Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1069 1076. Scam Incident

Just as Ao Muyang was directing the whole village to prepare for the typhoon, Yang Shuyong came to the door again.

At this time, the sea breeze was not strong, and the sea surface was even quite calm. Even the waves that had always appeared continuously were nowhere to be seen. Ao Muyang inspected the fishing boat fixation on the pier and found that the sea surface was sometimes so flat that it could be used as a mirror. To find an adjective, it was "Gujing Wubo". .

Yang Shuyong came from the entrance of the village. The two met each other and he asked: "Captain Ao, are you busy here?"

"Let's see if there are any unsecured fishing boats. This typhoon is probably powerful enough. Look at the sea, it's so calm that it's scary." Ao Muyang sighed.

Yang Shuyong said in an angry tone: "No matter how powerful it is, how powerful can it be? As long as we take proper precautions, it is nothing to us people. Natural disasters are not as good as man-made disasters!"

"What do you mean?" Ao Muyang wondered, "What happened? You seem very angry."

Yang Shuyong said angrily: "It's not just him who makes me angry, I'm furious! The hearts of these people in Ma De are really bad, very bad, worse than the little devils! Have you villagers gone to the town to buy fertilizer recently?"

Ao Muyang thought about it and said, "I'm not sure, what's wrong?"

"What's wrong? I bought fake fertilizer." Yang Shuyong spat angrily and said, "These manufacturers are really unscrupulous now. How difficult is it for ordinary people to farm? They also sell fake fertilizers and push the ordinary people to a dead end. ?”

"And those quality control departments, you are so stupid. Each one is more active than the other when eating and drinking. What have they been doing all day? Have they gone to prostitution? If they can't do their jobs well, what's the use of the country supporting them?"

There was a series of swear words that came out of his mouth like firecrackers, which made Ao Muyang's ears open.

When Yang Shuyong closed his mouth angrily, Lao Ao smiled and teased: "I knew you, Lao Yang, were good at fists and kicks in the past, but I didn't expect you were also good at talking."

Yang Shuyong said: "Don't make fun of me. Go to the village and check to see if you have bought fake fertilizer in your village."

Although fishermen do not rely purely on farmland for food, harvestable crops are still an important part of family income. Especially when the village engages in fishing activities, the harvested crops are grown for their own use, focusing on green style, which is even more important for the village's catering industry.

Returning to the village committee office, Lao Ao shouted on the loudspeaker and said: "Dear villagers, please pay attention. Villagers, please pay attention. I am the village chief Ao Muyang. I am here to investigate whether you have traveled to the town recently. Villagers who buy pesticides and fertilizers from the stalls? If so, bring the fertilizers to the village committee. I repeat now..."

When he turned off the player, the old clerk Ao Zhiming smiled.

As the saying goes, the old man is old and the horse is old, and the rabbit is old and the eagle is hard to catch. The old man has seen a lot in this life. As soon as he heard Ao Muyang's words and looked at Yang Shuyong's expression on the radio, he roughly guessed what was going on.

He asked directly: "Party Secretary Yang, what's the matter? Did you buy fake fertilizer in your village?"

Yang Shuyong hummed: "Yeah."

Ao Zhiming has never had a good impression of Wangjiacun, which is normal. The old man has been in conflict with Wangjiacun his whole life, and he is happy to see his old enemy make a fool of himself.

After getting together, the old clerk said in a pretentious manner: "In this era, fraud is so powerful. Everything can be faked, not to mention fertilizer, even faces can be faked. Everyone can fake, don't you think it's scary? horrible?"

Yang Shuyong snorted again: "Yeah."

He was upset because he made it clear that he didn't want to nag Ao Zhiming.

But Ao Zhiming just wanted to watch the excitement. He smiled and said: "So now you have to keep your eyes open when buying things. Buy fertilizer. You must have experience. I have summed up some experience."

After a pause, he continued: "For example, some fertilizers are just to fool fools. They put some messy names on the bags, such as complete elements, multi-functions, complete nutrients, etc., so that one fertilizer becomes Isn’t it true that this is a panacea that can cure all diseases? This thousand-year-old ginseng can’t cure all diseases, but a bag of fertilizer worth 50 yuan can have these effects?”

Yang Shuyong: "Yeah."

Jiang Xiaoyu came out and said something fair: "Old clerk, please stop saying a few words. Secretary Yang doesn't want to tell you these messy things."

Ao Zhiming said dissatisfied: "Then this is treating good intentions as donkey liver and lungs. I have carefully summarized my experience. It is the experience of my life for more than seventy years. I will tell you about this good intention. Look at you... …”

"Say it, just listen." Yang Shuyong rolled his eyes and replied.

Ao Zhiming suddenly became energetic and said: "Well, listen to me, there is another scam that is very common. Some manufacturers package things with foreign names and pass them off as imported goods. In fact, these are all fakes, otherwise they are counterfeit goods. It’s a fake product, or it has a similar name. They say it’s imported fertilizer. Which entrance does it come in from? It’s not the warehouse entrance?”

While he was talking here, some villagers came to the village committee pushing a cart.

Yang Shuyong took a look outside and suddenly stood up, as excited as if he had a stroke: "This is fake fertilizer, this is fake fertilizer. Have you used it on the ground?"

When the villager heard this, he became anxious and asked, "Lao Yang, what are you talking about? How do you know this is fake fertilizer?"

Ao Muyang said: "Uncle Liu, don't worry, let me see what's going on with your fertilizer."

The fertilizer bag is very well made, with a layer of strong kraft paper on the outside and a moisture-proof plastic bag on the inside. The name of the fertilizer is ‘Wanfeitu’, and the name of the production company is Canadian Potash Co., Ltd. (imported).

Under the company name, there is also an introduction to this fertilizer. What is added with nanomagnetic agents imported from Canada, activin, photon, etc., what can effectively increase the activity of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other elements in the fertilizer, and what can increase crop yields. Fifty to eighty percent...

Ao Muyang looked at the introduction, and then felt that the fertilizer was fake. As Ao Zhiming said, the fertilizer introduced him to be magical, and it was already a bit evil.

Yang Shuyong sighed and explained: "Many people in our village bought this fertilizer, and some used it on the same day they came back. As a result, there was something wrong with the fertilizer. After applying it to the vegetable seedlings in the greenhouse, they were burned to death!"

Uncle Six asked expectantly: "Is it because the fertilizer is too rich? The seedlings couldn't stand the heavy fertilizer, so they burned to death?"

Yang Shuyong shook his head: "No, I went to the county to find experts from the agriculture and forestry station to check it out. These are fake and shoddy products!"

Uncle Six suddenly panicked and said, "No, you see, this fertilizer is marked as a product recommended by the Ministry of Agriculture, and here, doesn't it say that it is a product approved by the Provincial National Standard Quality Inspection Institute? And here I am I bought it at the auditorium in town. The auditorium is reserved for government units, so we can’t sell fakes, right?”

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