Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 998 1005. Eating melon seeds (4)

Ao Muyang racked his brains to come up with the idea of ​​using surnames to start the topic. He searched the Internet and found that the interpretation of the surname Xiu on the Internet was similar to what Xiuzhi said, believing that the surname was inherited from the son of Shaohao.

As a result, as soon as he lit a small flame on the friendship bonfire, Lu Wuyi immediately pulled down his pants and urinated on him to put it out...

Lu Wuyi was still complacent: "Brother-in-law, how did I perform just now?"

Ao Muyang sneered: "The level of being single for life, what do you think?"

"That's fine." Lu Wuyi was happy.

Ao Muyang couldn't stand it any longer: "Fuck, are you a pervert? Don't you want to have a good contact with the opposite sex?"

Lu Wuyi said: "I want to, but you can't, you already have my sister, you must have her devoted, to the end, grow old together, and be as close as her. You must not be fickle, fickle, or fickle..."

"What a mess." Ao Muyang had the urge to go crazy, "I wanted you to have a good contact with Dr. Xiu!"

Lu Wuyi blinked, "Uh, is that so? I thought you wanted to hook up with her."

As he said that, he patted his forehead and showed a look of realization: "I told you, I said how could you be so arrogant, actually flirting with a girl in front of my brother-in-law, it turns out I misunderstood you. Oh, if I had known this, I wouldn't have said that just now."

Ao Muyang rolled his eyes and said: "Are you regretting it now? What a good opportunity, maybe this is a marriage."

"Wait, marriage? Who is with whom?" Lu Wuyi asked vigilantly.

Ao Muyang said, "Who are you talking about? Dr. Xiu is almost 30 years old, older than you. I think she is more than worthy of you in terms of knowledge, appearance and temperament."

"Forget it." Lu Wuyi said in a red foreign accent, "Brother-in-law, I don't need you to worry about me. I already have a sweetheart. I will marry Sister Yan in this life!"

"Then you should be single for the rest of your life." Ao Muyang was too lazy to pay attention to him. The water was boiling, so he made tea and sent it to Professor Yin and his party.

Knowing that there were guests at his house, Song Qiumin brought a bag of watermelon seeds over.

She handed it to Ao Muyang and said, "Village chief, go and give your guests a taste. These are the melon seeds that my sister-in-law fried herself. The ingredients and salt used are all good stuff. See if you can get used to it."

Ao Muyang smiled and said, "Sister-in-law, you are so polite. You have to send me some fried melon seeds. Can't you keep them to entertain tourists?"

"There are more at home. Besides, isn't this my first time to fry them? I don't know if the guests like them. I'll use you as a test."

That being said, Ao Muyang still understood her intentions. Song Qiumin has always treated him as a younger brother.

That's right. When he found Lu Wuyi coming out, he quickly sent Song Qiumin away.

Lu Wuyi is not stupid. When Ao Muyang comes back, he said unhappily, "Brother-in-law, what's wrong with you?"

"What's wrong?"

"You are still pretending to be stupid. Do you think I am blind? You sent that woman away as soon as I left. What does that mean?"

"I am afraid that you have improper thoughts about her."

Lu Wuyi breathed a sigh of relief: "Oh, I thought you were hooking up with my sister behind her back again..."

"Are you crazy? I am devoted to your sister." Ao Muyang said dissatisfiedly.

Lu Wuyi was even more dissatisfied: "You are the one who is crazy. I am also devoted to Sister Yan. And who do you think I am? A Japanese devil? I have thoughts about a woman?"

"I'm sorry, brother-in-law, you dare to think about Rong Mama, I have to be on guard as your brother-in-law."

Lu Wuyi said awkwardly: "This is a misunderstanding. The photo in the screen saver is what I used to tease you."

Ao Muyang patted his shoulder and said: "I believe you."

He didn't listen to Lu Wuyi's nonsense and poured out the melon seeds and sent them to the tea table.

The melon seeds sent by Song Qiumin were all selected, there were watermelon seeds and pumpkin seeds, but no matter which one, they were all large, bright and full.

Ao Muyang brought the melon seeds and said, "Come on, professors and students, try the melon seeds fried by my sister-in-law. These are all grown in my own village. They are pure natural and genuine organic melon seeds."

He was not exaggerating. The pumpkin seeds were dug out by Song Qiumin from the pumpkins she grew herself, and the watermelon seeds were produced from the Dagua planted uniformly in the village.

Dagua is also a kind of watermelon, but the flesh is not delicious, so it is specially used to harvest melon seeds and fry them.

Ao Muyang sat on a small stool and started eating. Two little monkeys jumped from the tree to his shoulders on the left and right, and stretched out their hands to ask him for melon seeds.

Youfu was not willing to be outdone when he saw it, and hurried over and jumped on his legs. After jumping and jumping into his arms, it stared at the melon seeds with eyes wide open and ears erect.

Ao Muyang didn't care about eating it himself, and first gave some to the little monkeys and the little fox.

After the little monkey appeared, several doctors' eyes lit up. Female doctor Xiuzhi recognized their identities and exclaimed in surprise: "Oh, this is a marmoset, a rare golden lion tamarin!"

Ao Muyang was quite surprised and asked: "How did you tell?"

Professor Yin smiled and introduced: "Xiao Xiu likes these furry little things the most. She joined many animal protection associations during her bachelor's degree and has been a volunteer to protect animals in many places in South America and Northern Europe."

Xiuzhi handed pumpkin seeds to the little monkey. She knew that golden lion tamarins like to eat plant fruits and seeds.

Lang Er also came up. He was unwilling to be a spectator, so he rolled in front of Ao Muyang and asked for food.

Seeing this, the other doctors laughed, and their opinions were unanimous: "This husky looks really majestic."

Li Ji laughed even harder after hearing this. He said, "This is not a husky. Can you guess what breed it is?"

"Is it Alaska?"

"No, no, Alaska's hair is longer, and you can tell by looking at the face that this is not an Alaska, this is a native dog, right?"

It was more professional pruning that finally saw the results. She stared at Lang Er's facial features for a while and asked in surprise: "Isn't this a wolf? A subspecies of Chinese mountain gray wolf that is a species of gray wolf?" "

Ao Muyang smiled and said, "Yes, it's a wolf."

The doctor who was about to reach out to touch Lang Er's belly immediately retracted his hand...

"Well, is it also a wolf?" Another doctor wearing glasses looked straight at the door of the backyard. The wolf was sitting there, his bright eyes looking directly at the hill, with a solemn expression on his face.


Professor Yin chewed a big melon seed and said: "This is quite predictable. When I first saw it, I thought it looked like a wolf, but this one doesn't look much like it."

The 'this one' he was talking about was naturally Wolf Er. Ao Muyang smiled and said: "Don't tell me you don't think it looks like it. I've had it for more than a year and I haven't seen anything like it."

Su Penghui clicked the melon seeds, very neatly: "Come, come, eat melon seeds, eat melon seeds, Xiao Ao, the melon seeds fried in your village are really good, they are big and delicious, give me a handful later, I have some entertainment tonight ”

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