Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1418 1425. Reconstruction of a large ship (3)

Ao Fugui found quite a few old films. Ao Muyang took a look, including "When the Mountain is Full of Red Leaves", "The Mysterious Buddha", "The Morning Sun Blooms", "The Battle of Shangganling", etc. There are more than 20 films in total.

These films were shot in the late 1970s and early 1980s. As he said, it is very difficult to find the source of the film on the Internet. Even if you can find it, it is not clear. The videotape in his hand is a high-definition source.

After nightfall, Ao Fugui put the assembled projector on a table, and then tied a thin stick to the table leg and tilted it up. He tied a light bulb on it. When the power was turned on, the light bulb lit up.

Ao Muyang was eating a steamed bun and asked when he saw the light bulb lit up: "Fugui, what is this light bulb for?"

"For lighting." Ao Fugui explained.

Ao Muyang pointed to the street lamp above his head and said: "Are you stupid? Isn't there a street lamp lighting it?"

Ao Fugui snorted coldly: "You are stupid, the street lamp will be off later."

The sun sets, and thousands of lights are on.

The lights in every household in the village were also on, and the street lights were dimly lit. Some were hung in the tree canopy, and the light came out through the gaps between the branches and leaves, hazy.

As the projector started, a beam of light shone on the screen, and then a circular halo appeared first, and the halo quickly bloomed into a rectangle.

This was one of the few scenes in Ao Muyang's childhood memory about the screening of movies. He remembered that the movies he watched when he was a child did start with such a scene.

Next, the opening and iconic prelude music of the Beijing Film Studio sounded, and people came to watch the movie one after another with small stools.

Ao Muyang thought that no one was interested in this old-fashioned movie, but as expected, many people came. When the movie officially started, more than 40 people came. Most of these people were not villagers, but tourists.

Some tourists raised their phones to take photos, and then said to their friends: "Ha, it feels like childhood."

Some tourists brought their children with them. Ao Muyang heard several people tell their children: "This is the movie that Dad watched when he was your age." "This was Dad's favorite entertainment when he was a child." "Come on, son, Dad will take you to experience the atmosphere of the earliest movie theater."

Ao Fugui played a movie called "The Mysterious Buddha". Tourists kept laughing: "This is from the 1970s?" "I really miss that time." "You miss your own youth, not the 1970s?"

Several people were discussing enthusiastically, and suddenly someone interrupted and said: "What 1970s? This movie is about the 1940s, before liberation."

Several tourists born in the 1970s who originally wanted to reminisce about their youth suddenly felt bored.

Old man Ao Zhiman was leaning against the window, cracking melon seeds and watching a movie. He said to Ao Muyang: "Village chief, you young people haven't seen this movie, right? It's good, as good as "Shaolin Temple"."

Ao Muyang hadn't seen many such movies. As far as he could remember, televisions began to enter ordinary people's homes, and with the popularization of televisions, this open-air movie mode was no longer popular.

Ao Muyang asked: "What is this movie about?"

Ao Zhiman said vaguely: "You watch it yourself, watch it yourself, it's good."

Ao Muyang thought that he had nothing to do at night, so he leaned against the wall to watch the movie. The narrative style of this movie was very simple, the story was suspenseful, and it was full of the style of movies in the 1980s, which was quite interesting.

From that day on, Ao Fugui started showing old movies in the village. Every night when night fell, he started showing movies, one a day, because there were many people in the village, and there were always people coming to support it.

Two days later, the mechanical operation ship of the blue boatman came to the sea outside Longtou Village and began to modify the hull of the big ship.

As for the details of the modification of the big ship, it depends on Ao Muyang, Yan Qingcheng can't help him.

Lao Ao has nothing to do these two days, so he went online to look up inspirations about ship farming. He didn't find any news about countries using fishing boats to raise fish, but he found news that developed countries such as Europe, the United States and Japan are building large offshore aquaculture platforms for fishery production.

A typical example is a 270-meter-long aquaculture platform built by France and Norway on the Brittany coast north of Brest. It was converted from a retired and scrapped ship with a total displacement of 100,000 tons. It specializes in salmon farming and produces 3,000 tons per year, with good benefits.

In addition, the European Fisheries Commission is preparing to build a semi-submersible workboat with a length of 189 meters, a width of 56 meters, and a speed of 8 knots. It can transport live-caught tuna and can also be used as a mother ship for aquaculture.

Of course, this kind of workboat is still under research and planning. Ships are easy to build, but tuna farming technology is difficult to overcome, and the cost of this kind of ship is very high - whether it is casting or operation, its cost is very high, and only farming tuna, a precious fish, can make a profit.

Ao Muyang wanted to transform this big iron shell into this kind of breeding platform, but there is no technology in China. At present, the most domestic is to set up marine cage breeding platforms. The more successful ones are the more than 100 deep-water cages invested and built on about 200 hectares of sea near Jinqing Island, Yongle Islands, Xisha Islands, where precious seafood such as grouper, cobia, and lobster are cultivated, with an annual output value of more than 10 million yuan.

There are also lobsters in his breeding pond, Chinese lobsters, and he plans to transfer these lobsters to the big hull.

Regarding the transformation plan of the big hull, Ao Muyang wanted to consult an expert, but none of the experts he knew were good at this, so he had to rely more on his own thinking.

He asked Li Ji for advice, but Li Ji didn't know much about it. He also asked for advice from colleagues in the field of marine aquaculture, and finally contacted an expert who worked at the National Academy of Water Resources' Fisheries Machinery Research Institute.

The expert's name was Shen Yu. Li Ji was very happy after contacting him and went to find Ao Muyang.

When Ao Muyang heard that he wanted to contact an expert again, and the expert was from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and his surname was Shen, his head suddenly got big: "My mother, we can handle this matter ourselves, Mr. Li. I really don't want this big boss from the Chinese Academy of Sciences." Got in touch.”

Li Ji gave him a roll of his eyes and said, "Mr. Shen is not from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, but from the Academy of Water Resources. I asked about it and found that he is indeed an expert on this kind of large-scale breeding platform."

Ao Muyang rubbed his hands and said, "Actually, we don't need experts for this matter, right?"

His attitude made Li Ji very dissatisfied, and he got angry directly: "You kid, you kid, the old man finally helped you contact experts who can help, and you still don't appreciate it. I'm telling you, our country is currently engaged in large-scale marine aquaculture. Structural facilities or breeding platforms are still in their infancy, and there are very few relevant experts. Do you understand that this is high-tech? Do you think you can just drill a hole in the head and stern of the ship? Humph, that’s a joke!”

Seeing that the old man started to roar, Ao Muyang had no choice but to compromise. He raised his hand and said, "Okay, okay, Teacher Li, I will listen to you. Let this expert come over."

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