Knowing that they could go out to play in the city, everyone was excited for one night. They got up early the next day. Nan Yan had just finished grooming when he heard a thumping knock on the door outside. The tidy heart has calmed down.

She was wearing a goose-yellow skirt, which was the most simple of all clothes. There were only some embroidery on the corners of the clothes, and her hair was combed very simply. She wore two woollen flowers. She was so pretty and bright, and she was very lovely.

Nan Yan smiled and said, "Why did you get up so early today?"

Mammy smiled and said, "His Royal Highness woke up just after 90 minutes. It took a long time for the slaves to persuade them to go back to sleep again. Now they don't want to sleep anymore."

Nan Yan smiled and led her in.

Xinping was so excited that she kept tapping her feet and said, "Mother, hurry up!"

On the other side, Zhu Feng was sitting beside the bed and just got dressed, and said, "What are you urging? Go out of the palace without having breakfast, do you want to faint on the road?"

Xinping stuck out his tongue, and said cautiously, "Royal Father."

Zhu Feng walked over to look at her, with a smile that could not be hidden from the corners of his eyes and brows, and said, "Well, I really grew up."

Xinping smiled at him hehe.

When they finished washing up, the imperial kitchen brought breakfast, and Xinping ate some with her parents, but she was also absent-minded while eating, and kept holding the bowl and turned to look at the sky outside, for fear Time has passed and I can't go out to play.

Seeing her like this, Zhu Feng had no choice but to have breakfast and take them out.

On the other side, Concubine Yi also brought Yong Ping neatly dressed, followed by Ming Xin, who was already standing at the gate of Nangong waiting.

Yifei and Yongping also changed into casual clothes.

Zhu Feng walked over and looked at them up and down, Yong Ping was also dressed in pink and jade, Concubine Yi was wearing a long purple coat, her hair was neatly combed, but she brought a few more jewelry, and said: " They are all out to climb the mountain, what are you doing in such a grand dress?"

Concubine Yi immediately said: "Then, the concubines have taken them."

Nan Yan said from the side: "It doesn't have to be, the emperor looks like a rich man, why can't we dress better. We can't pretend to be peasant women to climb the mountain, we don't look alike."

Zhu Feng glared at her.

But he couldn't help laughing. He waved his hand and let everyone get on the carriage. Nan Yan looked back when he got into the carriage. This time, the commander of Jin Yiwei who accompanied him this time was Fang Buyuan, and he didn't see Fan Yingyi.

She turned around and got into the car.

Fortunately, the time to go out was early, and they had a smooth journey on the road, but when they arrived at the West City Gate, it was already crowded, and all the people in the city went out of the city to go to the West Mountain from here, and along the way, I could hear non-stop laughter and laughter outside the carriage. float in.

Xinping has been lying beside the bed to lift the curtain to look out.

Concubine Yi said softly, "Heart calm, don't look outside, you are a dignified princess, how can you let people see you casually?"

Nan Yan laughed aside and said, "What are you afraid of? We have to climb the mountain later. How many people can see her. Since we are traveling in micro-clothing today, there are not so many rules."

When Yi Fei heard this, she did not stop her anymore.

This time, Yongping also followed his sister and looked out the window, watching the people who passed by put on new clothes, everyone's face was full of smiles, and there were red dogwoods on their clothes and hair, especially nice.

Yong Ping said loudly: "I want too!"

Just outside the carriage, a pair of young women who seemed to be sisters-in-law passed by, one was holding her hair, the other had not yet left the court. Although she was wearing a cloth skirt, her smile was also very beautiful. The older one smiled and said: " Ah yo, what a beautiful little girl, come, I'll give it to you."

After speaking, she stretched her arms and inserted a dogwood into her bun.

Concubine Yi frowned slightly. She was still holding it up, and she didn't want her daughter to be so close to ordinary people, but Nan Yan gently shook her head at her, motioning her not to be angry, and then smiled. : "Thank you for this little aunt."

Yongping said softly, "Thank you, Auntie."

The two sisters-in-law smiled and continued to walk forward.

Nan Yan turned back to Concubine Yi and said softly: "Since you are traveling in micro-clothing, you must have fun with the people, and you don't have to look too closely, there are people around Jinyiwei who are protecting you. Let Yongping see more and gain insights. Nothing wrong."

Concubine Yi listened, and saw Yongping suddenly laughing into Xinping's arms, pointing to her hair and saying, "Sister, look, does it look good?"

Xinping twisted her face and said, "Ouch, it's so pretty!"

Concubine Yi also smiled and nodded, "That's right."

Their carriage walked for a while, and when they reached the foot of the mountain, they could no longer go forward, so Zhu Feng jumped off the carriage in front and continued to walk up the mountain with the group of them. Xishan is not far from the city, and there is a temple on the top of the mountain. Many people come and go to offer incense, so the mountain road is paved with large and clean bluestone slabs, and one ladder after another gradually extends straight into the white clouds.

On weekdays, there are not many people on the mountain road, but today, almost one after another.

Fortunately, Zhu Feng pretended to be a rich man, and was accompanied by a group of maids and family members. These people walked beside them and quietly separated the ordinary people from them. Because they are well-dressed, they should be either rich or expensive, so they all avoid them.

After walking for more than half a day, I finally reached the top of the mountain.

The place is even more crowded, and there is almost no place to go.

Zhu Feng reached out and took a bunch of cornel from Xiao Shunzi's hand, and gave each of them one, and then saw that the little daughter had already inserted one on her head, and said with a smile: "Well, it looks good, I will also put one for Xinping. "

A bunch of red dogwoods were placed on Xinping's head, which made her lips redder and whiter and more charming.

She smiled and jumped in front of Ming Xin: "Hey, little monk, do I look good?"

Mingxin lowered his head and said, "Amitabha."

Yongping also leaned over to him and pointed at himself: "What about me?"

Ming Xin smiled and said, "Xiaodian—Miss is naturally good."

Yongping asked, "Is it the best in the world?"

Mingxin smiled and said, "Yes."

Zhu Feng looked at them from the side, and suddenly said: "Okay, what are you messing with. Go over there and see the scenery."

He pointed to the platform in front which was the most open place outside the temple gate. There was a half-person-high stone fence at the front. Standing there, he could overlook most of the scenery of Jinling City. The weather was not very good today, so there was no The sun is only cloudy, but it is cloudy and misty here, and standing on the platform feels a little flirtatious.

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