palace will naturally take a good rest. It's just that the emperor's side is supported by my sister."

"Don't worry about the imperial concubine."


After Nan Yan finished speaking, he glanced at Zhu Feng on the bed.

Although, she wanted to walk over to take care of him, and even wanted to lie on the bed, lying beside him, and staying with him.

But it is not the time yet.

She gritted her teeth and confessed to the concubine Shun again, then turned and walked out of the main hall to the side hall. In order not to disturb Zhu Feng's recuperation, she has moved all of her things to the side hall and rests here.

She asked as she walked, "Is there no news from Jin Yiwei?"

Hearing Fu immediately stepped forward and said: "Master Fang has already sent news that all the people in Beizhen Fusi have been dispatched to search for the Dixian Hui in the capital. The people from the Dixian Hui will be arrested later. The palace reported it."

"it is good."

Nan Yan walked into the side hall, and just after sitting down for a while, Zhu Chengxuan came.

He saw Nan Yan sitting at the table with one hand on his forehead, his brow furrowed as if he was very tired and very worried, and he immediately stepped forward and said, "Manny, are you uncomfortable?"

Nan Yan looked up and saw him, and immediately smiled.

Said: "His Royal Highness is back?"

Zhu Chengxuan said: "The king has also confessed to the cabinet ministers about the several matters discussed in the courtroom before, and there is no problem."

South flue: "That's good."

Zhu Chengxuan looked at her for a while, and whispered softly, "I'm sorry for my mother."


Hearing this, looking at his a little annoyed look, he was obviously blaming himself for not doing his best. Nan Yan said with a smile: "Your Highness, Your Highness has actually done a good job. If you change someone else, it may not be Your Highness can do well."


"If it hadn't been for your highness to kill Ge Yunli with the rod, today's officials would certainly not be persuaded so easily."


"If your Royal Highness had not fully trusted this palace and recognized this palace as his concubine, it would not have been so right and bold if this palace stood on the court today."


"Although this palace has worked hard for His Royal Highness, it is also because His Royal Highness has done well in advance so that this palace can control the courtiers."


"Now, they shouldn't dare to act rashly anymore. His Royal Highness only needs to proceed step by step to deal with the major events in the DPRK one by one and stabilize the overall situation. Then the Jinyiwei will naturally handle the affairs of the capital. Don't worry too much."

Zhu Chengxuan looked at her and said softly: "Yes."

Just as the two people comforted each other, and seemed to cheer each other up, there was a rush of footsteps outside.

At this time, the sound of footsteps means something is happening.

Either something big happened, or some news came from outside.

Nan Yan said, "I'm afraid Jin Yiwei has found out something."

As he spoke, he craned his neck and saw Tingfu ran in from the door and bowed to them. Nan Yan asked, "Are they Fang Buyuan back?"

Hearing Fu said, "Sir Fang hasn't come back yet, but someone outside asks to see His Royal Highness Wei Wang, who is his guard.

When Zhu Chengxuan heard this, his eyes immediately brightened: "Wei Ying and the others are back?"

Wei Ying, the son of Wu Yinghou, has been in the Chengqian Palace to accompany Wei Wang to practice martial arts. When Cheng Guogong was in trouble before, he took a team of people to protect Yikun Palace and protect the imperial concubine. However, he He did not enter the dynasty as an official, but followed the king of Wei and formed some other clan children into a guard of the confidant of the king. The emperor’s approval was incorporated into the imperial guard, but this team Only under his command, only responsible to Wei Wang.

Nan Yan also heard about this incident.

But why did these people come here to see Wang Wei?

So he asked: "What happened?"

Zhu Chengxuan said, "Niangniang, this is the case. I always feel a little strange, why Ge Yunli was so rude and blatantly directed at Niangniang. Although he killed him, he still couldn't let it go, so I asked my guard to go to his house. Check it up."

Nanyan Road: "What did you find out?"

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