Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 997 1004. New Job (3)

It is late September, not far from the National Day holiday.

This is another peak of tourism, and it is a big peak. Based on the experience of the past two years, the village will definitely be crowded during the National Day.

Now some signs have come out. Fisherman's Houses such as "Fisherman's Taste" and "Little Fisherman's House" are full of calls for table and room reservations. When there is still a week before the National Day, there is no room in the room.

These days are a free economic society, or more clearly, a money society. Villagers have money to make and have a bright future, so they are in a good mood and will naturally support Ao Muyang as a leader.

Therefore, when the National Day holiday is approaching, although the village is busy, everyone is happy and the village is harmonious.

During the National Day, tourists in the village and tourists in the resort will inevitably create a lot of garbage. Ao Muyang arranged for people to clean up the garbage boat in advance, and asked Ao Mudong to train the village militia. At that time, the village's public security will also be a big problem.

But the good thing is that there are many dogs in the fishing village, and the militiamen who act as security guards usually bring one or two dogs with them, which has a great deterrent effect on troublemakers.

Even the villagers know that dogs are real dogs these days, and being bitten by a dog is really a bite, but rabies vaccines are not real vaccines, so few people are willing to risk death to provoke the village security guards.

After all, tourists come to Longtou Village to have fun, not to risk their lives.

There is a lot of preparation work in the village, so Ao Muyang is quite busy, and he also has to promote the construction of a cold storage.

In this regard, Yang Shuyong helped him a lot. Wangjia Village just built a modern cold storage two years ago. He introduced the construction company and the refrigeration machine manufacturer to him. Because it was introduced by a familiar customer, it was easy to contact the construction team and the manufacturer, and the village only needed to prepare the money.

However, this work can only be carried out after the National Day. During the National Day, Longtou Village cannot be constructed, and tourists must be given the best fishing village holiday experience.

At this juncture, Li Ji gave Ao Muyang another job. He introduced a professor to visit him.

The professor's surname is Yin, and his name is Yin Zhengde. He is from the same school as him, and they are all professors at Ocean University.

Professor Yin's research direction is marine fish diversity and fish resource protection. Like Li Ji and Su Penghui, he has retired, and was later rehired by the school to teach graduate students and doctoral students.

Some time ago, the doctoral students started school, and he just took over a group of doctoral students. It happened that the central government issued a topic to Ocean University, requiring the school to make a survey report on the distribution and population of wrasse.

Wrasse is a general term for a family of fish, among which the most common is the humphead wrasse, and there are other fish. The whole family has 57 genera and about 500 species, which is very complex and widely distributed in tropical and temperate waters around the world, with the most abundant in coral reefs.

Among them, there are more than 90 species of wrasse in 29 genera in China, which also live in nearshore rocks or corals. Most of them can gather in groups and feed on mollusks. Ao Muyang knows all this because Professor Yin told him.

Hongyang is located in the temperate zone but close to the tropics, so this kind of fish can be encountered occasionally. Professor Yin specially brought students to conduct research.

However, this job cannot be done without the help of local fishermen. Professor Yin wanted to ask for help from the Fisheries Bureau. As a result, Li Ji volunteered to bring him to Ao Muyang after hearing about it.

Ao Muyang had no choice but to help him after seeing him. After all, Li Ji helped him a lot. Now that he came to ask for help, he couldn't turn him away.

Interpersonal relations are nothing more than this.

However, it is not easy to do this research project. According to Professor Yin's plan, he needs at least a quarter of time to carry out it.

Ao Muyang didn't have so much time to accompany him, so he agreed in advance that he could only assist Professor Yin and his team to go out to sea for a week. After a week, it was almost National Day, and he had to come back to preside over the work in the village.

Professor Yin is a good person like Li Ji and Su Penghui. He is very happy to know that he is willing to help, so why bother about the length of time?

If it weren't for the busy work in the village, Ao Muyang would actually be happy to cooperate with Professor Yin to carry out this project. Judging from his experience of dealing with Li Ji and Su Penghui, these old professors are real people and he can learn a lot from them.

Ao Muyang is still young, and the ocean is vast and broad. He has always wanted to conduct professional and systematic learning to understand this blue world.

Professor Yin brought five doctoral students here, one of whom is a young and beautiful female doctor with flowing hair, long legs and thin waist, delicate facial features, and great temperament.

Ao Muyang is willing to help Professor Yin because of this female doctor. He wants Lu Wuyi to have more contact with the young and beautiful female doctor, not expecting something to happen between the two of them - he is not the kind of person who would push a strange girl into the fire pit. Lu Wuyi will have to rely on his own efforts to harm a girl in the future, and Lao Ao will definitely not help.

His goal was to get Lu Wuyi to interact with more young, beautiful and elegant girls, to change his abnormal view of love, or at least to divert his attention from Yan Qingcheng, who had been harassing Yan Qingcheng recently, making Old Ao very depressed.

The female doctor was named Xiuzhi. After the two of them got to know each other better, Ao Muyang took Lu Wuyi to talk to her: "Miss Xiu, your surname is quite rare, isn't it?"

Xiuzhi nodded and smiled politely at the two of them: "Yes, it is indeed rare. I remember that the last time the National Language Reform Commission counted the surnames across the country, our Xiu surname population ranked more than 300th in the country."

"Generally speaking, the fewer people with a certain surname, the more important the surname is, right? The surname should have been inherited a long time ago, right?" Ao Muyang asked again.

This topic is a good entry point, and Xiu Zhi’s smile became more sincere and enthusiastic: “Is there such a thing?”

"No, don't listen to my brother-in-law's nonsense. The bigger the surname, the more people there are. This is because genetic inheritance is aggressive. There were so many wars and diseases in ancient times. The older the surname is, the more large samples are needed to pass it down. The intuitive reflection is that the population is large. ." Lu Wuji said in a very academic tone.

After saying this, he added: "Miss Xiu is a doctor, you should understand what I mean, right?"

Xiu Zhi shrugged and said with a smile: "Understood, but I want to say a few more words. According to our genealogy, the people with the surname Xiu are the descendants of the ancient tribal leader Shaohao. Because Shaohao has a son named Xiu, his descendants That’s why he took this as his surname.”

Lu Wuji had a very sincere expression on his face, and he said: "Miss Xiu, don't be angry when I speak frankly. In fact, most of these so-called genealogies are nonsense. They are just to put gold on one's face. I have seen it in Jinling. A family named Cao, the genealogy says that they are descendants of Cao Cao, do you think this is ridiculous? "

It's not clear whether it's funny or not, but she can't laugh.

Ao Muyang couldn't help but laugh. He dragged Lu Wuji away, and after a distance, he praised: "What a good boy, you can be single based on your strength! With your level, I don't think there is any problem in being single for the rest of your life!"

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