Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1470 1477. Lamb stewed in straw (1)

Simple, crude and bloody!

Scarlet and purple sheep blood spurted out. The general and the Wolf brothers, who had wanted to join in the fun, were so frightened that they almost peed and jumped into the house. Wolf Er ran too fast and couldn't brake quickly enough, and hit his head on the table. Without changing direction, he just got under the table!

The sheep's blood was put into a bucket. La Zhong asked Ao Mudong and Ao Qianlai to come over and hold down the fat sheep. He grabbed a handful of straw, smoothed it down, and mixed it in the sheep's blood.

Ao Muyang chopped the onions, ginger, and garlic in advance, then added a large amount of salt to the sheep's blood and mixed it into one.

The smell of mutton blood is removed by using onions, ginger and garlic first. It will taste better when cooking later.

The sheep's head, sheep's hooves, and sheep's tail were quickly dismembered with a sharp knife in La Zhong's hand. The sheep's waste was specially collected. Ao Muyang washed it first, and then he could fry the liver and steam the sheep's lungs to eat.

The highlight today was mutton. He chose a big fat sheep. After kicking off all the mutton chops, he cleaned them and tied them up piece by piece with washed straw.

Then, he took the mutton to the field, lit the semi-dry straw and put the mutton chops in. This is straw-roasted mutton, a famous Southeast Asian dish.

Ao Mudong was dumbfounded: "Is there such an operation? The strong are always strong!"

Ao Muyang thought for a moment and asked, "I understand the first half of your sentence, but what does the second half mean?"

Ao Mudong smiled and said: "It's an idiom I heard today, praising you for being awesome."

Ao Qianlai didn't care. He was holding a small pot of grapes and eating them happily. Someone asked him: "Qianlai, we are going to eat mutton later. Why are you eating grapes now? You don't like mutton." ?"

To this, Ao Qianlai replied solemnly: "Grapes protect the stomach. I protect my stomach before eating so that I can eat meat later; and this is my second crop of grapes. They are sour and appetizing. Do you understand?" "

After hearing this, Ao Muyang felt cold in his heart. More and more people came, and there was a high probability that this sheep would not be enough to eat.

Someone was digging for grubs in the ground while waiting to eat roast lamb. He carried a net bag with him to store all the grubs after digging them out.

Seeing this, Ao Mudong said casually: "You are really particular. Just step on this thing to death. It will be used as nutrients for the land when it rots."

The villagers laughed and said, "That's not okay. I catch the dog on the ground to cook and eat it. If you trample it to death, what will you eat?"

Seeing the fat, snow-white bugs huddled together and twisting their bodies, Ao Mudong shivered subconsciously. He asked, "Eat this thing? Are you crazy?"

The man laughed and said: "Really, a group of southern tourists came to my house. After they saw my son playing with the dog in the morning, they told me that this thing can be fried and eaten. They were willing to buy it and paid fifty yuan for a plate. ! You see, I dug so many pieces of shit in just a while, I can fry at least two plates, right? "

Ao Mudong looked at Ao Muyang in surprise and asked: "Longtou, you are a man who stands at the top of the food chain and can eat everything. Then tell me, can dogs here be eaten? Can they be eaten fried?"

Ao Muyang also hesitated. He rubbed his chin and said, "It stands to reason that dogs are rich in protein. They eat grass roots, so they should be able to eat them, but I have never eaten them."

Ao Qianlai interjected: "It's edible, and it's delicious when burned. It's like burning bean worms. It's fat and fragrant. Yangzi, you said the mutton isn't enough. How about we burn it?"

"Damn it, this is absolutely not okay!" Several people's expressions changed when they heard this, "It's okay to eat roasted dogs, but how can you eat ground dogs?"


"Selling batches to a mother, do you want to burn the dog to eat? Isn't this nonsense?"

The general came after smelling the scent. He managed to suppress his fear of Razhong, but as soon as he ran over and before he sat down, he heard several people discussing how to burn dogs. He was so frightened that he turned around and ran away again with his tail between his legs.

The half-dry straw burned slowly, and a large amount of smoke rose in the air.

The villagers are not afraid that this will pollute the air. The sea breeze will blow the smoke into the mountains and forests, and the endless vegetation will quickly digest it.

The bracts are already ripe, but some are still tender. Someone picked a few petals and put them in the straw to stew. When the mutton is cooked, the bracts will also be ripe.

The mutton didn't use too much seasoning, it was just rubbed with salt and a little Sichuan peppercorns, retaining the original flavor of the meat.

Ao Muyang pulled away the straw ash, and the mutton was wrapped in wet straw. After untying the straw, the white, tender and fragrant mutton was revealed.

He brought some seasonings such as cumin powder and chili powder, and then he sprinkled a little on the meat. After taking a bite, his mouth was filled with the aroma of mutton!

La Zhong also pulled out a steaming piece and started to chew on it. After only one bite, he praised: "It's delicious."

It was such a big fat sheep. Lao Ao picked the largest one at that time. The gross weight was more than 100 kilograms, and the ribs and meat weighed more than 60 kilograms. As a result, he devoured it not long after eating.

Mainly because some children came over later to eat the meat, and a group of adults were too embarrassed to drive them away.

Even though they are half-grown, they will overwhelm me. These children eat a lot, and they eat as much as adults.

Ao Muyang was also convinced, but the children in the village had sweet mouths and kept praising him. First they praised the delicious roasted mutton, and then praised the delicious jelly he made. In short, they all praised him in one sentence, and Lao Ao couldn't even praise him. Sorry.

But praise cannot be eaten as food. In the end, he was not full. He chewed slowly and carefully, so that everyone else's belly was full, but he was still half full.

The straw ash was scraped clean, and Lao Ao didn't find any mutton. Ao Mudong found a corn and gave it to him, saying, "At least it can fill your stomach."

Ao Muyang was so angry: "Haven't you eaten mutton? Can't you eat it slowly?"

Ao Qianlai burped and smiled contentedly: "I haven't eaten this way before, Yangzi, will you do it tomorrow?"

"Continue to do it tomorrow, I'll go buy a sheep and continue to eat." Ao Mubing smacked his lips and said expectantly.

Ao Muyang clapped his hands and said, "It can't be done tomorrow, the fishing boats should go out to sea to work."

He gave the fishermen a holiday during the Mid-Autumn Festival, and they had to go out to sea to fish after a rest.

This time he only led the big dragon head to the sea, and the dragon head stayed at the dock. This kind of boat is suitable for going out to sea, and it is a long journey. If it is only a short-distance fishing, it is not worth using it.

After getting on board, Ao Daguo and his group mentioned this matter. Ao Qianwen said, "Longtou, every winter we in Hongyang will form a fleet to sail to the Arctic Ocean. Why don't you take Longtou and the brothers to the Arctic Ocean to have a look?"

Ao Muyang said, "That's risking your life."

The harvest of Arctic fishing is huge, but the risk is also great. Every year when the fleet travels, there are casualties, and even deaths if you are unlucky!

But Ao Qianwen is right. This is where Longtou can show its skills. He kept this idea in mind. Longtou was originally an ocean-going fishing boat, and it was a pity that it had never traveled far.

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