Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1056 1063. The Two Beauties Arrive

While talking, Ao Xiaojun looked at the general and Wolf Da and Wolf Er carefully, ready to run away at any time.

This time he was prepared and bought ham sausage, so when he was ready to run away, he held the ham sausage and used it to confuse the general and Wolf Da and Wolf Er.

But Ao Muyang didn't get angry, just glared at him.

Seeing this, Ao Xiaojun sat on the ground happily and ate snacks. The other children quickly gathered together and they gathered together to eat and drink.

Ao Muyang taught the general and Wolf Da and Wolf Er to pick up their bottles. He would return them to the children after picking them up, telling them that he was training the dogs.

The children were relieved and cooperated to put the bottles beside them for the general and Wolf Da and Wolf Er to pick up.

After eating and working for a while, by the evening, the plastic bottles in their hands were full of mole crickets.

Ao Muyang gave another order, and the general, Wolf Da and Wolf Er took the bottles to him in turn.

The children didn't think much about it, as this had happened several times in the afternoon.

They cleaned the dirt off their clothes and pants, walked over and said, "Uncle Xiaoyang, give me the ground ghost, I'm going home."

Ao Muyang chuckled and said, "Why should I give it to you?"

When they heard this, several children had bad thoughts in their minds. Ao Xiaojun shouted, "I caught it, of course I have to give it to me, otherwise I will go to Teacher Lu to complain!"

Ao Muyang said, "Go and complain, and see if Teacher Lu will scold me for this kind of thing."

"I'm not complaining about this kind of thing, I'm going to tell Teacher Lu that you went downstairs and drank and encouraged us to touch the buttocks of other female tourists!" Ao Xiaojun shouted.

Ao Muyang laughed and said, "Then Teacher Lu will not believe it even more."

"We all go and tell it, and see if Teacher Lu believes it!" Ao Xiaomi and others came up to threaten him.

Lao Ao couldn't laugh anymore. He licked his lips and said, "Wait a minute, let's sort things out. What right do you have to slander me?"

"You stole our ground ghost!"

"Is this yours? This is mine. I dug the ground ghost out of my farmland!"

The children were stunned. They looked at each other. Ao Luhan said weakly, "Okay, It was dug out from your farmland, but you don't want it. If we dig it out, it's ours."

Ao Muyang said, "Who said I don't want it? Haha, don't repay kindness with enmity. I asked Xiaojun to buy snacks and drinks for you this afternoon. This is the wages."

Ao Xiaojun said, "Okay, then I'll give you the ground ghosts dug out from your land. Some of them are not from your land, so you have to give them to us."

Ao Muyang laughed up to the sky, "Haha, these are all from my land."

"Uncle Xiaoyang, why are you so shameless?"

"We must go to Teacher Lu to complain!"

"We will go to the town to complain and say that he is a corrupt official!"

"Yes, go to petition, go to Kyoto to petition! Find the chairman and the prime minister!"

A group of children discussed enthusiastically. They quickly formulated a strategy to overthrow Lao Ao from his throne as the village chief.

Ao Muyang said helplessly: "Just because a few ghosts came to me, you rebelled? You guys are really heartless. Okay, okay, the old rules, come to my house for dinner, I will fry ghosts for you."

The teenagers smiled, Ao Xiaomi patted him on the shoulder and said: "We won't go to the petition, and we won't report you to the Commission for Discipline Inspection."

Ao Xiaojun thought for a while and said: "Well, you are not allowed to complain to us in the future, otherwise we will go to the Commission for Discipline Inspection to report you."

'Ah Da! '

Ao Muyang kicked Ao Xiaojun to the ground: "You really have so many crooked ideas, you don't learn good things, but you are good at blackmailing!"

"Just kidding, Uncle Xiaoyang, I dare not." Ao Xiaojun quickly begged for mercy. He saw that Ao Muyang was really angry this time.

Ao Muyang took a group of teenagers home and saw two little girls, one tall and one short, playing at the door.

Seeing the two girls, the general immediately ran over. This is Zhu Zhu and Liu Mei.

Facing the ecstatic general, Zhu Zhu quickly said: "I'm sorry, General, I didn't bring Pipi here, nor did I bring any dogs here!"

Hearing this, the general stopped running and returned to Ao Muyang in a sullen manner.

Sixth sister was very dissatisfied: "Asshole, I thought it had feelings for the two of us."

Ao Muyang asked curiously: "Today is Sunday, why did you come to the village? Will you go back in the evening?"

"No, we are on holiday." Zhu Zhu said excitedly.

Ao Muyang was even more puzzled: "There is no holiday here, why are you on holiday?"

"Sick leave, the temperature suddenly dropped a few days ago, and a large-scale epidemic broke out in the city. Almost all the students in our class caught a cold."

Ao Muyang said: "I didn't see that you two caught a cold."

Zhu Zhu smiled happily and said: "We didn't catch a cold, because almost all the students in our class caught a cold, so the school gave students who didn't catch a cold a holiday to avoid being infected."

Ao Muyang was stunned. This school is really talented.

"My mother felt that there were too many viruses in the city, and my sixth sister hadn't been with Uncle Zhong and Aunt Wang for a long time, so she sent us here." Zhu Zhu continued.

Ao Muyang said, "Okay, you stay in the village during this period. There aren't many people with colds in the village."

It just so happened that he got some ground ghosts in the afternoon, so he could let Zhu Zhu taste the rural specialty fried ground ghosts in the evening.

He went back and cleaned the ground ghost with salt water. Wolf Two used his front paws to dig the stove and looked into the basin. Seeing this, Lu Zhizi said, "Come out, don't stay with the lazy pig."

Ao Muyang laughed and said, "Are you crazy? Meng Yi is a wolf, not a pig."

"I was just talking to Meng Yi." Lu Zhizi said coldly.

Ao Muyang was embarrassed. He knew what Lu Zhizi meant. He was obviously angry about his escape at noon.

Fortunately, Lu Zhizi was also a foodie and was happy when he had something delicious.

Lu Wuyi was also very happy. When he saw Zhu Zhu coming, he asked happily, "Little Pig, where is your mother?"

"In the company."

"Will she come tomorrow?"

"No, my mother asked me to come and see if you are here first. If you go back to Jinling, she will come tomorrow. If you are still in the village, she will not come during this period."

Lu Wuyi stopped talking and looked sad.

Ao Muyang laughed out loud, patted his brother-in-law on the shoulder and said, "You are the only one who can force Mr. Yan to be like this."

Lu Wuyi sighed and said, "Brother-in-law, sister, you know why I always have to drink now, right?"

"Can this be the reason why you get drunk every time you drink?" Lu Zhizi glared at him angrily, "Also, you go to Lao Jiang's house to sleep tonight."

"Why?" Lu Wuyi asked anxiously.

Lu Zhizi said, "Zhu Zhu and Liu Mei came to the village to avoid catching a cold. You are the only one in the family who caught a cold. What if you infect others?"

"What if you infect me?" Jiang Caoqi asked hurriedly.

Lu Zhizi smiled and said, "It's okay. I'll ask Teacher Ao Zhisheng to prescribe some Chinese medicine for you. You can boil it in advance and drink it to avoid it."

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