Around ten years old...

Nan Yan's breath suddenly choked, and her voice trembled: "The emperor..."

But before she finished her words, she felt that Zhu Feng's two iron-like arms held her tighter, and she almost couldn't breathe. She didn't struggle, she was very obedient, and softly approached him. .

After a while, I heard Zhu Feng say in his ear: "Don't talk, sleep with me for a while."


"I am tired."

Nan Yan really didn't say anything anymore, holding him in one hand, and gently stroking his slightly jagged back with the other, as if calming a cat who was homeless in a rainy night.

But outside, it was still pouring rain, as if to overturn the whole earth.

In this day when it was originally not calm, even in the bottom of the people’s heart, it was a dark tide, and something as earth-shattering as this weather occurred. Although this event is enough to be remembered in the Yan Kingdom, it should also be remembered in the history of the country. The people in it didn't seem to be affected much by this incident.

In this way, Zhu Feng was similar to sleeping curled up on a short bed, sleeping in Nan Yan's arms.

When he opened his eyes again, the day passed.

All day, the people on the wasteland did not see a ray of sunshine. Even at noon, the sky was similar to the old twilight, which made many people confused, but in the evening-of course, at that time, the whole It was dark as midnight on the wasteland, and everyone felt the shaking of the mountain, as if the world was really overturned by this heavy rain.

Zhu Feng also woke up at this time.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I felt warmth. Nan Yan was lying on the bedside, holding him in his arms, like a child.

However, this "child" is really too big.

Seeing him wake up, Nan Yan said softly: "The emperor is awake?"


Zhu Feng was quiet for a while before he let out an "um" sound from his dry throat. He immediately felt that his throat was as uncomfortable as a knife scrape. He couldn't help coughing twice, and then asked, "What's wrong?"

Nan Yan also raised his head and glanced at the tent that was still trembling above his head.

Whispered softly: "I don't know what's wrong, it feels like the tent is shaking."


"Is the emperor going to sleep for a while? Or do I have something to eat first? The concubine asked them to make hot porridge."


Zhu Feng was ignorant for a while. He was obviously still tired, but he knew that he couldn't sleep anymore, so he raised his hand and rubbed his sticky eyelids.

With this movement, I felt a slight soreness all over the body.

Nan Yan said: "The emperor had a fever during the day, and now he finally retreats. Is there anything else uncomfortable?"

Zhu Feng frowned: "I have a fever?"

"Yes, it's not serious. The military doctor prescribes a medicine, but the concubine sees the emperor and is afraid that she can't eat it, so she put it on for the time being, and let the emperor take a good rest for a day."

Nan Yan said as he stretched out his hand to touch his forehead, and smiled somewhat relievedly: "Fortunately, the fever is gone."

Zhu Feng sighed: "I don't know."


"It's a shame that I will get sick too."

His body is healthy and healthy. In addition to injuries, he has rarely suffered from any illnesses over the years, but he did not expect that this time, he would have a fever after being exposed to the rain all night. If he fell in his mouth before, he would be ridiculed for a while.

Nan Yan helped him sit up and said softly, "What's so shameful? Even if the emperor is the emperor, he is also a mortal. How can mortals not be vulnerable? How can they not get sick? The emperor should not be too harsh on himself. ."

Zhu Feng was still a little confused in his heart.

But when she heard this, she felt a burst of refreshment in her chest, as if the stale breath that had accumulated for a long time had been cleared away.

He smiled at Nan Yan: "You."

After speaking for a while, he became more sober, and immediately raised his head and glanced at the tent roof that had gradually calmed down, thought about it, and asked, "When is it now?"

"It's too late."

"Is there any news from White Tiger City?"

Nan Yan originally thought that after waking up, he was afraid that he would be indulging in the old uncle's incident, but he did not expect that he seemed to ask outside news as if it had never happened.

However, she could understand more or less.

That incident has been lingering pain in Zhu Feng’s life for decades, and he has become accustomed to that pain; besides, now everything is just his inference. Before he gets a definite truth, he is indulging in this. The pain is indeed unwise.

And Zhu Feng was never a confused emperor.

So Nan Yan said: "The concubine has asked several times, and there is no news yet."


Zhu Feng's brows wrinkled.

South Yandao: "But don't worry, the emperor, Baihu City is so far away from here, even if it is a beacon spreading a letter, it takes a cup of tea. Wait and see."

As she said, she reached out and took the bowl of soup medicine on the table. As soon as it was completely cold, she handed it to someone outside to let it heat up. After a while, the medicine was heated up. Zhu Feng took the bowl and exuded a strong bitter taste. The medicine was given without frowning the eyebrows. Nan Yan smiled bitterly and took the empty bowl, took out a handkerchief and wiped the corner of his mouth, then asked, "What can the emperor want to eat?"

