Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1076 1083. Doomsday

The storm is passing through, destroying everything!

The branches of many willows and locust trees in the village were blown off, and some young trees that had been planted recently were completely pulled out. In the strong wind, they were floating around the village and outside the village, and they hit the cars and houses with loud bangs. Very scary.

Ao Muyang's precautionary strategy worked. When building roads last year, he built the village roads and reinforced the houses in the village.

Before the storm came, he purchased large nylon thick rope nets. These large nets covered the roofs of every household and played a very good stabilizing role.

The hail fell for more than an hour and then stopped, followed by sleet.

This kind of sleet scene is very rare. Logically speaking, sleet is just small sleet and snowflakes. Because the rain is too heavy, the snowflakes will be melted by the rain in the air.

But now it is raining heavily in the sky, and the heavy snow is dancing in the heavy rain. The scene is really shocking.

There were still a few tourists in the village. They had never seen such a scene before, and they took out their mobile phones and cameras to take pictures. Some people thought they couldn't take pictures clearly through the glass and wanted to go out.

The owner of Yujiale was frightened when he saw this, and hurriedly braved the strong wind to go out and drag the person back: "You don't want to die? This is a typhoon, a typhoon!"

The weather with heavy rain and snow lasted until noon. After there was no hail, the general became arrogant again, wandering outside with a mushroom bag on his head, as if he had combed his hair in a bun.

Lu Zhizi made lunch and put it in a basket for the general to deliver to Ao Muyang. Originally, Lang Er did this job, but Wolf Er smelled the aroma of the meat buns in the basket, so he ran out and pretended to fall. He threw the bun out and ate it up.

In the end, Lu Zhizi called the general back and asked him to work again.

Seeing the general running towards him, Jiang Xiaoyu was happy: "Is this a unicorn? Look at the two bulges on its head. These are the horns of a unicorn. When the bulges break open, two horns will grow out!"

It was also a coincidence that just after they finished eating, the village suddenly lost power.

Power outages are not uncommon for fishermen in the mountains. In the past, the power was cut off ten or eight times throughout the year, which the fishermen thought was abnormal.

However, the situation has improved in recent years, especially after Ao Muyang came to power, he replaced the village with new transformers and asked the County Electric Power Bureau to renovate the town's power supply station, thus ensuring the village's power supply.

The power was cut off, which Ao Muyang expected. The strong wind must have broken the telephone pole or blown out the transformer.

He didn't take it to heart, but after a while he received a call.

The phone signal was not good during the storm. After he answered the phone, an intermittent voice sounded on the receiver: "Old Ao... Ao, I am... Su Nan, do you have any manpower there? The Electricity Bureau's ship is... Is there anything you can do?"

The call was from Su Jinnan, but Ao Muyang didn't understand what he said specifically, so he shouted loudly: "Hey, Lao Su, what's going on? What's wrong with the Electric Power Bureau?"

"Can you take people with you on the Electricity Bureau's boat...?"

Listening to these intermittent words, Lao Ao almost dropped his cell phone. What was going on with this signal? Are you deliberately going against him? Every time it breaks at the critical moment!

Jiang Xiaoyu handed him her mobile phone and said: "The village chief uses mine. I use China Mobile. Your China Unicom signal is not good."

Ao Muyang called, and the communication quality was indeed much improved this time: "Old Ao, your county Electric Power Bureau's emergency repair ship had an accident at sea, not far from your town's dock. Can you bring someone to help with the rescue?"

Upon hearing this, Ao Muyang was stunned: "How dare the Electric Power Bureau send a boat out on this day? Are they working with Stallone and joining the death squads?"

Su Jinnan said helplessly: "You guys, a transformer burst in your town. The situation is very critical. The power bureau has no choice but to brave the storm and send extra manpower to solve the problem. A high-voltage line is broken. Once the storm blows the line, It would be fatal to go to someone’s home!”

"Then how do you get out of the boat?"

"Hey, I don't have time to explain so much. If you can drive, who can drive the boat? Aren't the roads blocked by trees blown down by the mountain road? Stop talking nonsense, old man, can you help? Our rescue boat has been We're on the move, but we're stuck and can't get out for the time being!"

Ao Muyang looked at the weather outside, gritted his teeth, and said, "Can you help me? You have to help even if you can't help me! Okay, tell me the specific location, and I will take my brothers out right now!"

The sea is very windy and the waves are four to five meters high even in shallow seas.

You must know that one floor is only three meters high, which means that the waves are as high as one and a half floors. Think about it, isn't it risking your life to go to sea in such circumstances?

Ao Muyang didn't dare to find too many people, so he called Heilong, so that if the situation went bad, he could at least take care of it. There were too many people and he couldn't take care of it.

Black Dragon said that he had no ability to execute. After seeing him waving, he immediately put on his windproof raincoat and walked out.

The two of them got on the boat. They originally planned to take a small speedboat to rush over, but as soon as the speedboat lifted anchor and sailed not far, a huge wave roared in and capsized the speedboat together!

It's simply the end of the world!

The huge waves on the sea are coming one after another, one is more violent than the other, the momentum is really overwhelming, covering the sky and the sun!

Looking at the huge waves rising one after another on the vast sea, Ao Muyang was convinced. It is endless fun to fight against the sky, and who can conquer the sky. Those who can say this either have the courage to fight against the sky and the earth, or they are lying in the air-conditioned room holding their arms. Kiba, who is blind on his mobile phone, laments the keyboard warrior!

They couldn't leave by speedboat, and it was unreliable to take a big ship, because the big ship was locked and they couldn't open it in a short time.

There was no choice, Ao Muyang gritted his teeth and released the golden drop.

Soon, the tiger hiding in the sea heard the news and came.

Ao Muyang went to the boat to remove the tiger's saddle and tied it to it. The tiger was very excited, just like a guide dog was proud of his duty, and the tiger was also proud of being Lao Ao's mount.

It took this duty very seriously, and it would be very frustrated if Ao Muyang didn't get on its saddle for a long time.

Ao Muyang and Black Dragon got on the saddle, and the tiger rushed forward according to his instructions. He released a few more golden drops, and the dolphins appeared.

When the dolphins saw Ao Muyang on the tiger, they chased behind as usual and waited for the golden drops to eat.

In the storm, the tiger is better than the speedboat. It can consciously resist the wind and waves, sometimes go with the wind, sometimes swim against the waves, and try to stabilize its body to let Ao Muyang and Black Dragon stay on the sea.

Although they could move forward, they felt very uncomfortable. Waves several meters high were hitting people. Needless to say, the pain was so great that they didn't want to experience it again.

In other words, Heilong was a tough guy with a strong tolerance for pain. If it were an ordinary person, he would have been hit into the water long ago!

The pier outside the village was not far from the town pier. Tiger rushed there in just over ten minutes. Then Ao Muyang took the opportunity to dive into the water and looked around to find the ship in trouble.

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