Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1079 1086. Helping Hands

Heavy rains can easily cause disasters in offshore farming. Many people wonder, what does farming in the sea have to do with rain? Anyway, if the fish stays in the sea, can it be killed by the waves?

This is what happens in distant sea farming. For example, Ao Muyang’s Zhuantou Island fishery is fine, but not in offshore areas.

First, offshore farming is done close to the water surface. After a storm, the sea surface will be deprived of oxygen, so many fish will suffocate to death; second, more importantly, a large amount of fresh water suddenly falls into the sea, which will cause the salinity of the offshore to drop, and the cultured fish will It has poor activity and poor tolerance to environmental changes, and it is easy to die as a result.

Ao Muyang couldn't do anything about this kind of thing.

But he had a good relationship with Fu Guozheng, and the fishermen were loyal. Seeing Fu Guozheng's sad face, he felt uncomfortable, so he asked: "Apart from the fishing rafts that were blown away, are there many fish that have been killed by the rain in the village?" ?”

"Quite a bit." Fu Guozheng sighed.

Ao Muyang said: "In that case, you can quickly find someone to clean it up. Our village's new cold storage has just been opened. It has a large space and can be used by your village for a period of time. In addition, I will arrange for the stalls in our dock market to sell the fish from your village first. Anyway, I can make some money back.”

The fish killed by rainwater is an abnormal death, but after all, it can be used as food on the table without any medication or disease.

The problem is that fish soaked in rainwater must be quickly put into cold storage, otherwise it will spoil quickly. This kind of fish rots and deteriorates faster.

Upon hearing what Ao Muyang said, Fu Guozheng finally showed some joy on his face, and he asked happily: "Old Ao, you have helped me a lot."

Ao Muyang said: "But don't be too happy. If these fish enter our stall, it will definitely mean that they were killed by rainwater, so the price will be lower than the market price."

Fu Guozheng asked expectantly: "Isn't it okay if you don't say no? This fish died of rain water and it didn't die of disease. There is nothing wrong with the meat quality."

Ao Muyang shook his head: "That's not okay. You must not deceive consumers."

Fu Guozheng sighed and said: "Well, as long as we can recover some losses, we really can't be greedy or insufficient."

He passed on the news, and several families engaged in breeding immediately stopped crying and hurriedly went to catch fish to send to the cold storage in Longtou Village.

Ao Muyang asked Fu Guozheng: "Lao Fu, is your snake farm okay?"

Fu Guozheng said: "Hey, how can it be okay? Half of it was washed away, but I took care of the snakes inside in advance, and I took the remaining female snakes back to the cellar at home, so nothing will happen."

Hearing what he said, Ao Muyang felt relieved. He came here mainly for the snake farm.

The two villages are not far apart, separated by a strip of water. The seawater connects the villages. If the sea snake escapes into the sea, it will also be dangerous to the waters of Longtou Village.

After all, there are many stupid manatees raised in the sea outside Longtou Village. Manatees like to eat seaweed, and sea snakes look like giant algae when they twist in the water, and are easily eaten by manatees.

Sea snakes are venomous, and manatees will be bitten if they get close to them. Once bitten by a sea snake, it is basically a dead end.

Soon afterwards, other news about the breeding industry came.

The price of seafood will definitely increase a lot during the New Year this year. Many fish farms and shrimp farms along the coast have been hit hard by this disaster and suffered heavy losses.

The losses in fish farming are huge, and the losses in shrimp farming are even greater.

Shrimp farming is not like fish farming, which requires fishing rafts or large-area fishing grounds. This can be done by just setting up a pond on the beach. Many shrimp farms are three-dimensional.

What is three-dimensional farming? There are some shrimp cages stacked in the sea water. The shrimps stay in the shrimp cages and are fed with feed. It is similar to a modern chicken farm.

Shrimp are even less tolerant to the environment. Heavy rains are falling, and shrimp farms are dying one after another!

This news has been broadcast on the provincial TV station. According to statistics, 80 million shrimps have been lost in the Hongyang area alone, which is enough for almost everyone in the province.

Looking at the crying fishermen and farmers on TV with faces full of despair, Ao Muyang couldn't help but sigh. This wave of farmers are really unlucky.

He began to realize that ocean weather is unpredictable, and fish farmers should buy insurance for their fisheries and properties so that they would not go bankrupt in the event of a natural disaster.

An earthquake caused many farmers to return to pre-liberation overnight.

The better thing is that this strong typhoon did not cause direct deaths. Only two people were seriously injured by the collapsed houses, and they were not rescued in the end.

It was calm and rainy, and the leaders of the county electric power bureau came to deliver banners to Ao Muyang. Fortunately, he and Heilong rescued the seven gourd babies, otherwise all of these leaders would be waiting to be kicked off.

If Ao Muyang hadn't rescued him in time, all the team from the Electric Power Bureau would have died!

When there were no direct deaths due to disaster weather in the city, employees of the Electricity Bureau died at sea. Doesn't this cause trouble for senior city officials and mayors? The person responsible will definitely be held accountable immediately!

The Electric Power Bureau was quite interesting. After sending the banners to the public, the director secretly said to Ao Muyang: "Village Chief Ao, the circuit in your village should be repaired. In this way, our bureau will give you a major renovation two years ago, and the whole circuit will be repaired." Village Circuit Network will give you a replacement!”

Ao Muyang was happy when he heard this: "That's great!"

After the fishermen in the village became happy, the demand for electricity increased. The current circuit network is indeed unable to bear such a large amount of electricity consumption. Especially with the new cold storage in the village put into use, the electricity consumption is even more terrible.

After sending these leaders away, someone sent a message to Ao Muyang, saying that the upper reaches of the Nanhe River had been cut off!

Ao Muyang was so angry that he wondered if this would work? Who is so bold?

He was also wondering, this rainstorm was severe enough, the rivers in the surrounding villages should not be short of water, and it was winter, and there was no farmland to irrigate, so why cut off the river now?

He first went to the South River to take a look. The narrow river channel was surging, and the river water was rushing with waves. Judging from the water flow, it didn't look like the upstream was blocked by someone.

Because of the typhoon, the school in the village was closed, and some children were fishing by the river.

Ao Muyang's eyes jumped, and he shouted: "You are not allowed to catch fish here, go home, go home."

A child made a face at him: "Uncle Xiaoyang is so domineering, does Uncle Xiaoyang want to monopolize the fish here?"

Ao Muyang blew his beard and glared: "Nonsense, I'm afraid something will happen to you. Let's do this, you find an adult to watch you here, anyway, you kids are not allowed to take risks here now."

"We have a dog." A child hugged the big yellow dog beside him and laughed.

Ao Muyang shook his head with a straight face: "That won't work either."

The children still refused to leave. Ao Muyang went over to take a look and realized that they had a good catch. Someone cast a fishing rod and caught a large tilapia weighing more than two kilograms, which was a rare thing.

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