Nan Yan said again: "By the way, the Jinyiwei you sent-Tao Jianbai, is he really killed? Did not leave a clue?"

When mentioning this, Fang Buyuan's expression fell.

He whispered: "Although I didn't see the corpse, blood was seen where the problem was found. I'm afraid it will be more unfortunate."

As he said, he lowered his head.

Nan Yan frowned as she listened, and sighed lowly for a long while.

Said: "When this matter is over, explain his family well, don't chill his family's heart."

Fang Buyuan said: "Don't worry, Empress."

After speaking, he raised his head to look at Nan Yan again, showing a hesitant expression. Nan Yan saw him like this and said, "What's wrong? Is there any clue?"

Fang Buyuan said, "I don't know, is it a clue."


"Weichen waited to search the entrance of the hall last night, and went to the room Tao Jianbai stayed in temporarily. Of course, all his things had been cleaned up, leaving no substantive clues, but there was one this-- "

With that said, he took something out of his sleeve and held it in front of Nan Yan.

Nan Yan hurriedly took a look.

It is a cluster of bamboo leaves.

Nan Yan took a look, then raised his head to look at Fang Buyuan, only to see Fang Buyuan said: "There is really nothing in Tao Jianbai's room. Weichen just saw this bamboo leaf at the door when he was leaving."


"Weichen asked people to check in and out of the hall. They didn't plant bamboo, so this bamboo leaf..."

Having said that, he himself smiled bitterly.

This clue can be said to be minimal.

Even if there is no bamboo planting at the entrance of the hall, there are many places for growing bamboo in the capital. No matter where a piece of bamboo comes from, it is not surprising that it falls at Tao Jianbai’s door; or, there are people coming and going, who It is possible to live in a place with bamboo and bring a piece of it.

And the people who brought the bamboo leaves may be just their ordinary believers.

This cluster of bamboo leaves really tells nothing.

However, they checked so many halls and there was no clue. This cluster of bamboo leaves was the only place that could be called "strange", so he brought it back.

Seeing his somewhat depressed expression, Nan Yan probably also knew that they should have found nothing, so they could only seize the thing that could barely be called a "clue".

So he said, "Well, let's keep this first."


Fang Buyuan said: "Weichen plans to continue to take people to search in the city, so he retires."

Nan Yan nodded.

Fang Buyuan turned around and walked away. As soon as he walked to the door, he stopped and walked back to Nan Yan's face. He whispered, "Niang, the inner and outer nine doors are closed, although the connection between the inner city and the outer city can be isolated. , So that they could not communicate with each other inside and outside, but when the ministers left the outer city, they had already seen many ordinary people gathered at the city gate, very dissatisfied."


"Weichen is worried that if this continues, I'm afraid it will arouse public resentment in a few days."


"Manny and Your Highness, we must prepare early."

The preparation he was talking about was nothing else, he was already preparing to suppress those who caused civil disturbances.

After all, even if it wasn't the Dixian Hui at this time, even if ordinary people rioted, they would give the Lai people outside the city a chance.

Hearing his words, Nan Yan's expression became more gloomy.

She said: "My palace knows, go down and work."

"Weichen retired."

After speaking, he left.

Zhu Chengxuan watched Fang Buyuan's back disappear outside the door, then turned his head, and saw Nan Yan staring at the cluster of bamboo leaves with frowning brows, as if he was still thinking about something, and said softly, "Manny, this bamboo leaf can Any clues?"


Nan Yan gave a wry smile: "My palace doesn't know."

It's like there will be a little dirt in front of anyone's house. Who can make it clear, who will follow the dirt, and which wind will blow it away.

She just said: "Let me think about it again."

Zhu Chengxuan gave a hum, then stood up and said, "Then, I'll go back first. There are still some memorials to be approved."

Nan Yan nodded and said, "Don't forget, use blue batches."

Zhu Chengxuan said: "Don't worry, Empress, don't dare to forget this."

After speaking, he bowed out and went out.


The streets in the capital are different from the past, and are much quieter.

Since the nine doors inside and outside were closed, and with the curfew at night, everyone knew that something major had happened in the palace. Some timid people stayed at home, and even many shops were closed.

Everyone can't get out, can't get in, it's okay, those who are in trouble wish to stay at the gate of the city twelve hours a day, hoping that an order can come and open the gate so that they can get in and out smoothly.

In the afternoon, many people gathered at the east gate of Beiyuan.

Seeing that the city gate was closed again, a few tall people yelled at the soldiers who defended the city, saying that they were arbitrarily and arbitrarily ignoring the suffering of the people, and the people around them were all applauded.

There were also some courageous, who accompanied them to scold the soldiers who defended the city.

A few young soldiers got angry and got angry, and pulled out the knives from their waists: "What are you going to do? Rebellion!"

The ordinary people said immediately: "Why, you still want to kill us? Are you going to kill?"

Several women shouted at once: "Kill, kill!"

For a time, the surrounding community was even more exciting.

Seeing this situation, Jiang Shan, standing on the tower, wrinkled his brows, and only said: "Let people take water to pour the ground, blast all these people away, and then continue to make trouble, I am afraid that something will happen."


The soldiers next to him immediately took a few buckets of water and splashed it around, and everyone was frightened and dispersed.

A few people asked for their ignorance, so they turned and left.

Jiang Shan just walked down and said to the soldiers who drew their swords just now, saying: "I have made it clear to you that your enemy is not the common people, so you can draw your swords casually. Are you trying to force the common people against you? ?"

A few soldiers said aggrieved: "But they scolded too badly."

Jiang Shan said with a sullen face: "It just sounds bad. If it arouses people's grievances, it's not a matter of cursing. You guys, if I see you draw your swords at the people casually, I can't spare you. !"

Several people can only bow their heads and admit their mistakes: "Yes."

Seeing this, the guards around him hesitated and said, "But...sir, the people's dissatisfaction is getting worse day by day. If this goes on, things will happen sooner or later. Are we really not drawing the sword?"


Jiang Shan didn't answer this question right away, but just looked at the resentful people.

After a long sigh, he sighed.

On the second floor of a restaurant not far from the east gate of Beiyuan, a man was drinking by the window, drinking while watching the city gate.

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