Zhu Feng said with a dumb voice: "As expected of my son."

Hearing his voice was not only hoarse, but also gave a trace of tremor, but the whole person was a little woody, as if the words just asked from Wen Wuyu's mouth were really just crazy things, without any value. Nan Yan watched from the sidelines, feeling a little heavier.

She thought about it, and stepped forward and said softly: "Don't disturb your father, take care of your injury."

Zhu Chengjun said obediently: "Yes."

After finishing speaking, he obediently curled up again on the bed.

Nan Yan walked in front of Zhu Feng again.

Although he looked calm, and when he talked to his son, he was so gentle and unbelievable, but Nan Yan saw his twinkling eyes at a glance, and he had never been so vulnerable. Nan Yan thought for a while, stretched out his hand and held one of his hands, feeling that his fingertips were as cold as ice, and then squeezed it in his palm a little harder, and then said softly: "The emperor, the emperor has been there for a while. All night, I went into battle again to kill the enemy. I must be very tired. Let go of the situation here beforehand. Anyway, the person is still here. The emperor can find out everything he wants to check. Now, let’s go to rest with the concubine, okay?"


Zhu Feng didn't speak, but was silent for a long time with his head down before he looked up at her.

The two looked at each other quietly for a while.

He nodded slightly: "Yeah."

So, Nan Yan was like a mother leading the child, leading him out of the tent by the hand, and the attendants outside immediately came up, and a tent was set up for the emperor and concubines to rest nearby. So Nan Yan took him in.

Here, it is no different from the previous two tents.

It is still a bed made up of stools. The bed is covered with a thicker felt than the old Guojiu and Wen Bieyu just now. In addition, there is also a table with some simple tea on it, and Two bowls of hot soup.

In the air, there was a little scent of rice soup.

Nan Yan realized that since they came here yesterday to prepare for the battle, they hadn’t eaten anything, not even a drop of water. Until now, people are about to soften. If it weren’t for such a thing Support, I'm afraid it really can't be supported.

So Nan Yan took Zhu Feng to the bed and sat down, turned around to get hot soup for him to drink.

But as soon as she turned around, her hand was caught.

Looking back, Zhu Feng was sitting on the side of the bed. Although there was still no expression on his face, his whole person was as calm as a wasteland without wind and rain, with a barren breath, but his hand held her tightly. Yes, I seem to be afraid that if I let go, I will lose her.

Will lose a lot.

His fingers trembled unnoticeably.

Nan Yan thought for a while, then simply walked back, knelt down and looked up at him: "The emperor..."


"Did the emperor think of something, or did he want to tell his concubine?"

Zhu Feng did not speak, but the hand holding her hand became harder and the tremor became more obvious.

Nan Yan took a deep breath.

She knew that if Zhu Feng was like this, if it had not discovered some terrible truth from Wen Wuyu's crazy words, it was another more terrifying thing - his memory had been touched.

Every time, when his lost memory is touched, he will do so.

If it had been a few years ago, Nan Yan would have died in a panic.

But at the moment, although she is also worried, she is not in a panic. Because of Xue Yun's relationship, the poison in Zhu Feng's body has been solved. When he is touched by the memory, he will no longer go crazy like he did in the past. On the contrary, he can calm down. , And even face it sensibly.

But, calm down to calm, reason to reason.

Pain is another matter.

Looking at him like this, I am afraid that he is suffering from his heart.

Nan Yan leaned into his arms, clasped his hand with his backhand, and reached out with the other hand to gently caress his chin, his thin cheeks, and his drooping eyes, and said softly: "If you don't want to If you say it, if the emperor wants to say it, he can tell his concubine. Anyway, the concubine is always there.


Zhu Feng was silent for a while.

He still didn't speak, but he used a little force with his hands to drag Nan Yan into his arms, hugged her hard, and then slowly lay down on the bed, burying his face in Nan Yan's shoulders.

A warm breath sprayed on Nan Yan's neck, itchy and crisp.

But Nan Yan didn't struggle, instead, after thinking for a while, he hugged the man in his arms even harder with his backhand.

Zhu Feng, from the first time she appeared in front of her, it was like a big mountain. Over the years, the mountain has become more and more majestic, but at this moment, when holding him tightly, Nan Yan suddenly felt that, In fact, he really lost a lot of weight. Although he also knew that his body was not as good as before, but when he touched the high raised spine of his back and felt his thin waist, Nan Yan realized that he might be better than I need human protection even more.

Nan Yan gently stroked his back and said softly: "I am here, I have been there."

Zhu Feng hugged her hard, and after a long time, he said, "They, took the child away."


Nan Yan was a little inexplicable, she didn't understand these words.

Zhu Feng's throat choked again before he said, "Wen Wuyu said, the child who lost his mother--not Wen Bieyu."

Nan Yan nodded: "I know."

Of course it’s not Wen Bieyu. Wen Wuyu should have been stimulated by something. He thought of that year in a daze, and the unconscious Wen Bieyu might be someone in his vague memory, that is, the one he was talking about. The son of a woman killed by Uncle Guo.

Zhu Feng said: "They took him away."


"Yes, they."

Zhu Feng's voice was even more hoarse, as if it came from the bottom of his heart: "That is, uncle..."


"The uncle killed a woman and took a child away."

Hearing this, Nan Yan's heart suddenly slammed.

She just recovered somewhat.

The old uncle killed a woman and took a child away.

No matter who the woman is, but the child--

Will it be Lao Guo's uncle's child?

Just thinking about it, Nan Yan immediately denied his idea. She had heard that the old uncle's wife died of illness in the imperial city that year and was not killed here, so the child would not be Chen Zixiao or Chen Yiliu. And Chen Xuan, although he looks like an old country uncle, he is not at the right age. He was at most a baby in China. Since Wen Wuyu recognized Wen Bieyu as that child, at least that The child was about ten years old.

Around ten years old...

Nan Yan's breathing suddenly choked.

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