Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 1483 1490. Fishery Association (2)

In the end, Zhu Zhu failed to come to pick up the wolf tooth necklace, so Ao Muyang sent her to school. In mid-October, the Hongyang Ocean and Fisheries Bureau held another meeting, and Ao Muyang was ordered to attend the meeting, a large meeting.

There are two themes for this meeting, one is the establishment of a marine and fishery association covering the entire Red Ocean Peninsula, and the other is the organization of this winter's distant ocean fishing fleet.

Ao Muyang had heard about the establishment of the association for a long time, but he had already worried enough about the organization and did not want to get involved in these matters too much, so he did not learn more about it before.

It is a Red Ocean tradition to organize distant-water fishing fleets in winter. Every year, the government and the Fisheries Bureau will take the lead in organizing ten or twenty ships to go north or south. Last year, they went as far as the waters of Oceania for fishing operations, and recently they have fished in the Japanese Sea. Ao Muyang participated in the latter operation.

Both events were major events, so the Fisheries Bureau paid great attention to them. Even senior city officials and the mayor came to attend the meeting. Du Tanzhi became his father's driver, so Lao Ao met him again.

Du Tanzhi waved happily after seeing him and greeted him enthusiastically: "Brother Yang, one day without seeing you is like three autumns!"

Seeing his enthusiastic and sincere attitude towards Ao Muyang, some people who knew his identity couldn't help but raise eyebrows.

Naturally, they were looking sideways at Ao Muyang.

Some people were muttering in their hearts, this Ao Muyang led a poor village to develop rapidly like a cheater, is it not normal at all?

Ao Muyang walked over and looked at him suspiciously and said, "You're just trying to be courteous for nothing, but you're either cheating or cheating. What's your ulterior motive?"

Du Tanzhi laughed: "What are you talking about? I just want to ask you how far is the second phase of the resort project?"

Ao Muyang was startled: "Didn't you find the engineering team? I don't know, you didn't follow up."

The corner of Du Tanzhi's mouth twitched, he took out his cell phone and quickly made a call.

The establishment of the Peninsula Marine and Fisheries Association is a major event. It means that private fisheries have an official organization, and communication between the upper and lower levels will be more convenient in the future.

Du Yuehong, a senior official of the city, gave a speech and brought greetings from senior leaders of the State Oceanic Administration. He talked a lot.

However, Ao Muyang listened very seriously, because Secretary Du mentioned his name many times during his speech, and especially praised him, saying that he was an example of cooperation between private fisheries and the government.

After the establishment of the Peninsula Ocean and Fisheries Association, the private maritime patrol team that had existed for more than two years was banned, and the captain Ao Muyang was able to step down.

However, Dai Zongxi treated him well and promoted him to be the vice-president of the association at the meeting. As for the candidate for the president, a total of five vice-presidents and one secretary-general have been decided. From now on, the affairs of the association will be left to them. The five people held a meeting to take charge, and the final result of the discussion was handed over to Dai Zongxi to make a decision.

Provincial and municipal TV stations took various photos and recorded videos at the scene. It is conceivable that Ao Muyang will definitely appear on the evening news. Lao Ao doesn't care much about this. After all, he has been on CCTV.

The theme of the meeting that day was the establishment of the association. Regarding the distant-water fishing fleet after the winter, Dai Zongxi privately told the five vice-presidents that this matter was an official organization and private participation, and it was a private fishery operation and would be controlled by They meet and decide on their own.

Among the five vice presidents is an acquaintance of Ao Muyang. Over there is Zhu Changrong, the former first deputy captain of the civilian patrol. There are rumors that he is related to Sun Lin, the new political commissar of the Hongyang Coast Guard detachment. An official position obtained with the help of this relationship.

In fact, Ao Muyang knew that this was nonsense. Sun Lin was a decent man. Su Jinnan admired him very much and said that he had never used his personal energy to seek power and gain for his relatives and friends.

Zhu Changrong’s true identity is the official’s eyes and ears, and he represents official power. Neither the previous maritime patrol nor the current Peninsula Ocean and Fisheries Association can completely get rid of official relations.

The association is different from the patrol team. In addition to the main positions, there are several other positions. There are forty or fifty people in total.

These people are not only from Hongyang, but also from three cities, including Liancheng, Wutai, and Bajiang. These three cities, together with Hongyang, form the peninsula metropolitan area, which is the four largest cities in the region, of which Hongyang is the leader. Boss.

The name of the association is the Hongyang Peninsula Marine and Fisheries Association. As you can tell from the name, the association covers four major cities. It is a regional organization, not a simple single-city organization, so its members come from multiple cities.

In addition to Ao Muyang and Zhu Changrong, the other three vice-presidents are from three other cities. Among them, the vice-president from Liancheng is named Pi Yu, the vice-president from Wutai City is named Shen Zhilu, and the vice-president from Bajiang City is called The president is called Yuan Mojing.

The association has just been established, and everything is blank. In official terms, it is full of waste and waiting for improvement. The government supports this and then arranges a visit and study activity. They will go to the fishery association in Zhoushan area to conduct this activity.

Ao Muyang didn't want to run away all the time, so he went to see Dai Zongxi privately, trying to evade the situation and give up the title of vice president.

When he came over and didn't say anything, Dai Zongxi waved his hand calmly and said: "You don't have to thank me. You have earned everything by yourself. You have done a good job in the past three years. I hope you are here." After a new platform, I can better express myself. I understand Zhu Changrong’s level. Our Hongyang’s weight in the association depends on you. You can’t let me down.”

Come on, speaking of this, what else can Lao Ao do besides issuing military orders?

There is no doubt that Dai Zongxi had put a lot of effort into putting him on the list of association leaders. If he dared to refuse at this time, Dai Zongxi would probably give him a set of turtle punches on the spot.

Ao Muyang had to settle for the second best and try not to participate in this visit and study activity.

So he smiled and said: "I will definitely perform well, please rest assured, leader. In addition, I want to ask about this study activity in Zhoushan..."

"This study activity will last for a week in total. Don't have psychological pressure. It's nothing. I decided the itinerary. It's mainly for you to learn from brother units. During this period, there will be more visits than learning. Don't have an inferiority complex because of your academic qualifications. This is completely unnecessary. You must know that you are the youngest among the five vice presidents, and your learning ability must be the strongest. Have confidence in yourself. Come on, shout to me: I can do it, I can do it, I am the best!"

Old Ao was confused.

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