Golden Fishing Village

Happy National Day everyone! Please allow Dan Ke to ask for a ticket at the beginning of the month

First of all, Dan Ke wishes the great motherland a happy birthday. If there is no stable environment in the motherland, I am afraid that online literature will not be able to develop so well.

Secondly, Dan Ke wishes all brothers and sisters a happy holiday. Thank you for supporting Dan Ke until now! Dan Ke is very grateful and sincerely thanks!

Thirdly, Dan Ke wants to talk about some of the mental journeys of this book. If I say that this book is the most fully prepared one among the several books I have written, it may be a bit hypocritical, but this is really the fact. When Dan Ke wrote the Golden Fishery, he wrote it out of interest. At that time, he knew little and wrote a lot of wrong things about fisheries. Everything was just for fun and good-looking. When writing this fishing village, he collected a lot of information. Maybe there was too much information, but it was a bit boring, which led many readers to find it not very interesting.

However, in any case, Dan Ke can pat his chest and say that he really tried his best in this book!

Finally, I still wish everyone a happy National Day, and I would like to ask for votes. If you have monthly tickets, please vote for them. Dan Ke’s performance on the monthly ticket list is poor, and I really want to make it better! If you have a recommendation vote, please vote for it. Thank you!

In addition, the weather is getting colder, especially in the northern regions, so please keep warm.

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