Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1075 1082. Mother of Lightning

Tuanzi may be cunning, but after falling into the hands of the police, he had to accept his fate under the evidence.

After all, even if the storm hit outside, there were still dozens of angry victimized fishermen surrounding the police station. They pushed fake fertilizers in a cart and demanded that Tuanzi be taken out and executed.

Tuanzi initially insisted that the fertilizers he sold were real, and that the locals used fakes to harm him. For this, he did not hesitate to curse that there were many unruly people in the poor mountains and bad waters.

As a representative of the unruly people, Yang Shuyong gave him a choice at this time: send him out and press him down with a fertilizer bag, and then let God decide whether he was lying.

If he was still pressed under the fertilizer bag after the storm passed, it meant that he was not lying. If the fertilizer was blown away, it meant that he was lying, and his crime was even more serious!

How could Tuanzi dare to go out and take this? The typhoon was accompanied by heavy rain, and the fertilizer melted in the rain. Soaking his whole body could burn him to death!

In the end, he revealed the truth of the scam in detail. The money obtained from the fraud was still in his bank card. Although he spent part of it, most of the deceived people still received the compensation they deserved.

The case was investigated, and the typhoon officially set foot on the red ocean.

This year is a year with more marine disasters in the country. Storm surges, sea ice and red tides have occurred successively. Among them, the number of storm surges is particularly more than in previous years. The southern coastal areas such as Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian and Guangdong have suffered a total of eight typhoon storm surges and typhoon wave disasters.

Ao Muyang watched a news special report on TV at home, saying that in the first ten months of this year, a total of 30 tropical storms were generated in the China Sea and the northwest Pacific, and one-third of them landed on the mainland.

The arrival of Dianmu this time is also a very powerful storm, or it can be said to be the strongest typhoon attack this year. According to the meteorological station, the central air pressure of this typhoon is 960 hPa, the maximum wind speed can reach 40 meters per second, the wave height reaches 10 meters, and the seaside will exceed the warning water level by 1.1 meters!

The entire Hongyang region was prepared for wind and flood resistance, and all the navy was dispatched, wearing windproof and rainproof clothing and life jackets for duty. In the face of this disaster, the government put forward the slogan of "reducing damage, less injury, and zero death", which shows how terrible it is.

In October last year, a cyclonic gale appeared at the junction of the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea, with wind force as high as level 8 to 10, and the wave height reached seven meters, causing a 5,000-ton cargo ship to hit the reef and sink.

Because of the strong wind and waves at sea, the rescue was not in time, and all 20 sailors on the ship were buried in the deep water. This is the largest casualty accident caused by shipwrecks at sea in recent years.

Therefore, when Dianmu landed this year, the entire Hongyang region became nervous, requiring all ships at sea to return to the port, and no ship was allowed to go out to sea to take risks.

The wind force of Dianmu was even greater than that of the typhoon in October last year. As the strong wind hit, the snow layer accumulated by the snow some time ago disappeared immediately.

The fallen leaves on the mountain were swirling. Ao Muyang stood at the window and looked back. It was like a series of black dragons appeared. They danced wildly in the air, forming long gray and black strips, twisting left and right, arrogant and crazy.

The chickens and ducks in the backyard were scared. It was the first time for them to encounter such a typhoon. All of them gathered on the breeding bed. The roosters were not majestic and the geese were not fierce. They gathered together honestly and closely.

The head of state brought his little kids into the house one by one. There was a little cat that was naughty and wanted to go out. The head of state saw it and carried it into a cage and locked it with his claws.

Kitten: (⊙o⊙)…

Lu Wuyi also encountered such a strong typhoon for the first time. He paced around the house worriedly, asking: "Brother-in-law, will this house be blown down?"

"No, it's all reinforced concrete. It may not be earthquake-resistant, but it has strong wind resistance."

"Brother-in-law, will the roof be blown away?"

"No, it was strengthened against wind at that time. I just added a layer of nylon net to the roof. Don't worry, it's safe."

"Brother-in-law, I still A little nervous..."

"If you are nervous, go poop and pee. Excretion can relieve nervousness."

Lu Wuyi went into the toilet, but he was still restless after entering. He pushed open the door and poked his head out and shouted, "Brother-in-law..."

Old Ao couldn't stand it anymore. He shouted, "Can you be quiet? Stop nagging. Just stay in the room. The wind can't blow you!"

"It's not brother-in-law. I want to ask why the toilet is backflowing with water?"

Ao Muyang went over and saw the stench. The toilet in the bathroom was full and still gurgling.

Seeing this, he was confused. He asked Lu Wuyi, "What the hell did you poop in? Why is the toilet vomiting?"

Lu Wuyi said, "Brother-in-law, what time is it and you are still teasing me? What should I do? If I don't hurry up, shit will flood Jinshan Temple!"

What can Ao Muyang do? This is seawater backflowing into the sewer.

Lu Zhizi took a piece of plastic wrap and stuck it on the toilet. Lu Wuyi asked, "Sister, will this work?"

The female teacher thought about it and said, "I guess not."

"If it doesn't work, why are you doing it?" Lu Wuyi said helplessly.

Lu Zhizi said confidently, "I want to prove to you that I have done my best to protect this family in the face of disaster."

The sea breeze was blowing, and the heavy raindrops finally fell. They hit the skylight in the yard, making a crackling sound, just like hail.

Ao Muyang went out to take a look and found that it was really hail.

The hailstones were not small, but they were not very hard. They fell to the ground and scattered.

The general came back wailing. When he saw the wind and rain coming, he ran outside excitedly. In the past, every time there was a strong wind or heavy rain, he would show off his steel and iron bones. This time, he encountered a waterloo. Lu Wuyi pulled his forehead and looked at it. Look, I found several bumps on the dog’s head!

Hail is not fun. Ao Muyang didn't bother to joke anymore. He hurried to the village committee office and used a loudspeaker to broadcast asking everyone to stay at home and not go out.

"Who else would leave home today? Isn't that stupid?" Ao Zhiming put down the newspaper and said.

Jiang Xiaoyu said: "You see, the village chief left home and came to the office."

Ao Muyang said: "Stop bickering here and think about what to eat for lunch first. Now the hail is heavy and we can't go home."

Ao Zhiming sighed regretfully and said: "Oh, my family is eating sweet and sour carp for lunch today. It seems that I can't eat it. What a thief. Oh my God."

Jiang Xiaoyu said enthusiastically: "Okay, Grandpa Ming, how about I give you a carp kick? At least it can satisfy your craving, right?"

The old man didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Pull him down quickly, don't let your waist slip away."

There was strong wind and hail, and there was nothing Ao Muyang could do.

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