Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1080 1087. Take the Child

He stood by the river and watched for a long time. The water in the river was turbulent, and it didn't look like it was cut off from upstream.

So he went back to inquire, and then he knew that there was a mistake.

Someone in the upstream did cut off the river, but they didn't build a dam to cut off the water. Instead, they blocked the river with fishing nets and bamboo gates to prevent the fish in the river from going downstream.

This is understandable. There was a village upstream that dug a pond by the river to raise freshwater fish, such as tilapia, loach, eel, etc. As a result, the storm filled the pond, and the fish ran into the river next to it with the rain.

Now those families are busy catching fish and putting them in the pond. At the same time, some unsophisticated people took the opportunity to go to the river to catch other people's fish. After being banned, they sent a message to Ao Muyang, wanting to use him as a gun.

After figuring out this matter, Ao Muyang naturally didn't care. It was understandable that the other party did this.

In addition, he also understood how the children in the village could catch big tilapia before. These were all fish raised in the upstream pond.

However, this matter was still very unpleasant. Some children in Longtou Village were detained because they went to the upstream river section to fish together.

This matter had to be handled by Ao Muyang. He and Yang Shuyong went together. More children in Wangjia Village were arrested.

They went to the intercepted river section and saw a row of children standing along the river. Some people were holding shovels and shouting excitedly by the river: "These are my fish. These are all my fish that have escaped. You are shameless. You are stealing, do you know?"

Some adults were holding fishing rods. They obviously came here to fish after hearing the news, but were driven away.

There were many people who came to take advantage, at least more than those families. They surrounded a family and started arguing:

"Does this river belong to you? Don't be too domineering. You said the fish in the river escaped from your pond. Isn't this funny?"

"There are fish in this river. How can they all belong to you? We don't catch tilapia, okay? We fish in the river."

"Not all the tilapia in the river belong to you. Stop it. There are several ponds above. It's impossible that they escaped from someone else's pond?"

A group of people were arguing together. Ao Muyang was concentrating on looking for the children in their village.

He said to Yang Shuyong: "Last time I did something like this, I went to your village to get people."

Yang Shuyong knew that he was talking about the children of Longtou Village who touched cicada monkeys in their village and were blamed by melon farmers. This was not glorious. He laughed and said: "Hey, that was all done by Wang Dongliang."

Seeing the two of them, many of the children in the row showed joy.

Yang Shuyong's nephew was also inside. He caught the boy and slapped him on the buttocks: "Leopard, you are so brave that you actually came to steal fish from other people's place. Let me see how I beat you!"

Ao Muyang cheered him on: "Beat this little bastard. He stole fish when he was young, and he will steal people when he grows up. Beat him hard!"

Originally, Yang Baozi was not afraid of his uncle Yang Shuyong, but Ao Muyang's encouragement scared him and made him cry: "Uncle, don't let him beat me to death. I don't want to die yet!"

Ao Muyang was stunned and said: "What do you mean? What do you mean don't let me beat you to death? Can I beat you?"

Yang Shuyong said: "Haha, Captain Ao, you are so famous in our village now. You can stop children from crying at night. This child is not afraid of me, but you."

Hearing the voice here, the man pushed away the anglers surrounding him and walked over.

Yang Shuyong's figure is very impressive, and he and Ao Muyang are both celebrities in the town. The pond farmers know them, so they handed each other a cigarette when they met.

Ao Muyang waved his hand and said, "How can we smoke your cigarette? We should pass you the cigarette."

He meant that the village child caused trouble for others, and he should apologize.

But he and Yang Shuyong's reputation was not very good, which made the man misunderstand.

The man hurriedly waved his hands in panic and said, "No, no, I didn't expect Village Chief Ao and Secretary Yang to come in person. I just notified their parents to come and pick up the child."

Ao Muyang said, "We came together to pick them up. How many fish did they catch?"

The man touched his nose and said, "No, I didn't catch many fish. I let them go."

Ao Muyang didn't bully the weaker groups than himself. He brought some change with him, so he took out 500 yuan and handed it to him, saying, "Boss, this is compensation for losses. We will take the child away."

The man hurriedly pushed Ci: "Hey, I dare not accept it. I don't want you to pay me. As for the kids, which kid in our fishing family doesn't like fishing? It's not a big deal. I just wanted to tell the parents to keep an eye on their children and stop them from fishing."

Ao Muyang said: "You can accept it. It's also a compensation for the loss."

Hearing this, the man smiled bitterly: "Alas, it doesn't help. This time I have a big loss. I raised more than 40,000 tilapia in this pond. How many can be left now? Alas!"

Another long sigh.

Yang Shuyong saw that the man's eyes were red and his mouth was full of blisters. He knew that he must be angry because of this disaster, so he said to the group of anglers: "Do you have any shame? The fish they raised ran away and they couldn't make a living. You still come to fish for their fish?"

Seeing that he spoke for justice, the man's family cast grateful eyes.

Ao Muyang pondered for a while and said: "In fact, there is nothing wrong with allowing fishing."

He then said: "Boss, why don't you just organize an event? There are many fish in the river. You can charge admission tickets to allow everyone to come and fish. The ticket is 50 yuan per person, and you can fish for as long as you want. At least you can generate income."

The man's eyes lit up and said: "Hey, this is possible."

Ao Muyang and his family took the children away. The man's family thanked them profusely and invited them to go fishing.

Lao Tzu said, "Misfortunes are the roots of blessings, and blessings are the roots of misfortunes."

The passage of typhoons is not only bad, but also has some benefits. For example, it swept from south to north, driving the exchange of seawater between the upper and lower layers of the ocean. For a while, the plankton in the sea increased greatly, and the fish hidden in the seabed emerged one after another to find food, which greatly increased the fish catch of the fishermen.

In addition, due to the interference of the storm, some fish schools changed their environment with the wind and waves, and fish species that are not usually seen appeared in the Hongyang Sea.

Among them, the Nanhe River in Longtou Village also benefited from it. A fish that was only slightly longer than a palm appeared at the estuary.

The Nanhe River flows downstream to the ocean, which is considered an estuary. Usually, some migratory fish will appear here, but this kind of fish is the first time.

The children in the village caught this fish. After Ao Muyang brought the children back, they continued to fish, but they could no longer go upstream to cast hooks, so they honestly fished in the Nanhe River. As a result, they caught a lot of beautiful small fish with a light golden appearance.

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