Golden Greenery

Chapter 41 (Part 2) Are we from Penghao?

Zhao Xue was born in rural Henan. With her hard work and determination to change her destiny, she was successfully admitted to a prestigious university. After graduation, he applied for a job in Li Xiaoqing's father's company, and won the appreciation of his superiors with his down-to-earth and responsible work attitude, and was reused step by step.

This kind of down-to-earth, hard-working and persistent person should be respected by everyone!

Zhao Xue knew in her heart that her assistant was the eldest lady's nanny. The nature of her job was to ensure Li Xiaoqing's personal safety and worry-free life. Of course, she also meant to be responsible for supervising Li Xiaoqing's private life. This was revealed by the boss's wife when she talked before leaving a little.

Zhao Xue has no complaints about this kind of work, because her character is like this, no matter what kind of work she will work hard. Furthermore, Zhao Xue also understands that this is a very big opportunity.

Li Xiaoqing is undoubtedly the only successor of the group, forming a good personal relationship with her will definitely have a bright future. Therefore, Zhao Xue is very concerned about Li Xiaoqing's emotional changes and daily emotions.

But today, Miss Li Xiaoqing is obviously very different!

From Zhao Xue's point of view, Li Xiaoqing was very relaxed today. He competed with the young men in front of him for meat and wine, and completely lost his usual reserved and domineering manner.

The eldest lady Li Xiaoqing is very smart, and her mind is full of all kinds of whimsical ideas. But after all, he is still a child under 20 years old, and has no social experience at all, so his actions seem very naive. But she always wanted to put on the appearance of a little adult, and kept carrying it, so that others would feel tired for her.

But here tonight, the eldest lady really showed the true appearance of a little girl, innocent, full of laughter, unrestrained and heartfelt happiness.

What Zhao Xue observed was correct.

Because of the environment in which Li Xiaoqing grew up, she can get everything she wants, and she is proud and self-willed. It stands to reason that a girl like her should not have any troubles, but it is not. Li Xiaoqing is smart and has an active way of thinking. She doesn't want to be a rich and beautiful second generation who has nothing but beauty, so she always wants to prove herself.

When Li Xiaoqing gets along with others, she always wants to appear mature and deep, making people think that she is a genuine and promising young man. However, there are two types of people she comes into contact with. One kind coaxes her as much as possible and holds her up high. In fact, she doesn't take her seriously. She is just a child who can only please but not offend. . There is another kind, which is her suitors. Those people try their best to please her, with low brows and pleasing eyes, and their sweet mouths are like digging into a bear's den, which makes her feel very boring.

Being with Zhuoyang's friends tonight made her feel different. These people didn't regard him as a rich lady at all, they should be disrespectful and boastful, they are not polite to grab the steak on her plate, and dare to pinch their noses to pour her down when they are drinking. She didn't tremble because of her identity, nor did she deliberately show off because of her beauty.

Li Xiaoqing felt that it was very easy to be with Zhuoyang and the others, and she didn't need to hold up the mask anymore. I don't have any worries about fighting with them, I am not afraid of losing my image, and I am not afraid of being missed. Moreover, they are all healthy and sunny, and their smiles are full of happiness and truth.

Li Xiaoqing felt that he and Zhuoyang were like good friends for many years, no, they were good buddies!

It was even simpler for Zhuoyang and the others. They didn't think about it that much at all. It seemed that Li Xiaoqing was a friend who was very easy to talk to and play with. What is the second generation of a wealthy family? The little pig Schweinsteiger is often pressed on the turf by the few of us to pick up his pants? There is no such concept! These few are all nervous and sunny boys, they don't have so many exquisite hearts, and they don't have so many flowery intestines.

They are also familiar with each other, so the brothers and Li Xiaoqing are free to joke with Li Xiaoqing, and they are even more unscrupulous when they are amused. And this way,

It just made Li Xiaoqing feel very fresh.

Scar Ribery was embellishing the story to Gomez about how six people were in the "Hongyu Tower" that night, how the tiger's body shook and the murderous intent alone scared the three villains so that their whole bodies trembled and escaped incontinence. The German storytelling with a French accent made everyone laugh, only Gomez beat his chest and regretted why he didn't catch up with such a Robin Hood-style knight-errant action. Then, a pair of eyes viciously searched the restaurant for the new hooligan.

A group of happy men and women turned a good star Michelin restaurant into a Chinese night market, and a few Korean tourists at the next table looked contemptuous: Europeans with no culture, what a lack of quality Smecta!

On the first day of the collapse of love, Zhuoyang spent it in such turmoil.

In the middle of the night, Zhuoyang dreamed that he was Li Cunxiao, leading eighteen iron cavalry to pierce Chang'an, and then was photographed by Fa Hai in front of the Leifeng Pagoda in West Lake.


After class the next morning, Zhuoyang deliberately took Mark to another restaurant. After dinner, Zhuoyang went to practice the piano, and also went to the big practice room that he had never been to before. The pianos were all upright, and there were seven or eight pianos in one practice room.

Zhuoyang didn't admit in his heart that he was hiding from Resakova!

At the same moment, a tall fat man entered the chairman's office of Fort Mady Club.

"Hi, Chairman Angus Mullen, I'm Milo Raiola. I've been commissioned by five of my clients to talk to you about Bastian Schweinsteiger, Frank The contract issues of Ribéry, Per Mertesacker, Ricardo Montolivo and Nigel de Jong."

Chairman Mullen was so startled that he almost spat out the cigar in his mouth onto his crotch.

More than an hour later, Raiola walked out of Chairman Mullen's office proudly with his hands in his pockets. Before leaving, he did not forget to wink at his beautiful secretary Silvia. Then, in the corridor, the sound of a glass being thrown came from the room.

At the same time, Zhuoyang was on his way to the club with Xiaozhu.

Zhuoyang knew last night that five good friends had signed a brokerage contract with Raiola as expected, and knew that Raiola would come to the club today to help them renegotiate and sign the contract, and a substantial salary increase was a must.


Angus Mullen dropped several cups in a row in a row. He never thought that the notorious vampire Raiola would have an intersection with him. Chairman Mullen is not Raiola's opponent at all. After being coaxed and intimidated by the opponent, he had to renegotiate the new contract of the five people. There was no way, he knew that if he didn't make huge concessions, this vampire would have a way to take away his five darlings, leaving others with nothing.

Chairman Mullen is afraid! Not to mention losing these five young talents, even if they go to the competition with dissatisfaction, their hopes of relegation this year will be greatly reduced. The big away victory the day before yesterday rekindled hope for Chairman Mullen, and he dared not destroy this hope in his office or on the new contract.

Fortunately, I still have that Chinese kid, and I still have Zhuoyang. As long as there is Zhuo, the team can shoulder the heavy responsibility of relegation, as long as there is Zhuo, the club still has hope. No, the contract must be re-signed for Zhuo Ye.

It's a good thing Zhuo didn't mix with this damn vampire.

Thinking of this, Chairman Mullen said: "Sylvia, don't scan it yet, go and inform Zhuoyang, let him find time to come here to renegotiate his contract."

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