Xinping rushed over with three steps and two steps, leaning on the fence and looking down, she couldn't help but exclaim "Wow".

They were almost standing in the cloud and mist, looking at Jinling City in front of them. At this moment, they looked like a huge and delicate bonsai. The roads were crisscrossed, the lakes were like emerald jade, and the people inside were as thin as ants, slowly squirming. write.

Yongping also followed her to watch, and whispered, "Sister, you are really small."

Xinping said: "People are very small."

Zhu Feng walked behind the two of them and looked at the Jinling City in front of him, but remained silent.

On the other hand, Nan Yan, looking at the newly built Jinling City, seemed to have infinite emotions in her heart, she reached out and stroked the top of their heads, and said with a smile, "Of course the people are very small, but you look at the big Jinling City, isn't it? Such a small person built it slowly?"

Yongping widened his eyes in surprise: "Yes!"

Xinping looked up at his mother and concubine, and then at his father, thoughtfully.

In the fog in this place, after a while, the hair and the corners of the clothes were wet by the fog. Yi Fei was worried that the two children would catch cold, so she took the two of them to sit in a pavilion built on a rock on the other side. After resting, Nan Yan was still standing in front of the stone fence with Zhu Feng.

Zhu Feng's eyes kept looking straight ahead, as if he was looking at the scenery.

But Nan Yan knew from the look on his face that his mind had gone somewhere.

Nan Yan suddenly asked, "Who is the emperor thinking about?"

Zhu Feng glanced at her and said with a half-smile, "Master doesn't want anyone."

"I do not believe."


"Master is clearly thinking of someone like this."

Nan Yan avoided the old scholars who kept talking and laughing and walked up to see the scenery, and even recited poems. While holding Zhu Feng out of the corner of his eyes, he said, "I don't know where the fox spirit is."

Zhu Feng was so angry that he could not laugh or cry.

He wanted to reach out and hit her, but outside was no better than being in the palace. He endured for a while before gritted his teeth and said, "I see you like a fox!"

Nan Yan laughed hey hey.

The two of them watched the scenery for a while. There were too many people around, rubbing shoulders one after another, which made it a little difficult for Fang Buyuan and the others. Next to the emperor and noble concubine, Zhu Feng took Nan Yan away from the platform and walked to the pavilion where Concubine Yi and the others rested.

While walking, Nan Yan suddenly heard Zhu Feng whisper: "If I say, I'm thinking that Li is not hurt?"


Nan Yan turned to look at him in surprise.

And Zhu Feng didn't say anything, just walked forward. When Yi Fei saw them coming, she immediately got up and greeted them. Zhu Feng walked in and sat down, looked around, and said with a smile, "The scenery here is not bad."

Nan Yan also sat next to Concubine Yi and said with a smile, "It just seems like something is missing."

Zhu Feng glanced at her and said, "Would it be better for you to warm a pot of wine here and prepare two dishes of side dishes?"

Nan Yan immediately clapped her hands and smiled, "Master is right."

Concubine Yi covered her mouth and laughed, while Fang Buyuan said, "This subordinate will prepare now."

Zhu Feng said with a stern face: "It's not necessary."

Nan Yan also waved his hand and said with a smile: "Just kidding, it's good to see the scenery here, it's a big fanfare, and I'm afraid people won't know who we are."

Fang Buyuan lowered his head and stepped back.

Although they were indeed more relaxed after coming to Jinling than when they were in Peiping, especially Concubine Yi, who traveled with the emperor for the first time, saw a different world, and Zhu Feng, who looked different, became closer to Nanyan. After a while, the two of them whispered endless private conversations together, Zhu Feng ignored them, just looked at the surrounding scenery, and after a while he muttered to himself: "At this time, over there in the capital. It's time to get cold."

Concubine Yi immediately smiled and said, "Isn't that true? In a few days, all the people in the palace and the courtyards should go to collect charcoal and winter coats."

Yongping raised his head and said, "Jinling is not cold."

Concubine Yi smiled and said, "Yes, Jinling is in the south, isn't it cold?"

Nan Yandao: "But it's still cold during winter here, especially when it rains and snows, it's even colder than the heavy snow in the capital. Burning charcoal doesn't work."

Yongping turned to look at her again: "Miss Yan, where is it that it's not cold?"

Everyone was more careful. Fortunately, there was no one around the pavilion. Concubine Yi immediately reminded her not to shout indiscriminately. Nan Yan smiled and said, "Then we have to go further south, where it won't be cold in winter."

Yongping said: "Go further south, where is that?"

At this moment, Zhu Feng suddenly said: "The country of Yue."

When he said these words, for some reason, the entire pavilion was silent for a while.

Nan Yan turned to look at him, not knowing what to say for a while, but Concubine Yi immediately smiled: "Isn't it, concubine-concubine I heard that the weather over there is warm and dry, and the weather is hot and dry all year round. It's like summer."

They chatted hotly, but Xinping couldn't sit still. She saw a crooked-neck pine tree growing in front of the other side of the mountain. She had never seen such a thing before, so she was itching to go there to play. Nanyan persuaded her not to stay. He could only let Ming Xin follow, and there were two Jin Yiwei in uniform to protect him from a distance, and Xinping happily walked out of the pavilion and walked there.

Under the tree, there were a few plainly dressed travelers who looked a little dusty sitting and resting, chatting while drinking water.

A young man asked, "Brother, you don't look like locals."

The travelers said, "We came from Jiangcheng."

The young man said: "I'm afraid it's not easy to walk this way, right?"

The few travelers smiled wryly and shook their heads one after another, and one of the older ones said, "The road is still easy to walk, but something went wrong when we were about to reach Jinling, and we took a detour and almost didn't have enough dry food to eat. Really dying."

The young man said, "What's wrong?"

The older man said, "It's from the Longkou Valley. I can't go. In the future, I'm afraid I won't be able to go either."

The young man asked, "Why?"

The older man glanced around and determined that there were no other people around, only a little girl squatting under the tree to pick up pine nuts, and a little monk standing beside him, so he put his mind down and said, "I heard that the imperial court There, a village was killed, not even women and children were spared, the whole valley was dyed red, and another fire—"

The young man turned pale with fright: "Really?"

The older man whispered: "Is that still fake? The whole valley is burning red, and the cries of those people can be heard in the distance."

A traveler next to him lowered his head and said softly, "I have nightmares every day and night these days, and I just hear those people shouting grievances, so many grievances, alas..."

With a click, the pine cone in Xinping's hand fell.

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