Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1001 1008. Turtle Fossil (2)

Xiuzhi came to Ao Muyang for consultation.

She asked: "Village Chief Ao, how many years have you been working at the grassroots level?"

"It's less than two years, what's wrong?"

Xiuzhi smiled and said, "It's okay. I'm actually studying for a Ph.D. on the job, but my position has changed. I may have to work at the grassroots level next year or the year after that, so I want to ask you for advice."

Ao Muyang nodded. He estimated that Xiuzhi was a civil servant and was studying for a doctorate on the job for better development in the future.

What can you say about grassroots work? He doesn't have much experience and everything depends on savage growth.

But Xiu Zhi looked at him so expectantly, it would be impossible if he didn't share something hard.

After thinking for a while, he said: "There is no routine for working at the grassroots level. It is relatively worry-free and troublesome. The worry-free thing is that you don't have to serve the leader or guess the leader's will. The troublesome part is that you have to serve the whole village. , it’s not easy.”

"Do you have any tips?" Xiuzhi asked with a frown.

Ao Muyang stared at her exquisite facial features and elegant temperament, and Lu Wuyi behind him immediately coughed hard.

Xiuzhi was a little embarrassed and asked in a low voice: "What's wrong?"

Ao Muyang said: "I was looking for a place in you where I could apply my skills. Unfortunately, I couldn't find it."

"What's the meaning?"

Ao Muyang said: "I have two main tips. One is to be thick-skinned. When dealing with some rumors in the village, I will face them shamelessly. Anyway, they will be over in a few days. The second is to be able to fight. If If they can’t stand some facts, I will take action and beat them into submission.”

"Is grassroots work so difficult?" Xiuzhi was a little frightened.

Ao Muyang said: "No, in fact, the people are still very simple. They just want to have a village cadre leader who can do things and lead them to prosperity. If you can lead them to make money, then they will support you very much. Work was easy then.”

Xiuzhi said frustratedly: "This is even harder."

She has been in society and knows how difficult it is for ordinary people to make money.

Ao Muyang looked at her with pity and said: "Then I can only wish you good luck, but now there are many ways to make money in this society, and it may not be a dead end for you after joining the job. When the time comes, you have to give full play to your advantages, such as connections aspect, and then try to bring as much benefit to the village as possible, or find ways to convert the village’s resources into money…”

Having said this, he added: "If you can choose a village when you take office in the future, then you must choose a poor village with rich resources to be developed. Don't choose a wealthy village. It is the most difficult to carry out work in a wealthy village!"

He couldn't impart more other experience, because his reputation was all helped by the golden elixir. Without the assistance of the golden elixir, he would definitely not be able to do the job of village chief.

On the fourth day, they changed to another sea area, and the previous location was marked by Professor Yin: no wrasse was seen, and the group is expected to have migrated or become extinct.

Among them, he specially circled the word "extinction" with a red pen and placed a heavy exclamation mark.

After they changed positions, Ao Muyang went into the water as usual, and then he still didn't find the wrasse, but found two large sea turtles.

As soon as the turtle, which was floating leisurely in the sea, saw him, it immediately dived into the deep water. It was so big and clever.

Ao Muyang estimated that he had encountered turtles in the reserve. As autumn arrived and the weather turned colder, the turtles in the reserve would swim south to overwinter.

He thought it was fate to meet the turtles in the reserve here, so he chased them and dived to the bottom of the sea, hoping to feed them some gold drops.

Seeing someone chasing behind them, the two big turtles swam faster, and they even split into two groups midway. One continued to dive, while the other changed direction and swam up.

Ao Muyang had no choice but to chase the diving turtle and release a few gold drops.

You have to get close to release the gold droplets. There are too many fish around here, and the fish are more mobile. They will eat the gold droplets before the turtles do.

After the golden drop was released, the turtle quickly turned around, but it did not come to eat immediately. Instead, it stared at Ao Muyang warily with its black eyes.

This surprised Lao Ao. Li Ji and his party were quite capable and could actually train the sea turtles to be so wary of people.

But thinking about it, they must have trained the turtles to resist temptation. This is why the turtles were able to withstand the temptation of the golden drop and did not swim back directly.

Ao Muyang left, and he dived into the seabed and entered a reef area. Seeing this, the sea turtle quickly swam towards the golden drop and swallowed it in one gulp.

The turtle swam away, and Ao Muyang continued to look for the wrasses.

The water here is not deep and there are no corals, but there is a large patch of reef. Compared with other terrain on the seabed, this place is more suitable for the survival of wrasse, so he started looking for it carefully.

Still no wrasses were found. This time Ao Muyang found the mark of a turtle on the seabed reef.

It's not a turtle, but a turtle-shaped imprint. There are traces of turtles on the reef. It should be a fossil.

Today I have become acquainted with the turtle. He thought in his mind that if he had not been full of confidence in Lu Zhizi, he would have thought that this was an omen, an omen related to the turtle.

After swimming over, he reached out and touched the stone.

This is indeed a complete fossil. The entire turtle seems to be embedded in the stone. Among them, the skull, carapace, limb bones and tail bone are quite clearly preserved.

However, whether this is a sea turtle is still debatable. After a closer look, Ao Muyang found that the turtle's shell was only more than half, and the front was too sharp.

Ao Muyang looked around carefully again, and soon he found another fossil trace of a sea turtle in a reef.

This fossil was not as complete as the first one he encountered, but a part of it was exposed. The reef was broken, and he could lift the stone.

Since he didn't find the wrasse, he took this fossil with him. At least he could make a errand and prove that he, Lao Ao, had done his best on this trip.

Ao Muyang returned to the boat, and Dou Botao and the other man came to pull him. One of them sighed: "No harvest again?"

"It's kind of not."

"What do you mean? Why did you bring back a stone? The harvest is this stone?" Dou Botao asked.

Ao Muyang nodded and said, "Yes, I found a sea turtle fossil, so I fished it up. Can you guys come and see if it's useful?"

Dou Botao glanced at it and said disappointedly, "We need to ask the teacher of marine archaeology to take a look. We don't do much research on this, but sea turtle fossils are not very valuable. They haven't evolved much since they were born 300 million years ago."

After hearing what he said, Ao Muyang casually put the reef at the stern. The reason he didn't throw it away was because it was a fossil after all. If it had no archaeological value, he could take it back to the village. It must have tourism value, right?

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