Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1203 1210. Only those with integrity deserve victory (1/5)

Chapter 1203 1210. Only integrity deserves victory (15)

At this point, how could Ao Muyang still not understand that this was just a test?

Recalling what Takashi Kazuo said before about the ownership of the 'club's chief fish appraiser', there is only a small test left. There is no doubt that this is the test he was talking about.

The atmosphere in the auction house was a bit strange for a while. The development of this matter was not routine enough, and most Japanese fishermen with dead brains could not react.

Kindaichi and Kurosawa, who were the parties involved, could not react. They were shocked. Regarding the news announced by the master, Kurosawa said that he would eat a pound, and Kindaichi was even more shocked. He had to eat two pounds.

Xiaoyi Kazuo didn't explain too much. He bowed to everyone and then to the auctioneer, mumbling something.

Lu Lu touched Asano Hirono next to him with his elbow and said, "Asano-kun, what is Master Xiaoyi talking about?"

Asano Hiroo shivered before he reacted. He hurriedly said: "Oh, oh, oh, ah, what did you say? Oh, sorry, sorry..."

Lu Wuji said to Ao Muyang: "I can actually understand some of the Japanese spoken like this."

"Sorry, I'm really sorry." Asano Hiroo said.

Lu Lu said: "No need to apologize, just translate it quickly."

Asano Hirono said: "No, Lu Sang, Master Xiaoyi is apologizing to everyone. He said he is deeply sorry for taking up everyone's time and asks everyone to forgive him. Okay, come with me now, oh no, follow Master Xiaoyi." "

This news was so shocking that he was so shocked that he could not speak at all.

Kurosawa finally reacted. He looked at Kazuo Xiaoyi blankly and said, "Master Xiaoyi, please tell me, are you kidding me?"

Xiaoyi Kazuo's face tightened and he said, "Don't say anything more, just follow me."

Haijiade also has an outlet in the market, which covers a large area and has a neat office in the back.

A group of people entered the office, and Kurosawa Kenma asked again with hope: "Master Xiaoyi, what you just said is not true, are you kidding?"

Kazuo Xiaoyi said: "Kenzhen, you have been following me for twenty-six years, right? Have you ever seen me joking about such a big event?"

Kurosawa Kenzhen's mentality collapsed, his lungs exploded, and his intestines trembled: "Why? Master Xiaoyi, how can I be inferior to this guy Yusuke? He has only studied under you for less than twenty years! My ability, My knowledge and skills are stronger than his!"

"Ability can be improved, knowledge can be learned, and skills can be trained." Kazuo Xiaoyi said seriously, "But nature is unchangeable. This is introduced in Chinese culture, right, gentlemen?"

Lu Wuji nodded and said, "Yes, a dog can't change its habit of eating shit."

"It's easy to change a country's nature but hard to change it!" Ao Muyang rolled his eyes at him.

Lu Rover thought for a moment and said, "What do you want me to say like this?"

Kazuo Xiaoyi said: "Kenzhen, don't you understand? In terms of ability, you and Yusuke are indistinguishable from each other, so the final test is the human heart!"

"Do you think the appearance of this fish tonight was accidental? Kenzhen, tell me, what did you do after you recognized this fish that I identified?"

Kurosawa Kenma's face turned red and he shouted: "My approach is to tell everyone that this fish is the result of your identification."

"Baga!" Xiaoyi and his husband went up to slap him, "Even now, are you still unwilling to admit your true feelings? I have been observing you two brothers. Do you think I didn't know that you were What do you think?"

The unconvinced look on Kurosawa Kenma's face disappeared.

Kazuo Xiaoyi glared at him and said: "You did discover the truth first, but then you used the little trick I left on the fish teeth to make money for yourself! You designed Yusuke to tell everyone about the fish through his mouth The identification result was made by someone pretending to be me, causing the fish’s value to drop sharply. In the end, you wanted to take the opportunity to buy it at a low price to make money!”

After he said this, he looked at Kurosawa Kenma with even more anger.

Kurosawa Kenzhen subconsciously took a step back and said, "No, I didn't. Teacher, please listen to me..."

"Are you still stubborn and refusing to look back? Kenjin, you stubborn bastard!" The anger on Xiaoyi Kazuo's face gradually faded, replaced by disappointment.

Kurosawa Kenma shouted desperately: "It was Kosuke who told everyone that the identification result of this fish is fake!"

"Then do you know the authenticity of the result? The so-called counterfeit mark was just something I secretly added on it!"

"I know, of course I know..."

"Do you know why you didn't tell everyone? Why didn't you help Mr. Song Zhipeng seek justice? Why did you want to buy the fish yourself?"

Faced with Kazuo Kazuo's continuous questioning, Kurosawa Kenzhen was stunned.

Kazuo Takai said: "Think about what you did, and then look at what Yusuke did. Yusuke is the auctioneer here. He doesn't actually have to admit his mistakes after he discovers them. Instead, admitting them will cause him to lose in the market. His prestige was reduced and his reputation was damaged, but he still did it. Why? "

"Because he is an upright guy!"

"To become Haijiade's first appraiser, to become the leader among appraisers in Tokyo, this requires not only knowledge, ability, and skills, but also an upright soul! Only integrity deserves victory!"

At this point, he patted Kurosawa Kenma's shoulder earnestly, and continued: "Kenma, I wish you were the winner. If you had insisted on refuting Kosuke and told everyone the truth instead of seeking personal gain, I would have come out to tell everyone the result, that is, you won. What a pity, what a pity!"

Kurosawa Kenma finally couldn't bear it anymore. His legs trembled a few times, and finally his knees softened and he knelt on the ground, covering his face with his hands and crying: "I'm sorry, Master!"

Kindaichi Kosuke stood silently by the side, with no expression on his face.

Takagi Kazuo went up and patted him on the shoulder and said, "Kosuke, Ken's knowledge and ability are above yours. Your appointment is not the end, but a new starting point. Do you understand? You have to become stronger!"

Kindaichi Kosuke bowed hard: "Yes, Master!"

Takagi Kazuo's expression finally relaxed, and he said, "You did a good job today. I hope you can stick to your original intention and always be an upright guy in the future!"

Kindaichi Kosuke bowed again: "Yes, Master, Kosuke will definitely live up to your trust!"

Asano Hiroo was almost beaming with joy when translating to this point.

He is Kindaichi Kosuke's confidant. If Kindaichi Kosuke becomes the head of the content assessment department of Haijiade, he will ascend to heaven, just like a flying monkey.

After announcing this, Takagi Kazuo waved his hand and said, "Kosuke, you can continue to visit the auction with the guests. Please leave the private space to me and Kenshin. I still have a lot to talk to this kid about."

As the others left the office, Kosuke Kindaichi finally relaxed his suppressed emotions. He hugged Hiroo Asano and whispered excitedly, "Asano-kun, congratulate me. I finally achieved my wish!"

"Finally, I let myself go." Lu Wuyi smiled.

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