Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 606 609. Miracle (3)

In mid-November, a cold wave swept along with the north wind, and the entire Red Ocean began to turn into a frozen world.

This weather with extreme temperature changes is a torture for heart disease patients. Although Zhu Zhu seemed to be normal, Yan Qingcheng took her to Hongyang Municipal Hospital.

In addition, it has been almost a year since the last time Zhu Zhu received treatment in the municipal hospital. During this period, Yan Qingcheng only asked a family doctor to examine her. This time she wanted to go to the hospital to arrange a thorough examination for her daughter.

The little girl was not happy. When she learned that she was going to the hospital, she shook her head like a rattle: "No, no, I have something to do today. I have to go to school and study hard."

Yan Qingcheng was so angry that he wanted to pull her pigtails: "I usually ask you to go to school, but why haven't I seen you so active? Be good and obedient. Just go to the hospital for a checkup. You can make your own arrangements for the rest of the time. You can take Liu Mei there. Eat KFC McDonald’s.”

Zhu Zhu sneered and said, "Don't think I don't know. This inspection must be from morning to night. It was like this before. You can't fool me."

Yan Qingcheng gave her a stern look, and she felt that this girl was becoming increasingly difficult to deal with.

Zhu Zhu turned his head and gave her a slap on the back of his head, simply turning a blind eye.

Yan Qingcheng coaxed her and said, "Listen to mom, Xiaozhu, mom does it for your own good. Let's go to the hospital for a simple checkup. It's very simple."

Zhu Zhu continued to shake his head like a rattle: "I won't go, I won't check, I'm fine, I know very well, I'm fine!"

Yan Qingcheng rolled up his sleeves and said, "Don't force mom to be violent."

Seeing this, the little girl became energetic. She jumped off the sofa neatly, bent her legs and did a lunge, waved her little fist forward and shouted: "Get ready to fight!"

The big-ass Corgi thought it was playing with him, so it immediately jumped up from the carpet and threw the little girl who was about to fight to the ground...

Yan Qingcheng took the opportunity to go up and arrest her: "Let's go to the hospital."

Zhu Zhu screamed: "Sixth sister, my hero, help!"

Yan Qingcheng frowned slightly: "What a mess, honestly."

Hearing Zhu Zhu's cry, thumping footsteps sounded quickly, and Sixth Sister's vigorous figure ran down the stairs. When she was still halfway down the stairs, she pressed the handrails with her hands and swung her legs before jumping down.

Crisp and dashing!

After landing, Sixth Sister bent her knees to cushion, then stood up and assumed the same posture, shouting the same: "Get ready to fight."

Yan Qingcheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said to the puppy: "Butt, come on!"

The puppy blinked, then understood her intention and barked at Liu Mei.

Sixth Sister's cold eyes glanced at it, and the puppy that was about to charge suddenly shuddered. It trembled, braked decisively, and then got under the sofa.

Yan Qingcheng was helpless and said: "Stop making trouble, I'm going to check Zhu Zhu's body."

"Oh." Liu Mei put away her fists, "What's that little pig's name?"

"She refused and wanted to make trouble with me." Yan Qingcheng continued helplessly.

Sixth sister went over and pulled the little girl out of her hands. Zhu Zhu was very happy: "You came to save me..."

She was happy too early. Sixth sister pushed her down on the sofa, waved her hand and patted her butt: "Pah, pat, pat!"

Zhu Zhu was aggrieved and shouted: "How can you hit me?"

"If you don't obey, you will be beaten." Liu Mei said domineeringly.

Zhu Zhu sobbed twice and said, "Then I'll be obedient."

Yan Qingcheng was stunned. She felt something was wrong, but she couldn't put it into words.

The Maybach galloped all the way to the municipal hospital. The majestic-looking Director Gao was already waiting for them, as well as an old man with white hair.

Seeing the old man, Yan Qingcheng showed a respectful expression on his face and said, "Dean Tie, why are you here?"

The old doctor said with a smile: "I heard that Xiaozhu was coming to the hospital for examination, so I came over to take a look. Xiaozhu hasn't been here for a while, right? Doesn't she feel uncomfortable anymore?"

Zhu Zhu jumped out of the car like a little tiger, grabbed her small backpack and ran to the hospital park: "I won't do an examination. Sixth sister, come with me. I know there is a fun place here..."

Before she could finish her words, Sixth Sister's long legs moved forward and she quickly caught up with her, dragging her back like a sack.

Dean Tie and Director Gao were both stunned. Although Zhu Zhu didn't run very far, her speed and vitality were perfectly displayed, which was very inconsistent with heart disease.

The other two people looked at the little girl carefully. Although her skin color was darker, it was dark and shiny. Her eyes were big and bright, her lips were pink, and her hair was black and shiny. She looked very healthy.

Dean Tie frowned. He nodded to Director Gao, then went over and whispered a few words. Director Gao took out a figure from his pocket and said with a smile: "Let's go, little pig, go shopping with Uncle Gao. Then Peppa Pig will be yours."

Zhu Zhu still liked Peppa Pig very much. Since the inspection was imperative, she had no choice but to accept the figure and followed Director Gao listlessly into the building.

Long-term electrocardiogram, electrocardiogram exercise stress test, echocardiography... projects were launched one by one.

The inspection didn't last a day, it was over after two and a half hours.

The results came out soon. This is the benefit of the privilege. The test results can appear in front of family members and experts as soon as possible.

Director Gao flipped through several report sheets with a look of astonishment on his face. He looked at the Iron Dean and said, "Boss, everything is fine with Xiaozhu! Her heart, her heart is fine!"

Dean Tie was startled and said: "This is impossible. She has congenital heart disease. The gene itself is defective. She may not have symptoms, but judging from the data, it is impossible for her to be fine."

"Unless the report sheet is wrong, the physical and chemical examinations and the whole blood analysis were done anyway, and there are no problems." Director Gao felt ridiculous when he said it.

There are many miracles in medicine, but many of them are expected and can happen, but the probability is low, but Zhu Zhu's is a real miracle, and they never thought there would be such a result!

Dean Tie checked the test results one by one. After reading them, his eyes lit up, and he immediately said: "Go to Mr. Yan and ask her why... No, where is Xiaozhu? Let's go find her!"

The two walked quickly to a lounge, where Zhu Zhu introduced the figure culture to Liu Mei.

After Dean Tie knocked on the door and entered, a kind smile appeared on his old face: "Girl Zhu Zhu, do you feel uncomfortable after the examination?"

Zhu Zhuang raised his head and said: "I am very healthy now, why am I feeling uncomfortable?"

Dean Tie nodded: "Yes, you are very healthy now. Then tell me grandpa, how did you become so healthy?"

"It depends on sunshine, exercise and a good mood." Zhu Zhu said solemnly, and then she patiently explained her life in Longtou Village.

Dean Tie listened very patiently. He noticed that the girl mentioned "Uncle Xiaoyang gave me Chinese medicine" many times. After she finished speaking, he immediately asked: "That Uncle Xiaoyang you are talking about? Is he What happened? What happened to the Chinese medicine he gave you? "

Hearing his question, Liu Mei suddenly became alert. She took Zhu Zhu's hand and said, "Xiao Zhu, it's time for us to go out. Your mother must be waiting impatiently."

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