Zhao Feng is an ordinary rainbow villager.

As New Year's Day approached, he was very anxious and worried about money every day.

A year ago, Zhao Feng opened a car vest factory in the West Coast New Area, specializing in the production of reflective vests.

He has been in this industry for three years~.

But this year.

The whole industry is in a recession.

A large number of car reflective vests, hoarded in the warehouse, - cannot be sold.

Vests don't sell.

However, the monthly salary of employees must still be paid.

The factory's business is getting worse day by day......

This made Zhao Feng pale with sorrow.

He's got it all right now.

If the owner is unwilling to buy a car reflective vest, the whole industry will have to be cool!

At the moment, Zhao Feng has only two choices.

First, we look forward to the Rainbow Village Committee to issue 10 million yuan in dividends as soon as possible.

He used the money to continue to open factories.

The annual capital of 10 million yuan alone is enough to support the factory to continue to operate.

Second, the factory was closed this year.

Anyway, there are 10 million yuan in dividends every year.

He has no need to worry about his personal and family living expenses.

This money is enough for him to be very nourished.

Come to think of it.

Zhao Feng sighed.

No wonder those rich people are not afraid of their children eating, drinking, and having fun, spending money like dirt.

Just let your children go out and start a business!

Now it seems.

He himself can be regarded as a failure to start a business...... In the end, it will be a void after all.

Suddenly, a text message sounded.

Zhao Feng glanced at the screen and saw that it showed: Your account tail number 5118 was transferred and deposited at 100,000,000 yuan at 10:22 on December 28, 2017, and the current balance after the transaction was 100,115,000 yuan [Rainbow Bank].

After reading this message.

He had a smile on his face.

This year's dividends of the village committee have finally been distributed.

And it was sent very early!

"Huh, that's not right!"

Zhao Feng immediately reacted.

He has a small number of zeros, and what the village committee issued to him was not 10 million, but 100 million!

Zhao Feng thought about it and felt that it should be the village committee or the bank that transferred the wrong money.

The dividend in the village is 10 million.

It should not be 100 million yuan.

He will not ignore his conscience and take the extra 90 million for himself.

Suddenly, the phone rings.

Zhao Feng glanced at the caller ID and found that it was his wife Xu Li calling.

"Hey, I'm in the factory, what's wrong?"

Xu Li said excitedly: "Husband, have you received the dividends from the Rainbow Village Committee? I heard from the neighbors that the village committee will distribute 100 million dividends to every household this year!"

Zhao Feng suddenly realized: "I have already received the dividend of 100 million." Just now, I was wondering if the wrong money was transferred in the village. "

Xu Li hurriedly said: "Husband, I know that the business of the factory is not good this year, and now that our family has 100 million, the factory will be closed, right?"

Or you use the money to do some money-making business.

Or, why don't we start a business and live a good life?"

Zhao Feng smiled and said, "Don't worry, I know it in my heart." Hang up first, I still have something to do here!"

"Okay, you get busy first!"

After the phone hangs up.

Zhao Feng breathed a long sigh of relief, and his heart was full of mixed feelings.

Rainbow Village is really good to all the villagers, there is nothing to say!

In the future, he will still be an honest villager and wait for dividends every year.

Why bother to start a business with all your hard work?

The country's largest car reflective vest factory, I don't know if there is a net profit of 100 million a year?

Suddenly, a mobile phone APP push sounded.

Zhao Feng clicked on it and saw that it read: "Today, the Gongyu Traffic Management Science Research Institute issued a statement on new regulations.

From January 1, 2018, all new cars will require car manufacturers to equip reflective vests when the new car leaves the factory, and the owner or driver does not need to purchase it by himself. "

See here.

His eyes lit up.

The state even explicitly stipulates it.

In the future, new cars must be equipped with reflective vests!

What does this mean?

This shows that from now on, the demand for car reflective vests will skyrocket!

His car reflective vest factory will soon be able to come back to life, and even make a lot of money with the help of this outlet!


Zhao Feng was excited.

In the warehouse of his factory.

Car reflective vests, piled up.

