Zhu Chengjun raised his head and said, "Father, my son has seen the river."

"River? What river?"

"It's just a small river."

Zhu Chengjun even said with gestures, eagerly offering treasures: "It's just a small river that flows over there. Erchen and Bieyu ran along the river for a long time, but saw that the river became smaller and thinner. I can't see it anymore."


"Father, that is Jiehe, right?"

Zhu Feng listened and looked at him with a smile: "How do you know that it is Jiehe?"

Zhu Chengjun pointed to Wen Bieyu, who was behind him and knelt down on the ground to plead guilty, and said, "Bieyu told Erchen."

Zhu Feng then raised his head and glanced at Wen Bieyu, and saw that he was kneeling on the ground with a lot of dust on his face. If it weren't for his clothes, he would look like a homeless kid. This time, the King of Han had gone so far that made the emperor and the imperial concubine worry so much. He had to get a board when he came down, so at this time, those who were pleasing to the eyebrows did not dare to gasp loudly.

Zhu Feng said: "Do you know it is Jiehe?"

Wen Bieyu lowered his head and said softly, "I saw it when I was a child."

Zhu Feng recalled the words of the previous guide Assu, that the boundary river often diverted around here, and heard that it had flowed underground recently, and it was what they saw.

Zhu Chengjun said eagerly: "Erchen also saw a lot of small animals in the river. There are wolves, foxes, and rabbits."

Zhu Feng said: "Aren't you afraid?"

Zhu Chengjun shook his head: "Erchen and Erchen's horses are so much larger than them, Erchen is not afraid."

Zhu Feng couldn't help but laugh.

Zhu Chengjun said again: "Erchen originally wanted to catch a rabbit back, but I didn't expect that the rabbit ran so fast. The son would chase it and was kicked by it. It hurts."

Zhu Feng said: "Don't underestimate the rabbit, you can kick the eagle in a hurry."

Zhu Chengjun said loudly: "I remember, the father said before that the rabbit kicking the eagle is an offense, and the weak beats the strong. If you are at a disadvantage in battle, you have to learn how to kick the eagle."

A little smile appeared on Zhu Feng's face.

Just about to praise him, he heard someone coughing coldly next to him. Turning his head, Nan Yan stared at them with a cold face. He immediately sank his face and said with a serious face: "You know it again, you know it again. How, should your mother and concubine worry so much?"

Zhu Chengjun stuck out his tongue and whispered softly: "Erchen knew it was wrong."

Zhu Feng said: "You told me it's useless. Now your mother is still in anger, and even I was complained just now. You can talk to me. Don't make your mother and concubine amused, you will spend the night here today."

When Zhu Chengjun heard this, he knelt down and ran to Nan Yan, holding her in a small voice and said in a low voice: "Mother concubine, Erchen knows you are wrong, so please spare Erchen."

Nan Yanqi raised his head and glared at Zhu Feng.

She knew at a glance that Zhu Feng was definitely not angry at all, and didn't plan to punish the child, but because of the lack of face, she threw it on herself and let herself be a villain.

A person who used to be so clear about rewards and punishments now sings with a pale face.

It's really annoying!

Although he felt angry, Nan Yan didn't want to let this incident go lightly, so he still had to shock the child so that he would not run wild in the future. So he said, "You are not allowed to eat dinner today. After you go back, copy the "Disciple Guidance" fifty times before going to bed. Wen Bieyu, you can't escape with those twenty boards!"

Wen Bieyu kowtowed immediately: "Yes."

Zhu Chengjun could only hold his mouth and stood up aggrieved. Zhu Feng on the side heard her doing this and couldn't help frowning and sighing, but Nan Yan's eyes went wide and he couldn't say anything.

Chen Zixiao on the side looked at them, and after a while, he came forward and whispered: "My lord, if it's almost dark today, let's go back earlier."

Zhu Feng looked back, but no, only the last edge of the sunset hung on the ground in the distance.

So he nodded.

Chen Zixiao immediately greeted everyone on their horses and escorted the emperor and noble concubine back to the city with His Royal Highness of Han. In order to find the King of Han, he mobilized more than half of the people and horses in the captain's mansion. This was a huge momentum, and the ground was slightly shaken by the shaking of horseshoes. Tremor, when returning to Han Dongwei, someone in the city had already picked up a lantern with a lantern, and they soon returned to the captain's mansion.

As soon as I arrived at the door, I saw a few people running out of the brightly lit captain's mansion. As soon as I saw Chen Zixiao riding a horse at the forefront of the team, he immediately ran over: "My lord! My lord!"

Chen Zixiao immediately stopped his horse, frowned and said, "What's the matter?"

The few people were about to talk when they suddenly saw the emperor and the imperial concubine behind, they swallowed the words again, their expressions were very ugly. Seeing this situation, Zhu Feng paced forward with his horse shaking the reins, and looked at the few people and said, "Why don't you speak? If you see me, I won't say anything? You know this is the crime of deceiving the king?"

The few people suddenly turned pale and kowtow again and again: "The emperor forgive the sin, the emperor forgive the sin."

Zhu Feng looked up again, and saw that the remaining guards in the captain's mansion were busy inside and out. As if something really happened, he asked, "What happened?"

Chen Zixiao also said, "Quickly speak."

One of them swallowed, then bit his scalp and trembled and said, "Go back to the emperor, back to Lord Chen, yes, there is a prisoner, and ran away."

Chen Zixiao asked: "What's the matter?"

"Today, according to the adult's order, the villain waited at the water cell to interrogate a few prisoners, but he didn't ask anything. When the door was handed over, suddenly a prisoner rushed out of the cage and the jailer ran away badly. Now, the villain is waiting for someone to chase after him, but—"

"But what?"

"However, the prisoner robbed the horse, and took advantage of the shortage of manpower in the captain's mansion, so he ran away."

After hearing this, Chen Zixiao immediately turned over on horseback, turned around and knelt in front of Zhu Feng, and said: "Weichen deserves ten thousand deaths."

Zhu Feng squinted his eyes and said, "A good dungeon, with so many people locked up, how did you let that person run away? Who is it?"

The jailer whispered: "It is the prisoners of the Eastern Chasmanship that Mr. Chen captured yesterday. The emperor made an order to interrogate the older one. He did not expect that he had somehow hidden an iron needle in his body and went back. The door lock."

Zhu Feng said: "So, he ran away?"

"No, he didn't run."

"He didn't run?"

"Yes, his injury was so severe that he couldn't run away at all. He opened the cell and released the person who was in the cell with him, that is, his son."


Nan Yan rode a horse and stopped behind him. At this moment, he only frowned slightly.

Zhu Feng was quiet for a while, then looked at these people who were kneeling in front of them with their faces like golden paper, coldly shaking the reins to let the horse go forward, leaving a sentence—

"Go down and lead yourself."

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