Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1195 1202. S+ level (seeking recommendation votes)

"What's wrong?" Lu Hu asked.

Kurosawa Kenma happily pointed under the fish fin and said, "Come and see, I found the secret of mourning clothes."

The secret of mourning clothes, Lao Ao felt a little weird after hearing the combination of these two words.

As a result, he lifted the fish fin and looked at it. There was nothing underneath, so he was a little confused.

Kurosawa Kenma smiled and said, "Ao Sang, look carefully, there is a mark there."

Ao Muyang looked carefully and finally saw a tattoo-like pattern on the smooth fish skin. It looked like a small fish, and also like a side-spinning bird. The fish's tail and the bird's tail are very similar, both like scissors, and the fish fins are also very similar to the slightly opened bird's wings, so it is difficult to see clearly when the pattern is relatively small.

After reading it, he asked, "Kurosawa-kun, what is this?"

Kurosawa Kenshin said, "No one knows what it is. We call it a bird-fish pattern, and the public calls it the secret of Xiaoyi. This is the unique mark that Master Xiaoyi left on the tuna he had identified."

After listening to his introduction, Ao Muyang understood that this was considered Xiaoyi Kazufu's personal seal, but it was not printed on paper, but on the fish skin.

Kurosawa Kenshin also told them that the price of tuna in the market is not low, and high-quality tuna can easily cost tens of thousands of yen per kilogram. Because the size and weight of tuna are large, many of them are hundreds of kilograms, so they can be worth millions of yen, which is not a small amount.

However, different appraisers have different standards for the quality of a fish, so it is difficult to say how to set the price.

Generally, when encountering such a situation, everyone will take the results given by more qualified and famous appraisers as the standard. Xiaoyi Kazufu is one of the benchmarks of the entire Tsukiji market, and the results he gives are often the most convincing.

Moreover, Xiao Yi and Fu are busy with work and have a high net worth. In addition to the fish of Haijiade or the fish of business partners, he generally does not do more appraisals. He is only interested in the particularly high-quality tuna from the outside world.

In this case, Xiao Yi and Fu became a signboard over time. The tuna that he has done quality appraisals on can often be sold at a high price, even higher than the price of the same category.

Because Xiao Yi and Fu have high standards and requirements, the fish that Xiao Yi and Fu appraised are often better in meat quality and more fresh.

In this context, some people set their sights on Xiao Yi and Fu, and they would pretend to be Xiao Yi and Fu's handwriting to do appraisals.

Although the auctions are held in Tsukiji Market, Xiao Yi and Fu are old, and he will not often come to the market to participate in the auctions, and he cannot investigate the behavior of falsifying his own appraisal results.

Even if he came, there were hundreds or thousands of tuna auctioned every day, and he didn't know how many of them he had identified. He couldn't go to see them one by one, and buyers couldn't drag the fish to him, so even if someone forged his identification results to play tricks of muddy waters and mixing fakes with real ones, he could do nothing.

There is no good way to deal with such counterfeiting. Xiaoyi Hefu can only make a unique mark at an irregular position on the fish, which is considered an anti-counterfeiting mark.

Listening to Kurosawa Kenshin's introduction, Lu Hu asked: "But, can't others imitate this unique mark?"

Kurosawa Kenshin replied: "Yes, but when everyone finds which fish has a bird and fish pattern, they will take a picture and show the photo to Master Xiaoyi to let him distinguish the true from the false. Master Xiaoyi's mark is the most clear to him, and no matter how similar others copy it, they can't escape his eyes."

Ao Muyang understood that Xiaoyi Hefu also hated being impersonated, which affected his reputation. But he couldn't check this before he drew the bird and fish picture. According to the market regulations, the position of each tuna after entering the market is fixed and can no longer be moved.

If the tuna cannot move, then if you want to check the authenticity of a fish, Xiaoyi and Fu need to go to see it in person. The built-in market is so big, how can he have the time and energy to walk around to check?

Earlier, a group of people surrounded Xiaoyi and Fu with their mobile phones, asking him to identify the patterns on the mobile phone photos. Xiaoyi and Fu thought this was his duty, so he did not continue to accompany the three people, but stayed in the crowd.

As time passed, more and more people came to the market. A large group of people with flashlights and small notebooks carefully watched the bluefin tuna arranged on the ground, and the most people gathered in the Haijiade fish area.

Haijiade has collected more than 20 tuna in recent times. Ao Muyang and the other two sent more than ten days ago. They did publicity and attracted many people to come specially.

The two fish that Ao Muyang caught yesterday were also sent over while they were fresh. The largest one he caught became a star. This fish was handled the best and was identified by Xiaoyi and Fu as a ‘perfect tuna that was almost fresh out of the water’, with an S+ rating.

After reading this evaluation, Ao Muyang asked about the price with great anticipation.

Kurosawa Kenshin said: “In my experience, its unit price can reach 8,000 yen to 10,000 yen. I am not very accurate because the market price and standards change every day. If Yukisuke was here, it would be great. Our identification level is the same, but he has a more accurate control of the market situation.”

Ao Muyang quickly calculated that they had weighed the fish and it weighed 212 kilograms. If the unit price could reach 10,000 yen, it would be 2.12 million yen.

After conversion, the price of this fish is not low, a full 120,000 or 130,000 yuan, but compared to such a large and precious bluefin tuna, Ao Muyang did not think the price was that expensive!

It's not that he is greedy, but he has learned before that the first auction of bluefin tuna in the new year this year is a super big fish weighing 320 kilograms, and the price of that fish is 600,000 US dollars, more than 4 million RMB!

He expressed his doubts, and Kurosawa Kenshin laughed: "The bluefin tuna is just ocean gold, they are not real gold after all! The unit price of 10,000 yen is already a very high price. If a fish costs hundreds of thousands of dollars, I am afraid only the chaebol can afford it, not even the emperor can afford it."

Lu Hu took over with his hands behind his back and said: "Yes, the price of the bluefin tuna auctioned in the new year at Tsukiji Market is particularly expensive, because there will be many national media visiting and interviewing that day. The first fish has the highest attention, and it has a very strong advertising value. In fact, the money is used to buy a publicity opportunity, not that the value of a bluefin tuna is so great!"

Kurosawa Kenshin continued to explain to him that there was a price disconnection on the first day of the auction, that is, the first fish may be sold for hundreds of millions of yen, but the second fish is only one percent of its value, only one million yen.

Ao Muyang didn't know much about Tsukiji Market and the tuna auction, so he took this opportunity to ask a lot of questions and learned a lot.

At 4:30 in the morning, the tuna auction officially began.

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