Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1454 1461. Raising Sharks (3)

Qin Wei wanted to give gifts as soon as he opened his mouth, and he came with gifts, so Ao Muyang subconsciously became wary.

However, for Lu Hu's sake, he did not show his wariness. Instead, he showed his enthusiasm and kept inviting him to have tea and rest.

As long as Qin Wei wants something from him, he will definitely take the initiative to bring up the topic, so he doesn't have to worry.

Now he just hopes that Lu Rover will not cause trouble for him. The help Qin Wei wants to help him must not be related to activities such as diving to find treasures.

He was overly worried about this. Qin Wei got to the point after drinking two cups of herbal tea: "Ao Sheng, you grew up by the sea and have a large breeding farm, so you must know about shark fins."

Ao Muyang nodded and said, "I know a little bit, what's the matter?"

Qin Wei smiled and said: "It's okay. Shark's fin is a good thing. It has high nutritional value and a good meaning. There should be a lot of shark fin dishes in Hongyang's hotels now, right?"

Ao Muyang thought for a while and said: "I don't know about this. I rarely go to Hongyang hotels to eat. And as far as I know, the nutritional value of shark fins is actually hyped. If you really want to supplement nutrition, it is better to eat two more." A free-range egg.”

Qin Wei said seriously: "That's not the case. Shark's fin is rich in protein that is easily absorbed by the human body. This is very rare among other ingredients."

Ao Muyang said: "If you want to supplement protein, you can take protein powder."

Qin Wei added: "It's still different. In addition to being rich in protein, shark's fin also contains some fat, sugar and minerals, which are rare nutrients in other foods. Besides, eating a bowl of shark's fin rice will make a lot of money. Thousands of gold and silver, it can bring good luck!”

Listening to the other party constantly emphasizing the benefits of shark fins, Ao Muyang was moved. He asked tentatively: "Mr. Qin, you don't want to come to sell shark fins door-to-door, do you?"

As soon as he heard this, Qin Wei started laughing and said with a smile: "You just said the opposite, I'm here to buy shark fins."

After saying that, he showed helplessness on his face: "You know, Ao Sheng, with the improvement of people's living standards in recent years, the demand for shark fins has been increasing. We are already in short supply, so I need to expand channels. ”

After understanding what he meant, Ao Muyang had no choice but to spread his hands and said: "It's useless for you to find me, Mr. Qin, we don't have the tradition of catching sharks for shark fins here, and sharks don't come to offshore waters, so we have no chance to contact them. ”

Qin Wei nodded and said: "I understand, I understand, Ao Sheng, please listen to me. I am not looking for you directly to purchase shark fins, but I want to recommend you a project, a good project to make money."

"Killing sharks?" Ao Muyang looked at him suspiciously.

"No, no, no," Qin Wei waved his hands repeatedly, "This is illegal, I know, and the project I recommend to you is a legal project. Have you heard of freshwater sharks?"

Ao Muyang asked hesitantly: "You mean bull shark?"

Bull sharks are the only species of shark that can live in fresh water.

Qin Wei continued to wave his hand and said: "Oh, no, the freshwater shark I am talking about is produced in Thailand and Malaysia. It is also called Bazhen fish. It may be rare here. Maybe you don't know?"

After hearing his explanation, Ao Muyang suddenly said: "Oh, I understand, then I know this kind of fish."

He once saw an introduction to this kind of shark in a book introducing Southeast Asian specialties. The name of a freshwater shark has the word "shark" in it, but it is not actually a shark. Anyway, it is not the same family as a seawater shark. The two are very different. big.

Real sharks are cartilaginous fish and do not have a swim bladder. Freshwater sharks are bony fish. They are no different from ordinary fish. Not only do they have a swim bladder, but they are also small. It is difficult for them to grow more than half a meter in the wild. They are not as ferocious as saltwater sharks. On the contrary, this kind of fish has the courage to It is very small and is now mainly cultivated as an ornamental fish.

He briefly introduced what he knew, and Qin Wei said happily: "Yes, yes, that's it, this is the kind of fish I'm talking about. Since you know freshwater sharks, you must know that their fins can replace real shark fins ”

Ao Muyang understood what he meant and asked, "Do you want to recommend me to breed this kind of fish?"

Qin Wei said: "Yes, this is a very good freshwater cultured fish. Not only can you eat shark fins, but its meat is also very tender and delicious, with high nutritional value and few spines. It is very popular among people in the market. ”

Listening to his introduction, Ao Muyang nodded while thinking.

Qin Wei continued: "According to mature breeding experiments, freshwater sharks grow very quickly and can be put on the market in just thirty months of breeding. Moreover, they have strong bodies, stronger adaptability and disease resistance than other fish. The temperature here is suitable and we can raise them.”

After listening to his eloquent introduction of many contents, Ao Muyang did not express his position, but was still frowning and thinking.

Qin Wei looked at Lu Wuyi, who shrugged at him and spread his hands, meaning that he couldn't help.

No one spoke for a while, and the atmosphere became awkward.

In desperation, Qin Wei took the initiative to ask: "Ao Sheng, are you thinking about something? If you are thinking about the project I provided, then I can tell you that if you are willing to breed freshwater sharks, then leave the sales channels to me. Leave the problem to me and you will definitely make a lot of money!”

Ao Muyang said: "Mr. Qin misunderstood. I have nothing to think about this project. What I am thinking is, since you need shark fins, when the number of natural shark fins is scarce, can you use artificial shark fins instead?" "

What he was thinking about was a report he had read before, which introduced artificial shark fins. A food company used fish meat and substances extracted from seaweed as the main raw materials, and added flour, egg white, food coloring and other nutrients necessary for the human body to make bionic shark fin food.

After hearing what he said, Qin Wei started to shake his head again: "I know what you are talking about, how can it be considered shark fin? It has no nutrition at all! It cannot be brought into the hotel, let alone served at the table, otherwise it will be laughed at!"

Ao Muyang also shook his head like him: "If that's the case, then I have no choice. I'm sorry, Mr. Qin, I don't want to breed this kind of freshwater shark."

Qin Wei was a little anxious and tried to explain: "Why not? Freshwater sharks have a large appetite, grow fast, and have a very mixed diet. Their young fish use plankton and plants as bait, and also eat artificial feed, while adult fish eat aquatic plants and artificial feed. I know that your big lake has many valuable fish, shrimps and crabs, but they have no conflict with freshwater sharks."

After listening to him patiently, Ao Muyang shook his head regretfully and said: "I'm really sorry, Mr. Qin, I can't help you in this regard. I don't know how to breed this kind of fish."

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