Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1070 1077. Investigate, investigate strictly

Ao Zhiming followed him to study the fertilizer. After listening to the villager's words, he shook his head with a pitiful expression on his face and said, "Hey, Liuzi, you said you have lived like a dog these years? Can you count these? "

"Can you trust the things printed on the bags? Oh, you can trust the ones from regular manufacturers, but you absolutely can't trust the fake ones. Why don't they dare to print them? As long as it can help them sell fakes, let them print 'United Nations designated nutritional products' They dare too. As for the auditorium in the town? Hey, that thing has been contracted to someone for a long time. As long as you have money, you can just rent it and kill pigs!"

It doesn’t sound nice to say, but it’s true.

Seeing Ao Muyang nod, Uncle Liu's heart suddenly sank. He lamented: "Oh, a bag of fertilizer costs a hundred yuan. My family bought five bags, and the five hundred yuan was just wasted."

Ao Zhiming comforted him and said, "Just think of it as a lesson learned. It's not much money. I'll smoke a few packs less cigarettes later and I'll be out."

Yang Shuyong was unhappy and said: "Old man, what are you talking about? We haven't provoked anyone, why should we spend money to buy a lesson? Why? We must find those liars, we must get them! We must let them Eat our money and spit it out!”

At this time, more people arrived one after another, and the fertilizers they brought were all of the same kind - 10,000 fertilizer soil bought from the town auditorium's promotion.

Yang Shuyong told them that it was a fake, but no one wanted to believe it. Someone shouted: "How can this be a fake? This is a fertilizer produced by Canada Potash Co., Ltd. I checked this company online at that time. Canada Potash is our The largest fertilizer company on earth is headquartered in Saskatoon, Canada!”

"Did you go to their headquarters? Do you believe whatever they say? That's really smart." Yang Shuyong retorted.

Ao Muyang took out his mobile phone and searched for relevant news online. He did not find the so-called Canadian Potash Co., Ltd., but found a fertilizer company called Saskatchewan Potash Co., Ltd. This company is The world's largest fertilizer company!

He told the villagers about the news he had found, and some of the villagers who were still doubtful suddenly exploded. They didn't believe Yang Shuyong, but they absolutely believed Ao Muyang.

Ao Zhiming shook his head at the side, and then suddenly saw his son in the crowd. He quickly stepped forward and took his son's arm and asked, "Nine, what are you doing here?"

The middle-aged man said with a grimace: "I bought fake fertilizer."

Ao Zhiming became anxious all of a sudden, and he shouted: "How can you buy fake fertilizer? You idiot, you have no brain? You have no brain, your father and I do, you said you bought such a big thing like fertilizer, why didn't you follow me?" Shall I say something?”

The man pulled his hand away impatiently and said, "I told you I have a ball? When did you ever care about farm work at home? Do you know how many acres of land you have at home?"

Ao Zhiming was speechless for a moment. He blinked and ran to find Ao Muyang. He then took Ao Muyang's hand and said, "Village Chief, this matter must be investigated strictly and those liars must be found. They are really heartless." Ah, they even cheated people out of their money! We can’t tolerate these scammers, we must catch them!”

Yang Shuyong looked at him sideways and said, "Old man, just think of spending money as a lesson."

Ao Zhiming said confidently: "Why should I use my family's money to buy this lesson?"

After hearing what he said, Yang Shuyong grinned, but he couldn't laugh. He leaned in front of Ao Muyang and whispered: "This old man is indeed a cadre left over from Ao Zhiyi's era. His style is exactly the same as Ao Zhiyi's." !”

Ao Muyang said: "Don't worry about this for now, let's quickly find out what happened to those liars."

Yang Shuyong said helplessly: "I have to count on you. I checked and found nothing. The fertilizers he brewed were bought more than half a month ago. They ran away after selling them."

"The monk can't run away from the temple. I know where their factory is." A man shouted.

Yang Shuyong waved his hands helplessly and said, "It's useless. I checked the factory site they left behind. It's fake and fake. There is a fertilizer factory at that site, but it has nothing to do with them."

Ao Muyang thought about it for a while and said, "I'll call the police station first and ask."

He called Song Gongming. Song Gongming heard that some people had bought fake fertilizer in the town, so he said helplessly: "There is no way to investigate this matter. There is no need to register with our office for things like buying and selling expenses, let alone filing." , I do know that a fertilizer factory was doing a promotion in town a few days ago, but I don’t know the details. "

Ao Muyang asked: "Is there surveillance in the town? Check the surveillance, check their cars, and start from this aspect."

Song Gongming sneered and said: "I'm sorry, Lao Tie, the road surveillance videos in our town are only kept for a week, and then they will be overwritten and replaced. There is no way, the hard drive space to store the videos is limited!"

Ao Muyang was furious. Song Gongming understood his temper and said, "Let's do this. I'll contact the Agricultural Management Office and ask them if they can help."

Just as he was about to hang up the phone, Song Gongming reacted again: "Hey, don't hang up yet. You have connections with the Municipal Transportation Bureau, right? This will be easy. In the past few months, new installations have been installed on the main roads in the town. The traffic bureau’s surveillance is said to be used to detect illegal and smuggled cars. Their videos should be kept for a long time, right? They can’t just cover them in a few days.”

This was useful news, so Ao Muyang called Du Lei. Du Lei happened to work in the logistics department, and he had a high status and could check these videos.

Du Lei is very loyal, and he would come to Longtou Village with his girlfriend during holidays, so the two sides have a close relationship.

After receiving his call, Du Lei only let him wait for less than half an hour, and then a series of high-definition photos were sent to his mobile phone.

Fertilizer is no different from other things. It needs a semi-trailer to transport fertilizer. He started from here and collected some videos along the semi-trailer fleet, and sent screenshots to Ao Muyang.

Ao Muyang looked at these photos one by one. It was useless to have a car. Yang Shuyong sighed: "These cars must be hired by them in Hongyang. What can we do even if we find them? I guess the scammers are all veterans. They will definitely not leave any clues for the truck drivers."

This is true, but Ao Muyang slowly smiled as he looked at the photos. Yes, scammers will not have too much entanglement with semi-trailer drivers, but he saw a familiar car in the photo.

Zotye Porsche!

This is Jin Hong's car. This car has appeared in the photos many times. It was leading the way twice. Obviously, he has a relationship with these scammers.

In this case, it's simple.

Ao Muyang said something to Yang Shuyong, and then the two villages each selected twenty strong men. Everyone was dressed in sportswear, all in black, and then they rushed to the town that night.

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