Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1455 1462. Rooftop Tile (1)

Qin Wei became frustrated, and finally asked with hope: "Why? Is it because of my identity?"

Ao Muyang laughed and said: "Of course not, to be honest, I am very opposed to killing sharks, and I am even more opposed to people eating shark fins commercially, so I don't want to be involved in this aspect."

Qin Wei said: "But I didn't encourage you to kill sharks. On the contrary, if you breed freshwater sharks, you can reduce the number of wild sharks killed. If we cooperate, isn't it a win-win situation?"

Ao Muyang shook his head and said frankly: "You and I know that this can't solve the problem. The real opposite is that if I get involved in the shark fin business, I will sooner or later come into contact with wild shark fins, and I don't want to do this."

Qin Wei still wanted to persuade him, but he was determined and didn't care what the other party said. Qin Wei even took out the prepared purchase contract for him to see, which had a guaranteed income, but Ao Muyang still shook his head and was unmoved.

Later, he was a little surprised and asked Qin Wei why he had to cooperate with him.

Qin Wei reluctantly told him that the freshwater shark breeding project has actually been carried out in tropical areas, because they have high requirements for water temperature and poor resistance to low temperatures. The optimal temperature is 20 to 30℃. When the water temperature drops to 18℃, their food intake and activity are significantly reduced, and they begin to die when the water temperature is continuously below 12℃.

This restricts the development of the breeding project. Finally, low-temperature resistant varieties have been selected and cultivated, but these fish have particularly high requirements for water quality.

Nowadays, domestic freshwater basins, whether lakes or ponds, are plagued by pollution problems. Qin Wei has found several areas for investigation and found that none of them are suitable until he got the information about Ambergris Lake, and then found a suitable place.

Ao Muyang did not agree to the project. He entertained Qin Wei and Lu Wuyi well, and then sent him away politely.

Lu Wuyi stayed in the village, and Lu Hu gave him a holiday so that he could come back to stay for a few days.

After staying at home for one night, he was dragged out of bed by Ao Muyang early the next morning.

Lu Wuyi yawned and asked, "Brother-in-law, why did you wake me up so early?"

Ao Muyang said, "Is it still early? It's already seven o'clock!"

Lu Wuyi shouted, "Seven o'clock is not early? I used to get up after 8:30, and this is the time to get up on weekdays. If it's a weekend, it's common to sleep until eleven or twelve o'clock."

Old Ao said earnestly, "Why sleep for a long time when you are alive? You will sleep forever after death!"

Lu Wuyi retorted, "Even if you get up early, so what? Isn't it just a waste of time?"

Old Ao smiled slightly, "No, believe me."

Although the courtyard wall of the old house has been cleaned up, it's time to repair the roof again.

He climbed up to check it out before. Because the kelp grass on the roof had just been replaced two years ago, there was no problem with the roof. The main problem was that some sedges had grown. These things had to be pulled out, otherwise they would grow bigger and bigger, and more and more, creating gaps between the kelp grass, causing the sun to shine directly on the roof and the wind and rain to destroy the roof.

Hearing that there was work to do, Lu Wuyi was dissatisfied: "Brother Hu asked me to come back for a holiday, not to work as a handyman for you!"

Ao Muyang nodded and said: "I understand, Brother Hu really meant that."

"Then why do you want me to work?"

"That's what Brother Hu meant. Your sister and I mean that you have to work when you come back."

Removing the moss from the roof is not a hard job. The moss on the roof of the old house is not big, at most ten centimeters high, and it is easy to pull it out.

Moss is actually a Chinese herbal medicine. The "Tang Ben" says: dry pain in the mouth, bloody diarrhea caused by water and food, it can stop bleeding. "Compendium of Materia Medica" also wrote: if there is bleeding in the large intestine, burn the ashes, take one penny of moss with water, and apply it to all sores that do not heal.

Ao Muyang remembered that when he was a child, there were peddlers walking around the streets to collect dried moss. At that time, the villagers would tidy up the roof every two or three years, pick the moss, dry it, and sell it for pocket money.

Now these sedges are also useful. He washed them and collected them, and said to Lu Wuyi: "Bring some to Brother Hu when you go back."

Lu Wuyi asked angrily: "Why? Show him my spoils?"

Ao Muyang snorted and said: "Sedges can cure hemorrhoids if boiled or dried and soaked in water. Give it to Brother Hu, and Brother Hu will definitely take advantage of you."

Hearing this, Lu Wuyi opened his eyes in confusion and asked: "Hey, brother-in-law, how do you know that Brother Hu has hemorrhoids? Did you have it behind my sister's back..."

"Bullshit, I just have a brain." Ao Muyang interrupted him unhappily, "Brother Hu is so fat, he has to socialize every day, he has to smoke and drink, and he usually sits in the car or sits in the office How can you not get hemorrhoids on a public chair? "

Lu Wuyi said disdainfully: "I'd be surprised if I believed you. I live the same life, but I don't have hemorrhoids, do I?"

Ao Muyang extended his index finger and said: "First, you are still young, and the current Brother Hu is your future self."

He extended his middle finger again: "Second, how do you know you don't have hemorrhoids? Internal hemorrhoids grow inside the colon, and they are invisible unless you use tools."

After hearing what he said, Lu Wuyi was a little scared and asked: "Brother-in-law, what tools do you need to find the internal hemorrhoids?"

Ao Muyang said: "It must be a colonoscope, but this thing is only available in hospitals, and it is very troublesome to use. If you want to do things simply, you can use this. "

He picked up a cucumber and handed it over, "Wash it with salt water. If you feel the pain of the salt water after you stick it in, it means you have hemorrhoids."

Someone called him outside, and he patted Lu Wuyi's shoulder and left.

Lu Wuyi was staring at the cucumber in his hand in a daze, and a figure walked into the living room, snatched the cucumber from his hand and started to chew it.

"Well, the cucumber is quite sweet." Jiang Caoqi said.

"This..." Lu Wuyi wanted to say something, but Jiang Caoqi ate fast, and he had just opened his mouth when the cucumber was half eaten.

Jiang Caoqi asked: "What do you want to say?"

Lu Wuyi smiled bitterly and said: "Nothing, you continue to eat."

The two played together for a week, and Lu Wuyi went back to work. Jiang Caoqi still stayed in the village, taking the leader to the mountains and lakes all day long.

The leader was used to being alone, and when he returned to the village and saw a group of compatriots, he was so excited that he refused to go home all day and ran around chasing the dog outside.

August was hot, and the highest temperature of the year was in this month. Lu Zhizi happened to be on vacation, so Ao Muyang became a stay-at-home boy and girl with her, hiding at home every day to enjoy the cool air.

The last time he defeated a boxer in the ring, he became famous again. When students were free during the summer vacation, their parents would enroll them in tutoring classes. As a result, many parents from other villages came to him to ask if he would run a martial arts training class.

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