Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1482 1489. Teeth (1)

There is no first in literature, no second in martial arts, and competitors are enemies.

After hearing what Ao Muyang said, Tu Yichan sneered and said, "When you were still a cell, I was the number one in the entire Hongyang culinary world. A small resort? Humph!"

Ao Muyang said, "Okay, okay, you are awesome, help me deal with these mullet roe."

Tu Yichan patted his bony chest and said, "Leave this job to me, no problem."

After seeing the mullet roe, he became arrogant again: "I tell you, you just found me, I estimate that the entire Hongyang Peninsula, I am the only one who can be regarded as a master in processing mullet roe. "

Ao Muyang said helplessly: "Do you have to be so arrogant?"

"This is the truth." Tu Yishao said, "I am not proud at all. Let's not talk about anything else. Look at the meat head in front of the mullet roe. Can you cut it? Who else can cut the whole red fish?"

There is a white meat head at the front of the mullet roe. It is fully and closely connected with the whole fish roe. If it is not cut well, it will damage the fish roe. Once the knife edge is formed, the fish roe will flow out, and the appearance of the whole fish roe will be destroyed.

After cutting off the white meat head, Tu Yishao muttered again: "Boss, I am not bragging. I am the only one who can cut the meat head so beautifully. Look, look, is it beautiful?"

Ao Muyang said in cooperation: "Beautiful, really beautiful, more beautiful than Zhao Yazhi."

For people of Tu Yishao's age group, Zhao Yazhi is definitely a super goddess-level existence.

After hearing this, Tu Yishao was unusually modest: "It's still a little worse than White Snake, but it's definitely at the level of Liu Xiaoqing."

Ao Muyang looked at the mullet roe carefully. The surface of these fish roe was covered with a layer of bright and beautiful skin. Under the light of the night, it exuded a crystal clear color.

Seeing this, he said: "Yes, that's right, Liu Xiaoqing's face is now pulled with the technology of Northeast facelift, but it's not as smooth and bright as this mullet roe."

"Nima, that's not what I'm talking about."

"Then don't say it, just do your job well."

If I had known that Tu Yishao would mutter so much if I asked him to help, Lao Ao would rather stir-fry these fish roe with chili peppers.

Tu Yishao was quiet for a while, but finally couldn't help bragging: "I'll teach you how to dry mullet roe. Don't use the traditional sun-drying method. You must use a lot of salt to ensure long-term storage. You will choke and cry when you eat it."

This time Ao Muyang must support him. He really plans to use the traditional method of pickling fish roe to dry mullet roe. One catty of fish roe and two taels of salt will be a bit salty.

Even if the mullet roe pickled by himself is too salty, Ao Muyang will not buy the mullet roe blocks with just the right saltiness in the market. Those are made with preservatives and artificial colors. They look good, but they are actually harmful to the body.

Tu Yishao taught him to use sea salt and refined salt to pickle mullet roe, and then use the combination of light sun drying and cold storage to dry it.

"Take out the fish roe at sunrise in the morning and dry them. Take them back to the ice storage two hours after sunrise and store them. Take them out two hours before sunset in the afternoon and dry them. You can put them outside to blow in the wind at night."

Ao Muyang was overwhelmed when he heard that it was so troublesome.

Tu Yichan said seriously: "If you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight."

Ao Muyang waved his hand and said: "Come on, you are going too far, but I will listen to you, you are an expert."


The master asked him to send him back personally, but Lao Ao didn't care after sending him out.

Ao Muyang didn't send Tu Yichan back to the resort, but he had to send Yan Qingcheng and her daughter to the pier.

The National Day holiday passed in a flash, and the mother and daughter had to go back.

Ao Muyang personally sent them on the boat. At the last moment, Heilong grabbed Liumei and handed her a gold wire pendant chain, in which the pendant was a tooth that looked a bit like a bullet head.

Zhu Zhu said in surprise: "Wolf tooth?"

Lang Er immediately ran over and stood up with his hind paws, curiously looking at the pendant in Liu Mei's hand, but after taking a look, he lost interest and walked away with his tail hanging down.

Ao Muyang shook his head and said: "This is not a wolf tooth, it is a tiger tooth, right?"

"Tiger tooth?" Zhu Zhu was even more surprised.

Ao Muyang said: "Tiger, the tiger in the sea, the tiger you sat on, is a killer whale!"

Zhu Zhu said enviously: "Killer whale teeth, Uncle Xiaoyang, please make a necklace for me too."

Ao Muyang laughed and said: "Where can I find killer whale teeth?"

Killer whales keep losing teeth throughout their lives, and their teeth are always being updated, which is true. But no one knows when they lose teeth. Anyway, Ao Muyang has never seen it lose teeth, and he doesn't know when Black Dragon took a tiger tooth.

This tooth has been polished and is less than four centimeters long. Normally, with the root, a tiger's tooth can be more than ten centimeters long.

The sixth sister put on the necklace and made a few punching and kicking movements. The killer whale tooth pendant was thrown out and kept shaking, adding a bit of feminine aura to her.

Zhu Zhu was very envious and shouted that he wanted one too: "I will come to the village next weekend, Uncle Xiaoyang, if I don't see a killer whale tooth pendant by then, I will let you see the terrible anger of a beautiful girl!"

After sending the three people away, Ao Muyang had to go to the tiger to take a look.

He asked the tiger to open its mouth, and then reached out to try each of its teeth. As a result, these teeth were very strong. If he pulled them down, it would probably hurt the tiger to death.

Tiger's teeth were hopeless, so he thought of sperm whales, and swam into deep water to find sperm whales to see if he could get a tooth from their mouths.

As a result, when he found the sperm whale and saw it open its mouth, he immediately gave up the idea.

The sperm whale's teeth were more than 20 centimeters long, like a bunch of bone daggers, and he was terrified just by looking at them!

Tiger was familiar with him and smart, so he might be able to bear the pain and let him pull out a tooth. This sperm whale was a pig-brained one, and if he dared to reach out and pull out its teeth, he would probably be in the sperm whale's stomach before the sperm whale felt any pain.

With the bite force of the sperm whale, a guy like him could be cut in two in one go.

Even if it was an accidental injury, he would be disabled if not dead!

Fortunately, he had a virtuous wife at home. Seeing him come back with a sad face, Lu Zhizi took out a box and handed it to him. After opening it, there was a bunch of sharp little white teeth inside.

"What is this?" he asked in astonishment.

Lu Zhizi said, "Meng Tian and Meng Yi's baby teeth."

Ao Muyang asked, "Wolves have baby teeth? Do they change their teeth?"

Lu Zhizi laughed and said, "Of course, you are so careless that you didn't notice this? Didn't Meng Tian and Meng Yi chew things for a while? The most ferocious time for them was when they were changing their teeth. Except for a few that they swallowed, I collected all the others."

Wolf teeth are said to ward off evil spirits. Lu Zhizi collected quite a few wolf teeth, and Ao Muyang made them all into pendants and necklaces.

A total of eight longest canine teeth were made into eight pendants, so Ao Muyang and Lu Zhizi each had one hanging on their necks, Black Dragon had one, and each of the Wolf brothers had one hanging on their necks...

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