Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1194 1201. The best in the world (asking for monthly votes)

Kenma Kurosawa had already introduced the three people on the way. Tsukiji Market is mainly divided into two parts, the inner market and the outer market.

Among them, the inner market is a licensed wholesale market with about 900 licensed wholesale dealers operating small stalls, auctions and most fish processing. The outer market is composed of wholesale and retail stores selling Japanese kitchen utensils, restaurant supplies, groceries and seafood, as well as many restaurants, many of which are sushi restaurants.

There are many sushi restaurants in Tsukiji Market that are very famous in Tokyo, but Ao Muyang did not have the opportunity to taste them. Haijiade also opened a sushi restaurant here, and they would have to eat the dishes of their own restaurant when the time comes.

Kenma Kurosawa showed extraordinary enthusiasm. He has been accompanying the three people and telling them all kinds of knowledge, such as the historical evolution of the market, the history of tuna auctions, auction rules, processes, etc.

He specifically explained the knowledge of auctions. The tuna auctions at Tsukiji Market are conducted through hand gestures, called "pistol auctions", which include a rather complicated hand gesture system. In the words of Kenshin Kurosawa, "It is more complicated than the combat gestures of special forces. It has been around for a hundred years and has been passed down and improved. I would not be surprised if it replaces the current sign language gesture rules of Japan one day."

This is not an exaggeration. The pistol auction is very fast, and the ownership of a tuna can be determined every three to five seconds on average. This shows something.

The tuna auction system is a major attraction of Tsukiji Market. Tourists come here for this reason. Now Tsukiji Market claims that their tuna auction system is more efficient than any computer auction system in the world.

After disinfection and entering the inner field, Kurosawa took Ao Muyang to find Xiao Yi and his party.

Xiao Yi and his party have already entered the venue, and some people are talking about something around him. This shows his transcendent status. The people around him either have slightly bent knees or slightly bent backs, and no one can straighten their chests in front of him.

Seeing them coming, Kindaichi Kosuke walked over quickly and said a few words.

Kurosawa Kenshin translated: "Kosuke is our auctioneer of Haijiade. He has to do his homework and came to say goodbye to us."

Ao Muyang and the other two nodded to him and the two sides passed by each other.

Lu Hu asked with interest: "Is Kindaichi also an auctioneer? I thought you were full-time appraisers."

Kurosawa Kenma laughed and said admiringly: "Don't look at this guy Yukisuke who is usually careless and indecisive, but he is very careful and decisive when he is engaged in tuna auctions. He is one of the seven best auctioneers here, and we call him the Seven Samurai."

He introduced the three people: "Fish appraisers do not only do appraisal work, although this is the main job, they also have to be fish chefs and do other work. Yukisuke is good at auctions, and I am good at cooking. I am a chef trained by Master Xiaoyi."

Lu Wuyi agreed: "Kurosawa is indeed a very good cooking expert. Last night's fat beef pot and salt-grilled prawns were really great. I have endless aftertastes in my dreams!"

Kurosawa Kenma laughed from ear to ear: "Lu-san is too good."

After they arrived, Xiaoyi and his husband pushed aside the group of people surrounding him to welcome them.

Looking at the brightly lit market, Lu Hu sighed: "Master Xiaoyi, the bosses of this market are really hardworking and diligent. They probably have to work all night, right?"

Xiaoyi and Fu said: "They are very hardworking, but they don't need to work all night. They still have enough rest time. The one who has the most say in this regard is Jianzhen. When Jianzhen was in charge of Haijiade's store in the market, he once spent 200,000 yen on phone calls in a month!"

Ao Muyang was shocked. According to the exchange rate, 200,000 yen is about 12,000 yuan. For ordinary people, a family spends a lot of money in a month, and Kurosawa Jianzhen actually only spends phone bills!

Kurosawa Kenshin was not modest. He sighed, "That was a crazy month."

Takagi Kazuo said to the three people, "To gain a foothold in Tsukiji Market, you have to work several times harder than others. How could the guys from Katsumoto Fish Road easily make a name for themselves here?"

Fishing appraisers are a very hard job. They have to get up early every day. Their biological clocks are very different from those of ordinary people. They often start work at one or two o'clock in the morning. They need to arrive at the market as soon as the tuna auctioned today enters the market, check the tuna and find the target as soon as possible.

Because Ao Muyang's original intention was to come and experience the tuna auction at Tsukiji Market, Takagi Kazuo personally took them to do the work of appraisers.

These famous appraisers have a high status in Tsukiji Market, so Kurosawa Kenshin could scold the staff at the entrance of the market at will.

The identification work of tuna by the appraiser is divided into two parts. The first part is the identification of tuna by the professional appraiser. For example, Haijiade Company will send some tuna to the market for sale. These tuna have been tested and identified by the company's internal appraisers, and these fish come with a simple identification result.

The second part is that after the fish is sent to the market, the appraisers of the companies, stalls, restaurants, and cooking shops who are willing to participate in the auction will conduct another identification and come to a conclusion personally to determine whether a fish is suitable for purchase and at what price.

Now in the tuna auction area in the inner field, the ground is full of iced bluefin tuna. These fish are of different sizes. The two-and-a-half-meter one caught by Ao Muyang yesterday is not particularly large. There is a bluefin tuna that is more than three meters long, lying on the ground, which is amazing.

The appraisers checked the tuna very quickly, using a variety of methods, just like Chinese medicine doctors treating patients, looking, smelling, asking, and listening.

Everyone has a flashlight in their hands. They have to check the gills of the tuna and the location of the belly rupture. The tail of each tuna has also been cut off and placed on the body of the fish for people to observe.

Xiaoyi and Fu were surrounded by people again. Many people asked him to help them make an appraisal reference, and some people held up their mobile phones to show him something.

It was hard to refuse the kindness, so he handed Ao Muyang and the other two to Kurosawa Kenshin. Kurosawa Kenshin took the three to the location of the tuna sent by Haijiade. The tuna that Ao Muyang had caught before were all here.

There was a small tag on the tuna, which graded the quality of the fish.

Kurosawa Kenshin taught them how to read the tag, and then took out a flashlight and shone it on the tuna, teaching them how to grade the tuna meat. In addition, he would occasionally get close to smell it, pat it with his hands, and use a variety of methods to combine and judge the quality of a fish.

"The best tuna, you can now smell its fragrance instead of the fishy smell." Kurosawa Kenshin said seriously.

The flashlight moved on the fish for a while, and then suddenly stopped under the fins. Kurosawa Kenshin looked at it with interest and laughed.

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