December 10th.

Stockholm Concert Hall, Switzerland Country.

The 2017 Nobel Prize Ceremony was held.

More than 1,500 representatives from the Swiss royal family, the securities industry, the business community, the cultural community and all walks of life attended the Nobel Prize Ceremony.

The Nobel Prize is divided into 6 awards.

They are the Chemistry Prize, the Physics Prize, the Literature Prize, the Economics Prize, the He Ping Prize, and the Physiology or Medicine Prize.

At this moment, famous scientists from all over the world come together.

Inside the concert hall, the stars are shining.

The ceremony begins.

The Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra performs Nobel pieces.

After the song ends.

Michael Solman, Executive Director of the Nobel Foundation, delivered a speech.

Followed by.

A representative of the Nobel Wilson Association, who will introduce the achievements and backgrounds of the winners.

Reina Weiss, Barry Barish, and Kipsoane, three scientists, won the 2017 Nobel Prize in Physics.

They have made important achievements in the LIGO detector and gravitational wave observations.

Jacques Dupochet, Achim Frank and Richard Henderson were awarded the 2017 Nobel 600 Prize in Chemistry.

They developed cryo-electron microscopy techniques.

Richard Thaler was awarded the 2017 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences for his achievements in the field of behavioral finance.

Kazuo Ishiguro won the 2017 Nobel Prize in Literature for his achievements in the field of literature.


Numerous awards were announced.

Anders Hamsten, director of the Karolinska Institutet, took the stage to announce the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

Hamsten said: "All major hospitals around the world are facing a lack of blood crisis.

Blood is needed for emergency medicine, blood for surgery, blood for internal medicine, and blood for rescuing patients.

This also makes many hospitals around the world have to perform elective surgery due to ischemia.

Back half a century ago.

The medical community began to study artificial blood in the hope of finding a real alternative.

Unfortunately, due to the limitations of technology.

For the time being, no country has been able to develop real artificial blood.

And now......

The medical community has finally developed a truly universal artificial blood!

Dr. Liang Hui of Xia Guo Rainbow Hospital has developed a truly universal artificial blood.

This universal blood allows patients with any type of ischemia to obtain sufficient blood products for emergency care, surgery, and treatment of blood diseases, without relying on blood banks.

From now on, the medical profession will no longer have to face the crisis of ischemia!

I announce that the winner of the 2017 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine is Dr. Liang Hui from Xia Guo Rainbow Hospital!"

The voice fell.

There was applause at the scene.

It's clear to all.

How important is universal artificial blood to the medical community!

Accompanied by the melody of awards.

Liang Hui, who was in a suit and leather shoes, took the stage.

He received a Nobel Prize certificate, a Nobel Gold Medal, and a document with a prize denomination of 9 million Swiss points from King Riedian.

Under the watchful eyes of the audience.

Liang Hui delivered an acceptance speech.

He said slowly: "To develop universal artificial blood, I must first thank the country, Rainbow Hospital, and my scientific research team.

Without your help, I would not be able to stand here and receive the Nobel Prize.

The rest of his medical career.

I will continue to work hard to become a scientific researcher that Xia Guo is proud of.

In the years to come.

I will work tirelessly to develop more new drugs to free patients from their pain......"

Liang Hui spoke in the process.

The scene burst into applause again and again, giving it to this young medical scientist from Xia Kingdom.

In previous years' Nobel Prizes.

Scientists will not be able to receive the Nobel Prize until seven or eight or more than a decade after they have developed world-class scientific research results.

Obviously, Liang Hui's scientific research achievements are so outstanding that he won the Nobel Prize this year. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After the award ceremony.

All the guests at the scene went to the Stockgoon (CDAI) El Moser Town Hall to attend the Nobel Prize Banquet.


on the domestic Internet.

Netizens who watched the Nobel Prize ceremony were instantly boiling. []

Another scientist in our Xia Kingdom has won the Nobel Prize!"

In 2015, the medical scientist Tu Youyou won the first Nobel Prize in medicine in Xia. Unexpectedly, two years later, Dr. Liang Hui also won the award!"

"Have you noticed that this year's Nobel Prize has made an exception! The award is directly awarded to Dr. Liang Hui, who only made a breakthrough this year!"

"That's also universal artificial blood! If the Nobel Prize makes an exception, I can understand it!"

"By the way, 9 million Swiss kroner, how many Xia national coins?"

"According to the latest exchange rate, it is equivalent to about 7.38 million yuan Xia Guoyuan!"


At the same time.

The major news media in Xia have reported this grand occasion.

"Great Moment, Dr. Liang Hui Wins Glory for the Country!"

"Universal Artificial Blood, Dr. Liang Hui Wins Nobel Prize!"

"The Second Nobel Laureate in Medicine in Xia Guo - Dr. Liang Hui!"

"Since Professor Tu Youyou in 2015, Xia Guo's medical scientist has won the Nobel Prize again!"

"The First Nobel Prize Winner in Rainbow Village!Dr. Liang Hui Makes History!"

Dr. Liang Hui is the pride of the medical community in the Xia Kingdom!"


Xia Guo News Program spent 5 minutes on a special report to announce the good news to the people of the country.

The topic is called - "Hanging Pots Help the World, Scientific Research Serves the Country"!

After reading the feature report.

Netizens were noisy with gongs and drums, and firecrackers rang out in unison.

What does the Nobel Prize stand for.

They know best.

The Nobel Prize is the highest honor in academia and the most influential award in the world.

Dr. Leung Fai has developed universal artificial blood, which has won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

With the birth of the universal artificial blood.

In the future, there will be no shortage of blood products in the medical field!

This time, Dr. Liang Hui became the second Nobel Prize winner in physiology or medicine in Xia Guo, representing that Xia Guo has a fertile soil for cultivating Nobel laureates.

At the same time, this also represents that the country's medicine is getting higher and higher, and it has stepped up to a new level on the road to becoming a medical power.


on the web.

Netizens sighed.

"Great! Another medical scientist in our Xia Kingdom has won the Nobel Prize!"

Dr. Liang Hui conquered universal artificial blood and can solve the global problem of ischemia!"

"Haha, now our Xia Kingdom has two Nobel Prizes in physiology or medicine!"

"If I'm not mistaken, Dr. Liang Hui is only about 30 years old this year, right? He is destined to develop more miracle drugs in the future!"

"All the sages are out of China, and the countrymen protect Kyushu! I hope that more medical scientists like Dr. Liang Hui will emerge in China!"

"Rainbow Village is really a great place to be! They have good feng shui, and the whole country knows it, but it is still very surprising to be able to give birth to a Nobel laureate!"

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