Zhuoyang and Xiaozhu met Raiola who had just come out in the parking lot.

Raiola made an 'OK' gesture to the pig. "Bastian, it's done, exactly as we said yesterday. You find a time to sign and the new contract will take effect immediately. I believe that you will be very satisfied with the new contract."

"Thank you, Milo, you are really great, you know that." Piggy gave Raiola a thumbs up.

"There is no contract that the great Raiola can't negotiate. Angus Mullen is as vulnerable as a little girl in my eyes." Because of Zhuoyang, Raiola boasted proudly . "He is no match for my Emperor Milo at all."

"Okay, Bastian, you go to training first, I want to talk to Mr. Zhuoyang alone." Raiola said to the little pig, and the little pig winked at Zhuoyang and left.

Raiola wants to use his momentum and domineering deterrence to subdue Zhuoyang again, just like the elder Tang Wuxingshan rescued the Great Sage, but he can only rely on the magic spell to subdue him.

What is this fat man trying to tell me? Zhuoyang was a little puzzled.

"Okay, Fatty. It took only a long time for you to get the contract of five people, which is awesome." Zhuoyang first praised Raiola.

"Zhuo, see, this is the difference between having an agent and not having an agent. In the youth team, your salary was the highest, but now they have far surpassed you." On this point, Raiola It's true.

"Fatty, believe it or not, the club will take the initiative to ask me to renegotiate the contract soon. Bet not fat?" Zhuoyang is very confident, because there are also smart people in the club.

"What's the difference..." Before Raiola finished speaking, he was interrupted by a club staff member who came over.

"Zhuo, the club asked me to inform you to go to the chairman's office to renegotiate the contract."

Zhuoyang was complacent, and looked at Raiola with a look of "I'm right".

Raiola: "..."

"Also, fat man, you are really dark." Zhuoyang continued to run on Raiola. "Don't think I don't understand, I have. Most brokers charge 7%, and many brokers charge 5%. How about you? 10% commission, are you guilty? Fatty."

"Hey, you don't understand this." When it comes to his professional field, Raiola is very confident. "Let me tell you this, if you can negotiate an annual salary of 1 million with the club, and an agent with a 7% commission can negotiate 1.5 million for you. And I, the great Raiola, can give you Talk about a salary of 2 million. This is my value."

"It's done, Fatty. Then go and negotiate for me now. If you can negotiate an annual salary of 2 million, I will immediately sign a contract with you. How about it?"

Raiola: "..."

Raiola didn't know why. Many young players were nervous when they saw him. When he got angry, those little guys would be scared to pee. However, he has nothing to do with the Chinese kid in front of him.

no! Raiola thought to himself: It seems that I have to be ruthless to let him understand my ability.

"Hey! Kid." Raiola straightened up, and his eyes shot Zhuoyang like lightning. "You have to call me respected Mr. Raiola, and you can also call me Milo. Don't call me fat!!!"

With falcon-like eyes and deep voice, coupled with the clothes of the godfather of the dark society, and the cold and serious expression on his face, Raiola's temperament was instantly domineering. The surrounding air seemed to freeze, and the sky seemed to darken suddenly. Raiola seemed to be the undoubted center of this dark world, and it was clear that he was emitting a terrifying light from his whole body.

"Pfft—" Zhuoyang couldn't help laughing. "I said Fatty, are you preparing to sing an opera with such an unlucky expression? Or do you want to talk about cross talk.

Have you watched the movie enough? "

Raiola immediately shrivelled like a balloon that was punctured by a needle, and the spirit-absorbing soul Dafa failed completely.

"Anyway, don't always call me fat." Raiola cried, with a hint of sympathy in his tone. "I'm really a big, big shot."

"Come on, fat man. Everything is just a passing moment, and all things are floating clouds, so don't pay attention to the details." Zhuoyang still couldn't help it, and replied with a playful smile.

"Alas—" Raiola looked up to the sky and sighed, with sadness in his heart. Thinking that I have been in power for many years, and I have dominated half of Europa, but I am always defeated in front of this kid. There is nothing I can do about him.

The winter wind blew across the water of the canal and the birch trees on the banks, ruffling Milo Raiola's hair and desolating his heart.

"Well, Zhuo, I can help you negotiate with the club for free and re-sign your contract." Raiola said helplessly: "You just need to train hard and play hard. I will help you with these things. But , Before you have a serious re-talk with me, I hope you reject other managers." He was simply reluctant to give up Zhuoyang.

"No problem, Fatty, you are a nice person. Do things nicely, and treat you to dinner later." Zhuoyang is happy to be the shopkeeper, and he actually quite recognizes Raiola's ability. After all, Fatty has a huge reputation among players. reputation.

In this way, the two squeezed into Raiola's car, Zhuoyang signed a temporary entrustment agreement, and introduced the details of his contract to Fatty in detail.

Zhuoyang waved his hands and went to practice. Raiola sat in the car for a while in silence, and then slapped his fat forehead twice.

When the car got off, the tiger's body shook, and Raiola became that domineering football boss again.


Chairman Angus Mullen was like a deflated ball, slumped decadently in the leather chair. Looking at Sylvia in front of her with her plump buttocks cleaning the glass shards on the floor, she was filled with grief and indignation.

That damned Italian, that damned vampire, that ravenous leech in the swamp, that locust that flew over from Holland.

Suddenly, Chairman Mullen stared dumbfounded at Raiola, who was being cursed in his heart, wobbling in again.

Raiola walked to the opposite side, sat down on the sofa, put his feet on the coffee table, and leaned comfortably against the back of the sofa.

"Please allow me to introduce myself, Milo Raiola! Dear Chairman Angus Mullen, my temporary client, Mr. Zhuoyang, entrusted me to come here on his behalf to discuss with the Fort Mady Club about his Everything about the contract." After speaking, he took out the provisional power of attorney and shook it in his hand.


Angus Mullen fell to the ground.

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