Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1083 1090. What I've Seen

The temple fair ran through two streets in the center of the town, with crosses placed on the front, back, and left. If any foreigners came to participate, they would probably have to shout Hallelujah to the layout of the temple fair.

It was already past ten o'clock, and Ao Muyang went out late. After all, it was cold now, so it was uncomfortable to go out too early. Even if the sun came out, the air was still chilly, and the withered grass and trees on the ground still showed a little bit of green, and there were still hanging hangings on them. A little bit of dew.

The gentle sunshine in winter shines down, and the dewdrops sparkle.

There were people distributing newspapers at all four entrances on the two streets of the temple fair. After seeing Ao Muyang and his group, a young man who was distributing newspapers came over and handed each of them a copy.

Lu Zhizi thanked him with a smile, and the boy with acne blushed shyly.

Lu Wuwei chuckled and said, "Brother-in-law, you must have a sense of crisis. This guy treats my sister as a goddess. Absolutely, I look too much like him with his eyes and gestures."

"Is it like the way you saw Sister Yan?" Ao Muyang asked.

When Yan Qingcheng was mentioned, the young man showed a melancholy expression on his face: "Oh, it's feelings."

Jiang Caoqi already knew this story. He pretended to be Yan Qingcheng and tapped Lu Wuyi's forehead with his orchid finger, and then said in a pretentious manner: "What do you think you like about me? Can't I change it?"

After hearing this, Lu Wuyi became very happy: "I just like the way you don't love me, can you change it?"

Jiang Caoqi thought about it for a while, smacked his lips and said, "You are quite clever."

Ao Muyang waved his hand and said, "Okay, stop making trouble, let's go to the temple fair."

There are traditional temple fairs in Hongyang, with different locations. In Qiantan Town, they are called mountain fairs, because such events are usually held in the mountains at uncertain times, usually after the autumn harvest, when everyone has time.

This temple fair was to appease the distressed fishermen, so the government provided subsidies. Many things were sold at cheap prices, which attracted many people.

Ao Muyang read the newspaper while walking. There was an introduction to this temple fair in the newspaper. When the temple fair opened in the morning, senior city officials came to show their faces. He saw this relatively familiar face from the photo.

The reason why he was familiar with it was that he had met him the year before last when he was delivering yellow-lipped fish to Yang Kaitai, a big businessman from Hongyang. At that time, he took a special car of a senior city official and entered Yang Kaitai's villa.

From this point of view, the newspaper was published quickly enough. It is estimated that the morning newspaper obtained first-hand information after the leader showed up, and then printed it after emergency typesetting.

The second page of the newspaper was related to Qiantan Town, to be precise, it was related to Ao Muyang. It introduced how Ao Muyang and Heilong led whales and dolphins to rescue the employees of the Electricity Bureau during the storm.

This incident has become a legend in the local area. Many media came to interview Ao Muyang, but Ao Muyang responded vaguely and pushed the credit to the tigers and dolphins, saying that they had been trained in this way, so they used it in emergencies. .

The reason why the young man who went first specially delivered newspapers to them was because there was news about him in the newspapers. After a series of publicity, Ao Muyang was about to become a hero in the world. Dai Zongxi once chatted with him and said that by the end of this year He must be one of the top ten outstanding young people in Hongyang...

There are many people at the temple fair and there are many stalls. The entrance to them is a fruit market. There are few fruits in winter, but there are many at the temple fair. Common fruits such as hawthorns, apples, oranges and bananas are everywhere, as well as watermelons, nectarines, apricots and other uncommon fruits in winter.

In addition, the temple fair is a model introduced from the south, and fruits are also introduced. Some stalls display kiwi, longan, grapefruit, dragon fruit, jackfruit, pineapple berry, miracle fruit and so on.

Many of the vendors who set up stalls were people from the surrounding villages. They knew Ao Muyang and they all sold him face. When he came, someone would come up and hand him fruits.

Ao Muyang refused to take it, so he took a sweet pomegranate and gave it to Lu Zhizi to feed his clothes and trouser pockets at the same time. Lu Wuji secretly picked up a few, filling his pockets with winter dates, tangerines and the like.

In this regard, the pocket expressed its deep contempt. While despising it, it got into Lu Wuyi's pocket to dig out it, making its cheeks bulge after eating it.

Lu Wuwei didn't care, since these fruits were free of charge anyway, he said cheerfully: "Brother-in-law, I go shopping with you. It really feels like Taijun shopping at a big market. You can get whatever you want. It's so cool."

Ao Muyang warned him: "Come on, don't take other people's things randomly, be careful to let your sister Yan know, and see what your sister Yan thinks of you then!"

Lu Wuyi became anxious when he heard this, and when someone came to hand over something later, he helped Ao Muyang to reject it with dignity.

There were a lot of snacks walking further in. Lu Wuyi was curious about everything he saw, like a teletubbie, grilled sausages, fried ham, fried meatballs, and after a while he had a bunch of things in his hand.

Ao Muyang asked: "Are you able to eat?"

Lu Wuyi ate a meatball and gave one to the general, saying, "Isn't there a general here?"

He spoke too late, and the general raised his paws dissatisfiedly and pulled on his pants, almost pulling them off.

Ao Muyang saw someone frying shrimps. The shrimps were only as big as a human finger. They were pink in color and petite in size. They were soaked and dried in the sun and stir-fried with red dried chili peppers. The fishy shrimp smell combined with the spiciness became A unique scent.

Seeing this, he asked with interest: "Is this a river shrimp or a macrobrachium?"

The boss said: "Macrobrachium, why is this a river prawn? Try it, it tastes so fresh."

Ao Muyang said: "Okay, give me a set."

Marsh shrimp and river shrimp have the same origin and species, but they grow in different environments. The latter live naturally in small rivers and can grow up, while the former live in swamp wetlands and are considered big when they grow two or three centimeters long.

In comparison, the shells of marsh shrimp are very soft and they taste more fishy, ​​but after being stir-fried with spicy food, the fishy smell has a unique charm and is more powerful than river shrimp and sea shrimp.

The boss is an old hand at making marsh shrimp. He uses millet pancakes to match marsh shrimp. The pancakes are very soft and have a hint of sweetness, which is a perfect match for the spicy marsh shrimp.

Ao Muyang hasn't eaten pancakes with marsh shrimp for a long time. He was very satisfied after taking a bite. This thing still tastes the same as in his memory.

However, the price is not the price in his memory. When he was a child, he ate this thing for 1.5 yuan per set, but now it sells for 12 yuan per set, and the price has risen by eight times as much as before!

An old lady is selling hawthorns. There are plenty of these things on the mountain in winter, so the villagers who go to the temple fair will not even look at them. As long as you are diligent, you can pick them for free on the mountain. The old lady sat alone on the roadside, eating by herself in small bites.

Lu Wuyi went over to buy ten kilograms, gave the old lady fifty yuan without asking for change, and waved his hand casually and said, "The rest is a tip."

Seeing him carrying a bunch of hawthorns back, Jiang Caoqi wondered, "Did you go there to do charity? If so, you don't have to bring these hawthorns back, it's a burden."

Lu Wuyi glanced at him and said, "What do you think I am? A beggar?"

Ao Muyang patted his shoulder and said, "Little friend, you behaved very well. I will make you canned hawthorns when I go back. Your mother has whetted your appetite. I will make you gain ten kilograms in the winter!"

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