Nan Yan looked at it with a calm face for a while, then took a deep breath, folded the roster according to the previous crease, and put it away.

When she raised her head to look at Wei Ying, her eyes showed some appreciation.

Obviously, Wei Ying saw the problem with the roster, so she took the opportunity of reporting the search by the king of Wei to come to see herself in the palace, and directly handed the roster to herself.

Candidates for adopting women, even those who have been selected as concubines in the palace, are all harem matters.

Naturally, it must be handled by itself.

Nan Yan said: "This matter will be handled by this palace."

Wei Ying said: "Yes."

However, Zhu Chengxuan looked at Nan Yan with some worry, and said, "Noble concubine, there are so many things right now, this--"

Nan Yan smiled and said: "Your Royal Highness, don't worry, this palace knows the priorities. Since this person has entered the palace, he can't escape, not to mention that the harem is under the control of the palace, and she can't make waves."

Zhu Chengxuan nodded.

But after all, he was cautious, and after thinking about it, he asked, "Then don't this king send more staff to Yonghe Palace?"

South Yandao: "Your Highness, don't worry, the guards of Yonghe Palace are all arranged by Ying Shao himself. This palace is absolutely assured of him."

Zhu Chengxuan said: "Well then."

After he finished speaking, he turned his head and said to Wei Ying: "Go down and take a good rest."

Wei Ying bowed to them, and then retreated.

Nan Yan kept watching him walking out of the side hall, then turned his head and said to Zhu Chengxuan: "This kid is good, Your Highness can use him more."

Zhu Chengxuan said: "Yes."

The two wentssiping, listening to Fulai News, Jin Yiwei commanded Fang Buyuan to report to the palace.

Nan Yan immediately let him in.

Fang Buyuan strode in and bowed to them. Nan Yan raised his hand and said, "Master Fang doesn't need to be polite. Have you found out what?"

Fang Buyuan looked sullen, and said, "Niangniang, Weichen, etc. are guilty."


Nan Yan frowned.

Fang Buyuan told her of their findings.

Nan Yan's heart sank after listening.

After a long silence, she said: "Therefore, the people of the Di Xianhui have already evacuated from the original hall, just to prevent the people from the court from searching for them."

Fang Buyuan said: "Yes."

Nan Yan asked again: "Well, what about other places? Didn't the people who came back to report the letter say that you have already mastered several halls and sent people to search?"

Fang Buyuan said: "All gone, it's just—"

"Just what?"

"It's just that, judging from the information we have, only the hall in the south of the city is managed by a hall owner, and the other halls-said to be halls, are actually just places where the general communication crowd gathers. Some people were searched, but they are ordinary people, they don’t know much."

Nan Yan hurriedly asked, "Then what do they know?"

Fang Buyuan said: "Weichen arraigned several people, and they all said that after the new year, the hall masters of the Dixian Hui recruited believers into Beijing from all over the place, and the Weichen added the number of people known to each hall. ——"

As he said, he paused.

South flue: "How?"

Fang Buyuan said: "Yes, nearly a thousand people."


At this moment, Nan Yan and Zhu Chengxuan both opened their eyes in astonishment.

Nearly a thousand people.

It sounds like a lot, and it hasn't reached the point where there are thousands of troops, but for nearly a thousand people in the capital, that is definitely not a small number, and it is even worth an army!

Nanyan Road: "So many people?"

"It doesn't count,"

Fang Buyuan continued: "These are just the people they recruited from other places to Beijing. There are quite a few people who believe in the Dixian Hui in Beijing. When the two sides add up, there are not a few people."


Nan Yan's face sank.

The heart sank.

With so many people gathered in the capital, and under the command of the Xianghui that has clearly shown the opposite to the imperial court like the Dixianhui, if something happens, it will be easy!

Moreover, Nan Yan is almost certain that they must be making trouble.

Nan Yan does not believe in religion, but he sees clearly that Buddhism and Taoism and other folk incense associations can attract people by relying on doctrine alone, and there is no benefit in the slightest. If they are supported by the people, they can attract so many people. Believers; and the doctrine of the Di Xianhui is that people can share the land, and people seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. With such practical benefits, believers can even forget their lives!

At present, there are internal and external troubles. Moreover, Heyi has always suspected that Lai Guo is waiting for news in the city. It is very likely that he is waiting for the Dixian Hui. Now it seems that thousands of people are inside the capital. Getting up is definitely not a small movement.

At that time, the army of Suo will take the opportunity to attack the city.

Nan Yan felt his scalp numb for a while.

She was annoyed. As soon as she turned her head, she saw Zhu Chengxuan's brows frowning, as if she was thinking something. She put one hand on the chair and buckled the armrest firmly, removing the paint on it.

Nanyan Road: "His Royal Highness, what are you thinking?"

Zhu Chengxuan raised his head and said, "I'm thinking, where do so many people live?"


"Not to mention the believers of the Dixian Association who were originally in the capital, there are nearly a thousand believers from other places. These people must have a place for them to live."


"Where will they live?"

Upon hearing this, Nan Yan hurriedly turned his head to look at Fang Buyuan.

Fang Buyuan said immediately: "Weichen also thought of this, so before coming back, weichen went to some of the larger inns in the city, and there were not a large number of outsiders settled in."

Zhu Chengxuan said: "These people are just ordinary people, and they may not be able to live in a big inn after a long journey to the capital. You can go to some small inns beside the city to check."

Fang Buyuan said: "Weichen understands, weichen immediately ordered."

Nan Yan frowned and said, "I'm afraid this may not be necessary."


Both of them looked at her, and Zhu Chengxuan said softly: "What does the mother mean?"

South Yandao: "The Dixian Club really wants to fight the court. We may not be wary of us checking out their entrances, or even searching for their people throughout the city. If you live in an inn and your goal is too obvious, you will be easily I found it out."

Zhu Chengxuan and Fang Buyuan looked at each other and whispered, "That's right."

Fang Buyuan murmured, "But this is even more strange. Where can so many people live?"


"A team of nearly 1,000 people, no matter what, it will definitely attract attention."

For a time, they were all in trouble.

After thinking about it for a while, Nan Yan said, "In short, let people go and search the city first. Don't be afraid to alarm the people. At this time, controlling these people is the most important thing."

Fang Buyuan said: "Weichen understands."

Nan Yan said again: "By the way, the Jinyiwei you sent-Tao Jianbai, is he really killed? Did not leave a clue?"

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