July 8th.

Virtual worlds.

Rainbow University.

Inside the main stadium.

All undergraduate, master's, and doctoral graduates of the school gathered together to participate in the 2021 graduation ceremony and degree conferment ceremony of the school.

Tao Rui, President of Rainbow University, four vice presidents and other school leaders, members of the degree evaluation committee, members of the degree evaluation sub-committee, graduate tutors, heads of relevant functional departments of the university, leaders, teachers, faculty, counselors, representatives of current students, family members, relatives and friends of graduates, representatives of brother universities, and brother cooperation units all attended the ceremony.

The graduates, dressed in their degree gowns, greeted this long-awaited moment with warm applause and cheers.

The red graduation backdrop creates a sense of solemnity and ceremony at the graduation ceremony.

Rainbow University Campus TV, Rainbow Satellite TV, Rainbow Live, Rainbow Short Video and other platforms all broadcast live videos of this year's graduation ceremony.

It is worth mentioning.

Today's graduation ceremony is the first graduation ceremony held in the virtual world in history.


The ceremony begins.

On the big screen at the scene, a number of academicians and teacher representatives of Rainbow University "Six, Seven, Seven" were playing the graduation messages recorded for the students.

With affectionate words, the teachers encouraged the students to have the courage to pursue their dreams and take on the responsibilities and missions entrusted by the times.

Then, the warm-up program began.

Grammy Award winner Sun Ruohan walked out of the side of the venue and sang the song "The Stars Are Not as Good as You".

"The stars shine with light and shadow and fall into your eyes.

Such as enchanting crystals, put the romance on the show.

Love is magic, it gives us guidance.

Walk through the dark forest in search of the dawn~

The stars shine light and light up your eyes.

Like a colorful dream, I don't want to wake up.

The rest of your life will take you hand in hand.

Let's go on a trip of light years~"

Ethereal voice.

Resounding throughout the stadium.

At this time, another Grammy Award winner, Advocate Xi, walked out from the other side of the arena.

The song she sang was "The Light That Fell in Life".

"You are a light that falls on my world,

Run towards me, and all things grow.

Thy gentleness is so proflamboyant,

Let me get my wish~

You are a light shining in my life,

Every bit of it makes me yearn for it.

It's common to have your clear sky,

The place with you is my only direction~"

The students beat the beat.

The atmosphere of graduation is infectious.



This year's Grammy Award winner Yang Yan took the stage to sing the song.

Then, several counselors appeared on the stage and sang the song "Goodbye" together.

"I'll keep your face in mind,

I will cherish the thoughts you give,

These days will never be erased from my heart.

I can't promise you,

Will I ever come back,

Don't look back,

Go on without looking back~"

When the students heard the counselors' singing, they immediately recalled the scenes of their study time, which was deeply moving.


All the performances are over.

The mood of the students is a little low.

From now on, they will leave Rainbow University and the campus that has been with them for many years.

Next, the Director of the Student Affairs Department and the Director of the General Office of the Graduate School took the stage to give a lecture on safety issues, award certificates, and take a group photo.

64 officiating professors slowly walked into the venue and the audience gave warm applause.

The graduation ceremony and degree conferment ceremony kicked off with the solemn national anthem.

All the attendees stood and sang the national anthem.

The national flag was slowly raised and fluttered in the wind amid the majestic and passionate national anthem.

Representatives of the Student Union, the Graduate Student Union, outstanding graduates, counselors, and deans took the stage to speak. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Finally, President Tao Rui, who was also wearing a degree gown, took the stage to speak.

He said slowly: "Approved by the 7th, 19th, 25th, and 36th school council meetings of Rainbow University in the 2020-2021 academic year.

Then, Tao Rui read out the list of advanced collectives, outstanding master's graduates, outstanding doctoral graduates and outstanding graduates of the undergraduate graduating class of Rainbow University, and congratulated the commended classes, bachelors and all graduates.

