Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1082 1089. Going to the temple fair

The government took the lead and the temple fair was in full swing.

The temple fair started three or two days after the typhoon. Obviously, the government understands the mentality of the fishermen and is worried that if the time goes on, the fishermen will lose interest and the temple fair will not be held.

In addition, this temple fair is responsible for maintaining stability. If the fishermen's negative emotions have been vented before the temple fair, what is the use of holding this temple fair?

The town is proud of the city leaders’ decision to choose Qiantan Town to host the first Mazu Temple Fair, so they work very hard to cooperate and require all villages to cooperate, especially around Longtou Village. Anyone with tourists in the village must mobilize Tourists go to temple fairs.

Posters about this temple fair were posted all over the streets. It is said that the city invited a famous lion dance team from Jiangsu and Zhejiang to perform. They were all strong young men and the performance was very exciting.

Ao Muyang shouted in the village, asking all the villagers to join in the fun. Because it was the first temple fair, there were still a lot of good things in it. It is said that the leaders mobilized many shopping malls in the city to participate in the temple fair and organized various gifts of home appliances. Activities such as sending transportation to the countryside, sending transportation to the countryside, and sending medical environment to the countryside.

It was a good day when the temple fair opened. The weather was sunny. Ao Muyang had a leisurely breakfast, and then went to the dock to send the Dalongtou out to sea. Then he went to attend the temple fair with Lu Zhizi, Lu Wuyi, and Jiang Caoqi.

Ao Mukang held up his belt and went out. He pushed a small cart with some smoked chicken, smoked rabbit and other things on it.

When Ao Muyang saw him, he greeted him and said, "Brother Kang, it's quite late for you to go out. It's already ten o'clock. The temple fair has already started for a while, right?"

Ao Mukang put a cigarette in his mouth and said proudly: "To be honest, village chief, this is my second trip. All the smoked goods I brought in the morning have been sold out."

Ao Muyang said in surprise: "Oh, it's selling so well?"

"That's not good, it's so hot - boom!"

As he was talking, the cigarette in his mouth suddenly exploded, setting off a huge flame!

Ao Muyang trembled with fright, and Lu Wuyi said in surprise: "Is it so hot? So hot that it can blow up the cigarette?!"

Ao Mukang's roaring voice sounded: "Ma Gebi, Ao Xiaojun, damn, I'm going to beat your fucking ass to pieces today! You fucking put firecrackers in my cigarette!"

He shouted while turning back and rushing into the house. As soon as he entered, a young boy jumped out from the wall, it was the naughty Ao Xiaojun.

Ao Muyang grabbed him and said, "Did you really put firecrackers in your dad's cigarette? No way, I did this before when I was a child. How heavy the firecrackers are, an experienced smoker can feel it with his hands."

Ao Xiaojun shook his hand and said: "Uncle Xiaoyang, you are not professional. You peeled off two layers of paper from the outside of the firecrackers, leaving only the last layer. How heavy can the remaining gunpowder be?"

"Besides, I have weighed the cigarettes. We used a precision electronic scale in chemistry this semester. I borrowed one to weigh the cigarettes. A cigarette weighs 1.6 grams. As long as the weight is controlled, Just..."

He shook off Ao Muyang's hand and ran wildly.

"This guy is so talented." Lu Wuji said in shock.

Lu Zhizi sighed: "In terms of cleverness, Ao Xiaojun is the best among this group of children, but he doesn't like to study and likes to ponder some heresy."

Ao Mukang didn't catch anyone, so he was very angry when he came out. His wife said lightly: "Okay, don't be angry. Aren't your son and I the ones who are so angry and heartbroken?"

"That kid wants to make me mad. He feels so bad." Ao Mukang said angrily.

He pinched the remaining cigarette and made sure there were no firecrackers in it before he dared to put it into his mouth.

As a result, after just two puffs, a flame burst out, full of gunpowder smoke!

Ao Muyang said: "Damn it, your son sprinkled firecracker gunpowder into the smoke!"

"It's impossible to guard against it!" Jiang Caoqi sighed.

Ao Mukang was already thinking about killing the child, but his wife was happy: "Xiaojun did well this time, you have to stop smoking, right?"

Regardless of whether he wants to quit smoking or not, Ao Mukang doesn't dare to smoke anymore. Who knows what else is in the remaining cigarettes?

The temple fair was in town, and Ao Muyang decided to drive there.

The four people got into the big Mercedes-Benz. General, Wolf and Big Wolf Er hurriedly squeezed in. The huge car was packed to the brim.

Jiang Caoqi said dissatisfied: "Isn't this too crowded?"

Then the general bit the leader's neck and dragged him out.

Jiang Caoqi quickly grabbed his pet dog and shouted, "Okay, okay, we two occupy a seat, and we don't take up any space. Is that okay?"

Ao Muyang said: "Lao Jiang, the way you raise pets is wrong. This is doting. Come on, there is a program about raising pets. You should learn from it."

He turned on the car radio, tuned it to a special channel and listened.

"...Labrador has a characteristic, that is, it matures late. They say it is a devil when it is young, and it is an angel when it matures. But many people cannot wait until it reaches adulthood. Why? Because its juvenile period is too long. In this case, What should I do? Don’t throw them away, just blanch them in boiling water, then shave off the meat and simply stir it with sesame sauce, light soy sauce and rice vinegar, and finally sprinkle with some chicken essence, the taste will be very fragrant..."

"What the hell?" Ao Muyang couldn't react for a moment, and Lu Zhizi, who was holding the general in the back seat, was also shocked.

General: (`ω)

Lu Wuyi, who was in the passenger seat, said with a smile: "I'm sorry, brother-in-law, I touched the knob of the radio with my elbow, and it seemed like it jumped."

The voices of the hosts of the two channels were a bit similar, and Ao Muyang couldn't tell them apart before...

He switched back to the Pet Channel, and then said to Lu Wuyi: "Don't touch it, it will get you into trouble, understand?"

The general didn't trust them at all. He once wanted to squeeze to the co-pilot and jump out of the window to escape. Seeing this, Ao Muyang said to Lu Wuyi: "Why open the window? Close it."

After closing the window, a foul smell began to spread. The general took two deep breaths and calmed down for a while.

Ao Muyang's face turned green. He looked at the source of the smell on the co-pilot and said: "Did you fart?"

"Yeah." Lu Wuyi admitted frankly.

Ao Muyang quickly opened the window and said, "Damn, you closed the window after farting. You really have no sense of public morality."

Lu Wuyi said aggrievedly, "I just opened the window. You told me to close it, so I closed it."

"You farted, didn't you know? I told you to close it, so you closed it? Why don't you explain it?"

Lu Wuyi argued, "I thought you liked to smell farts. I didn't tell you because I considered this hobby to be unique, so I kept it a secret for you, right?"

Ao Muyang had nothing to say. Who could he blame for having such a brother-in-law?

Fortunately, the village was not far from the town. After the car ran quickly for more than ten minutes, it saw the buildings in the town center and the bustling crowd in the distance.

There were more people here, and it was difficult to park forward. Ao Muyang found an empty space on the roadside to park the car. Everyone rushed out quickly, and only the general was reluctant to leave inside...

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