It's all money!(Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Thank you Rainbow Village Committee!

Thanks to the new rules set by the state!

From now on.

He's Zhao someone, and he's about to take off!

...... []

At the same time.

All the villagers of Rainbow Village feel like they are about to take off!

Every household dividends of 100 million, what is this concept?

Measured in a $100 note.

100 million yuan in cash is 1 million 100 yuan notes.

A $100 note weighs about 1.15 grams.

100 million yuan in cash is 1.15 tons, which is equivalent to the weight of half a car.

In addition, according to the latest "Hurun Wealth Report", there are 130,000 families with hundreds of millions of assets in China.

Now after the Rainbow Village Committee pays the year-end dividend.

The 2,800 households with assets of 10 million in Rainbow Village immediately jumped to 100 million households, making the number of households with hundreds of millions of assets in China increase to 132,800.


Rainbow villagers, every household is setting off fireworks salutes to celebrate this good news.

Some villagers who can live in life immediately posted on Moments, or took Douyin videos to share the news with relatives and friends.


Internet age.

The speed at which information travels is extremely rapid.

Even if you don't leave your home, you can learn about the world.

Weibo real-time hot search list.

"Rainbow Village Households Dividends 100 Million Yuan", ranked first.

"Rainbow Village's disposable income exceeded 600 billion", ranking second.

"Rainbow Village 2,800 Billion-dollar Asset Families", ranked third.

"There are 132,800 billion-dollar asset families in the country, and Rainbow Village accounts for 2,800 households", ranking fourth.

"Rainbow Villager: To be a man is to be down-to-earth, is it difficult to have a small goal?", ranked fifth.


In the hot search comment area.

Countless netizens have discussed it.

"Ward God! There is such a tyrant village in the world, I kneel to Rainbow Village!"

"I always thought that in today's society, the class system has been solidified, and it is basically impossible for ordinary people to cross social classes. Unexpectedly, Rainbow Village taught me a vivid lesson!"

"Rainbow Village, forever dripping gods!Fang Yun Village Chief, forever dripping gods!"

"Every family is a billionaire, and this Nima is too exaggerated!"

"People have to die more than people, and villages have to die more than villages, I'm really fed up!"

"There is not even a billionaire in our village, and all the members of Rainbow Village are billionaires!"

"Earlier, we were teasing Rainbow Village, even the air smells of money. Now, Rainbow Village has really done ......"


"Marry a rainbow guy, count the money every day until you get old! 100 million yuan in cash weighs 1.15 tons, you can count a year!"

"I'm going to die of acid! I can't sleep tonight! I hope that in my dream, God can give me a Rainbow Village household registration!"

"In this world, it's getting harder and harder to find a job. And the villagers of Rainbow Village, every household can receive hundreds of millions of yuan in dividends!"

"According to the calculation of a family of five, the per capita dividend of Rainbow Village is as high as 20 million yuan! If it is calculated according to a family of three, the per capita dividend of Rainbow Village is as high as 33.33 million yuan!"

"Rainbow Village has risen rapidly in the past four years! Do you know how I lived these 4 years? I envy Rainbow Village, and I envy 4 for a whole year!"


At the same time.

The whole world is shocked!

The Internet is all talking about Rainbow Village.

Germanic netizens: "Such a rich village, it's really the only time I've seen it in my life!"

Italian netizens: "Unbelievable! This is the best village I've ever seen!"

French netizens: "Inconceivable! This village is too rich! Every household shares 12.82 million pounds!"

Mi country netizens: "Oh-My-God! Xia Guo Rainbow Village, every household dividends of 100 million yuan, that is, 14.81 million US dollars?!"

Neon country netizen: "It's incredible! I've never had such a rich village in my life, the villagers of this village are too happy, right?"

Australian netizens: "I just checked, this village has an international airport, 10 subway lines, 1 maglev line, the world's tallest building, and more than 300 Olympic champions!"

Canadian netizens: "It's unbelievable that there is such a local tyrant village in the world! After a while, I must go to Xia Guo Rainbow Village to take a look and appreciate their demeanor!"

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