Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1417 1424. The original ideal (2)

As July began, the village changed a lot. Ao Muyang bought this iron-hulled boat, and Ao Fugui found an old-fashioned movie projector from somewhere.

It was already late afternoon when Ao Muyang parked the boat and packed up everything. He went to the village committee to report the bill, and then saw a large curtain set up in the small square in front of the village committee.

Looking at the yellow and white curtain, he was a little confused, so he asked Ao Fugui who was busy running around: "What are you doing? Aren't you going to sing the news?"

Ao Fugui raised his head and wiped the sweat off his face and said: "I won't sing for now. I don't have to sing every day. Secretary Lu said that I can sing twice a week. Now I will practice my voice and sing in the town later."

Ao Muyang pointed to the curtain and said: "Then what's going on?"

Ao Fugui smiled mysteriously and asked: "Yangzi, can't you recognize what this is?"

Ao Muyang carefully identified it and said hesitantly: "The diaper pad you used?"

Ao Fugui stamped his feet in anger: "Fuck, Yangzi, are you insulting me or looking up to me? I could use such a big diaper pad when I was a child?"

Ao Muyang smiled and said: "I didn't say you used it when you were a child."

Ao Fugui rolled his eyes and said: "Okay, I'm too lazy to say more to you."

Ao Muyang waved his hand and said: "Don't show this bear look, I'm just kidding you, I'm not blind, this is the white screen used for movies, right? Why are you getting this thing?"

Ao Fugui chuckled and said, "What are you talking about? I not only held up the screen, but you come here with me, what do you see?"

He walked a few steps and opened a wooden box, revealing a set of machines inside.

Seeing this set of machines, Ao Muyang laughed: "Ha, a movie projector? Where did you get it? It's rare to still have this stuff these days."

Ao Fugui said proudly: "It's absolutely rare. I found this machine in the town government warehouse. At that time, I wanted to see if there was anything related to our customs, and I found this projector."

As he said, he patted the wooden box, looked up and sighed: "What a fate, this machine has not been used for five or six years, and it was almost sold as a scrap, but fortunately it was not sold. And I tried it and it didn't break, You said, isn't this machine prepared for me? "

Ao Muyang laughed and said, "Prepared for you? You are quite interesting. Are you going to use this thing to play movies?"

Ao Fugui said seriously, "Yes, I want to play movies. Have you forgotten that when we were in elementary school, the teacher asked us what our ideals were? What was my ideal at that time?"

It was more than ten years ago. Ao Muyang rubbed his temple and asked, "Drive out the Tartars and restore China?"

Ao Fugui said, "Get out, seriously, you don't take your brothers seriously. I still remember your ideal, to be an astronaut. Dapeng wanted to be a scientist and study a rocket that could fly into space. At that time, you said that you would ride his rocket to the sky, haha."

Some people around were watching him tidy up the curtain, and they laughed when they heard this.

Ao Muyang waved his hand impatiently and said, "Okay, what was your ideal at that time? To be a movie projectionist?"

Ao Fugui slapped his thigh and said, "Yes."

Ao Muyang recalled carefully, but still couldn't recall the scene at that time, but he was right, and he still remembered it.

Ao Fugui said excitedly: "I took this seriously as an ideal. When I was 20 years old, I went to Hongyang to work, and I also worked in a movie theater. I wanted to be a projectionist."

"Then why didn't you continue?"

Ao Fugui sighed and said, "I didn't get a technical job, so I worked as a waiter for half a month, and then the movie theater where I worked went bankrupt."

"The boss is so unlucky."

After the curtain was pulled up, the rest of the work was simple, that is, to assemble the machine. The machine has several main parts, projector, phonograph, loudspeaker, and speaker. Ao Fugui said there is also a generator. Now the voltage in the village is stable, so that thing is not needed.

After Ao Muyang finished reporting the bill, Ao Fugui installed the machine. He hung the two large speakers on two street lamp poles, facing the small square from both sides.

Seeing Ao Muyang coming out, Ao Fugui put one foot on the wooden box, raised his head and said: "Yangzi, the exciting moment has come, you shout on the loudspeaker, I will show a movie to the villagers today."

Ao Muyang smiled bitterly and said: "Don't waste your energy. Now every household has a TV and a computer. The TV is a 4K high-definition screen, and the computer source is 1080P. Who will come out to watch this?"

Ao Fugui said indifferently: "There are always people willing to come out to watch. If you don't believe it, try it. There must be many people willing to watch it, because I play movies that everyone didn't watch enough before. These movies can't be watched on TV or computer now."

Ao Muyang smiled and said: "You may not be able to watch it on TV, so why can't you watch it on the computer?"

Ao Fugui picked up another box and opened it. There was a row of iron boxes inside, painted with red, green, blue and white paint. After many years, the paint surface has been mottled, and the color of the pictures originally posted on it has almost fallen off, leaving only some faint lines.

"Look for yourself. You can search for the source of these films on the computer, but what is the clarity of the source? It's impossible to see clearly!" Ao Fugui said confidently.

Ao Muyang casually took out an iron box. He had never touched a projector tape before, so he asked: "Is this the tape storage box?"

Ao Fugui said: "Yes, don't open it randomly. They are all old films. They must be handled by professionals like me. You can't touch them."

"Tsk." Ao Muyang sneered.

On the back of the iron box, a line of words was written with correction fluid or something: Look at this family.

Originally, there was a picture similar to a poster on the iron box, but it was severely damaged. He looked at it and couldn't tell what was drawn on it, so he asked: "What movie is this?"

Ao Fugui was full of energy: "Hey, this is a good movie, starring Chen Qiang and Chen Peisi. It's hard to find the source of the movie on the Internet. If you don't believe me, try it. I looked for it and found some introductions and some vague sources."

Hearing that this was a movie starring Chen Peisi and his son, Ao Muyang became more or less interested. As a person born in the late 1980s, his generation witnessed the peak of Chen Peisi's acting career in his childhood, and he still had a good impression of this bald artist.

While introducing, Ao Fugui took out another iron box and handed it to him: "Look at this, you like this, when our village played this, you followed and practiced boxing."

The three words "Shaolin Temple" were written on the back of the box. The cover pattern of this film was well preserved, and it should have been changed later. It showed bald Jack-Lee in a monk's training uniform punching.

Ao Fugui's words reminded Ao Muyang of some things in his childhood, which were more than 20 years ago. He couldn't help laughing and said, "You have a good memory."

"Of course," Ao Fugui was proud, "I remember your embarrassing things."

Ao Muyang nodded and said, "Well, you can't survive more than two minutes in a movie."

PS: As an aside, if there are friends born in the 1990s and 2000s who haven't seen the movie "Look at This Family", you can really go and see it. The background is in the 1970s and 1980s, which was a very interesting era. The story is also very interesting. It is a good movie. B station has high-definition resources.

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