Zhu Feng shook his head and asked, "Where is my uncle? Are you awake?"

Nanyan Road: "Heyi is still trying to find a way, but now it seems—"

Zhu Feng's face slowly sank.

Nan Yan whispered: "The emperor..."

Sitting on the bed, Zhu Feng's eyes that were a little red because of the fever looked particularly bright at this time, but they were also particularly helpless. He was quiet for a while, and said with a wry smile: "In my life, do I really want to Not even a single truth?"

Nan Yan hurriedly said: "I believe that God won't treat the emperor like this."

Zhu Feng smiled bitterly again, and said: "Now, one thing in my heart is Baihucheng and the other is my uncle. It depends on which one God has allowed."

Nan Yan looked at him, feeling as bitter as his mouth.

Zhu Feng has always believed only in himself, only by himself, never asked God's will, but this time, he said which one to look at God Yun, probably, it was really enough tortured over the years.

She thought for a while, and smiled: "How can the emperor be confused, the emperor is the emperor, can the emperor refuse to allow things that the emperor wants?"

Zhu Feng glanced at her with a smile.

Said: "I just said that I am a mortal, but now that I am the emperor, there is no guarantee in your mouth, right?"

Nan Yan was also cheeky, and said with a smile: "How can I make the emperor happy, what my concubine can say."

Zhu Feng smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Nan Yan knew that he might not be able to completely comfort him if he intervened in this way, so he said softly: "Don't worry, the emperor, let's not talk about it, just say this battle-such a difficult battle, the emperor will win. A heavy rain that hasn't been seen in the northwest for hundreds of years is now coming down. Isn’t this just doing everything and getting the fate? What else does the emperor worry about?"

Zhu Feng said: "Do you think that if the battle is won and the rain comes down, White Tiger City will be able to do what we want?"

"if not?"


Zhu Feng smiled bitterly and shook his head again, and said, "Just tell you, we only watch this rain, but it's one thing to let the dam built by the people from the upper reaches of the river burst and let the underground river flow back. The barrier bursts and the underground river flows back, but whether the troops led by Ajislan can go back at the most suitable time is another matter."

When Nan Yan listened, he recovered a little.

"The timing of their return is wrong, will it affect?"

"of course,"

Zhu Feng said patiently: "If you go back early, they might find the underground river overflows and they will definitely escape from the city; if they go back late, I don't need to say anything."

Nan Yan realized that there was such a big mystery here.

She couldn't help becoming nervous too.

Holding the medicine bowl where Zhu Feng had finished drinking the medicine in one hand, he kept kneading in his hand, muttering: "It will definitely succeed, it will definitely be possible!"

Zhu Feng glanced at her. Just as he was about to say something, there was a sound of horseshoes from the sound of rain outside the account, from far to near, and finally stopped not far from their tent.

Both of them woke up for a while and looked at each other.

After a while, I heard the voice of Xiao Shunzi at the door trembling and saying: "The emperor, the emperor, the empress, Master Chen is back!" Upon hearing this, Zhu Feng immediately turned over and got off the bed.

But after all he was ill for a day, and water and rice did not touch his teeth. At this time, he was very weak. As soon as his feet fell on the ground, he felt dizzy, and he almost fell back to the bed. Nan Yan's eyes and hands quickly supported him, softly Said: "Is the emperor okay?"

Zhu Feng was so weak that he took a few breaths.

He probably also knew that he was not easy to meet people like this, so he whispered in Nan Yan's ear: "Help me rationalize."

Nan Yan shook his head, helped him sit aside, and trimmed his messy clothes and some hairy sideburns, then raised his head to the door and said, "Let Chen Zixiao come in."

After a while, Chen Zixiao walked in heavy with rain and mud all over.

"Meet the emperor, and meet the imperial concubine."

Although Nan Yan was very anxious in his heart, but at this time, he just stood aside obediently holding the empty medicine bowl, Zhu Feng coughed and cleared his throat twice, and asked, "How is the situation in Baihucheng? ?"

Chen Zixiao took a deep breath, then raised his head to look at Xiang Zhu Feng.

He followed the old country uncle who was a monk since he was a child, and only became an official after he grew up. He has always been in a state of joy and anger. Even if he is facing Zhu Feng, he doesn't talk much.

But at this time, when he raised his head, Nan Yan saw a kind of endless joy from the muddy face.

He took a deep breath, and said, "The emperor, it's done!"

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