Even if the emperor’s words were just what he wanted, it would be thunder and rain to the people below. So, he gave the order and all the people in the captain's mansion were attacked by military sticks. It was dark and they could still be heard from the corner gate The muffled sound and screams from outside.

Nan Yan took Zhu Chengjun and the others into it, all wishing to cover his son's ears.

By the way, Zhu Chengjun walked in, looked back, and asked softly: "Mother concubine, why did the father beat those people?"

Before Nan Yan could answer, Zhu Feng, who walked in front with his hands behind his back, said lightly: "Because they didn't do their job well, they should fight."

"What's in it?"

"Yes, in life, you always have your own responsibilities. Some responsibilities are given to you by God, and some responsibilities are given to you by your superiors. If you don't do well in the responsibilities God gives you, your life will be worthless. , God punishes you; if you don't do well the duties assigned to you by your superiors, then this is the end."

Zhu Chengjun blinked and raised his head to look at his father's tall back: "Then, what is the duty of the father and son?"

Upon hearing this, Zhu Feng stopped and glanced back at him.

The child has jumped up a lot recently, but in front of him, there is still a small one. When he looked at him with wide eyes, he wanted a dog to listen to training.

He smiled and said: "You are the prince, supported by the people, but this is not obtained for no reason. In times of crisis, you have to protect your people. This is the duty of the prince."

Zhu Chengjun said: "Kerchen, how should your son protect those people?"

Zhu Feng smiled and said: "You are still young, now is the time to learn."


"When you finish your studies, you will know it naturally."

Zhu Chengjun tilted his head thoughtfully for a while, and then nodded softly: "Children will learn."

When he returned to the inner courtyard, Nan Yan ordered the people to take Han Wang back to rest, and also whispered softly. After Wen Bieyu came back from the board and prepared some medicine for him, then he followed Zhu Feng back to their room.

As soon as he entered the door, Zhu Feng took off his clothes.

The two of them ran outside for a whole day today. Although the weather looked good, the wind and sand were still very big, and there was dust in their hair and body. Nan Yan took the clothes and helped him hang them up, so they immediately prepared hot water. , Both of them took a bath before coming back refreshingly.

At this time, the sky was completely dark.

The screams outside gradually subsided. Xiao Shunzi walked back and stood outside the door, reporting: "The emperor, all the people in the captain's mansion have been punished. What else does the emperor have?"

Zhu Feng waved his hand: "Go down."


After speaking, Xiao Shunzi also took someone to leave, and the night was immediately quiet.

Nan Yan was holding a fan while fanning the wind, and walked to the bed and sat down. Seeing Zhu Feng sitting on the bedside, she did not know if she was enjoying the cold or what she was doing. She half-squinted her eyes and looked very comfortable. She was right. He slapped him gently twice and said, "The emperor?"

Zhu Feng didn't open his eyes, but said "um".

Nanyan Road: "Didn't the emperor deliberately let a prisoner go and find a way to find a place where they can supplement water and food?"


"Then, now it's the right thing for people to run away, why do you still punish the people below?"

Zhu Feng opened a ray of eyes, took a look at her, and said, "Make a play and make a full set."

Nanyan Road: "Everyone has already run away, who will the emperor show this play to?"

Zhu Feng curled a corner of his lips and said with a smile: "I have someone who should see it."

Nan Yan frowned slightly.

She originally thought that she had figured out what Zhu Feng wanted to do this time, but she did not expect that what Zhu Feng did was far from what she thought.

She asked again: "Also, why is that son running?"

Zhu Feng looked at her with a smile but a smile: "What's the matter?"

Nan Yan said: "Didn't the emperor say before that he wants to let the father be?"

Zhu Feng smiled and said, "I never said that."


Nan Yan frowned again, and when I thought about it again, I found out that when I talked to him about this matter yesterday, I asked him if he wanted to let his father go. Zhu Feng really didn't respond to this sentence, only said she It’s a little bit of progress, but not enough.

In other words, I guessed that he was going to release people, but wrongly guessed who he was going to release.

Nan Yan said: "But isn't it better to let the father be better than the son?"

Zhu Feng was also a little tired at this time, yawned, and said, "Why do you say that?"


Hearing his question, Nan Yan realized that he shouldn't have said this sentence.

In fact, most of the truths in the world are like this. Everyone knows it, but they can't say it. Father-son affection is indeed father-son affection, but many people know who is more affectionate for whom.

For example, there are tomb robbers among the people, usually two people go to the ground to rob a hole, one person goes down to get the treasure, one person picks up the treasure from the top, but often after the person above picks up the treasure from the person below , Seeing Cai's intention, he will be murdered, cut the rope to seal the hole, and swallow the treasure by himself.

Later, the two in the line became father and son.

And the thief must be the son.

This is because if the father goes down, the son may be guilty, but if the son goes down, the father is reluctant to harm his own flesh and blood. This is human nature, but it reveals a faint cruelty.

Therefore, Nan Yan thought that he would let his father go, because as long as his son was still here, his father would definitely come back and rescue his child. Then, it was like a thread held in their hands. It's supernatural powers, and can't get rid of it.

But this time, it was the son who ran.

It is very likely that the son will go forever. In this way, wouldn't they work for nothing?

Nan Yan didn't dare to make it clear, because this kind of truth would only be more clear in the royal family.

In history, there are too many princes and princes who murdered their fathers for the throne, Nan Yan dare not say, it is because Zhu Feng now has a prince, and she gave him a Han king, how dare she be in front of him? Say this.

Seeing her hesitating, Zhu Feng sneered.

Nan Yan whispered: "The emperor..."

Zhu Feng said coldly: "Don't think that you understand, I live so old, isn't it as much as you have seen in the world?"

Nan Yan lowered his head.

Zhu Feng didn't seem to want to talk more about this issue, because this issue had made him a little upset, so he grabbed the fan from Nan Yan's hand, and slapped it with him several times, Nan Yan hurriedly Softly said: "Come on, concubine."

After speaking, he gently took back the fan and fanned him.

After watching Zhu Feng's face recover as usual, she asked softly: "The emperor, let your son go, are you really afraid that he won't come back?"

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