Tao Rui humorously said: "Compared with the previous graduates, your average weight has increased by 2.1 kilograms more than them, you have walked 181,000 more steps per year, taken 4 fewer classes, read 2.4 more books, chased 3.8 fewer dramas, changed 0.3 more mobile phones, decreased your eyesight by 1.4, you have talked about love 0.17 times more, lost love 0.09 times less, and the proportion of singles has decreased by 3.3 percentage points."

During your college years, you slept an average of 7.5 hours a day, and 88.6% of your classmates liked to stay up late.

Although you are accustomed to holographic chatting, you still insist on calling your family 1.5 times a week on average, with less phone bills and more traffic, and your love for your family has increased.

On average, you take the initiative to confess 0.5 times and succeed 0.2 times, and this high success rate of 40% seems to tell us that Rainbow University has true feelings and needs to confess as soon as possible.

During the university, you have gone abroad for a total of 10,186 people to study and exchange, 90% of the students participated in volunteer activities, 42% of the students participated in innovation and entrepreneurship projects, you average 71.3 times a year of online shopping, consumption of 21,320 yuan, you not only chopped off your own hands, but also tired the legs of the courier brother.

For you, the university is no longer a mechanical life, but you also look to the distance and the future......"

When the students heard Principal Tao Rui's words, they all laughed.

Principal Tao is a data maniac.

He described the four years they spent at Rainbow University with a string of data.

On the podium.

Tao Rui finally said: "Students, it is not only you who have changed in the past few years, but also Rainbow University and our era.....

Almost overnight, strong artificial intelligence, 5G networks, Industry 4.0, virtual worlds, holographic projections, ...... These words have flooded into our world, changed our lives, and even upended our ways of thinking and values.

In the face of such a great era of rapid change and rapid change, how should we rainbow people prepare and how to deal with it?

I would like to take this opportunity to share some of my own insights: that is, first, we must have responsibility on our shoulders, second, we must have sunshine in our hearts, and third, we must have strength under our feet.

On this special day, the alma mater has specially prepared a commemorative badge for each of you.

The small badge, carrying the deep affection and ardent hope of your alma mater for you, is like a postage stamp, connecting each other.

I hope that everyone will pin the badge on their chests and carry their alma mater in their hearts.

Please don't forget your original intention, don't tell you about it, have love, dreams and distances.

Students break into the world, and their alma mater waits for good news. When we meet again in the future, there will be a time for joy.

May you go through a thousand sails and return as a young man.

May you leave the campus and come back as a teenager. "

The voice fell.

The teachers and students in the audience had a strong emotional resonance, and the atmosphere of the scene reached its peak.

Then, the degree conferment ceremony began.

The graduates, dressed in their degree gowns, took the stage in groups of 64 one after another.

The officiating professor is the degree recipient, confers the degree certificate, changes the tassel of the bachelor's cap on the student's head from the right to the left, completes the tassel ceremony, and takes a group photo.

A heartwarming scene is.

The canteen masters, dormitory managers, and security guards who got along with the students day and night were also invited to attend the ceremony.

Their arrival was warmly welcomed by the teachers and students on the spot.

During their college days, they accompanied their classmates and witnessed their growth, and today they are witnessing this sacred moment with the graduates.

The ceremony ended.

When the music sounded, all the staff stood up and sang the military song and the school song in unison. 4.5

The enthusiasm of youth and patriotic feelings are ignited at this moment.

The students' love and memories of their alma mater will be remembered forever in the chorus that deeply penetrates the hearts of the people.

In the melodious melody of the school song.

The second graduation ceremony of Rainbow University came to a successful conclusion.

The students threw their degree caps into the sky.

Countless fireworks bloom in the virtual world to celebrate the graduation of Rainbow Students.


After the graduation ceremony.

Students from major colleges and universities across the country are sour. []

Compared to previous years.

This year, the Rainbow students held a graduation ceremony in the virtual world, which was very high.

"Oh my God! Graduation ceremony in the virtual world?!"

"Do you want to be so, I'm going to die of acid!!"

"What kind of fairy school is this? please be a person!"

"For the first time in history, Rainbow University has set another record for graduation in the virtual world!"

"It's also Xia Guo's university, but our school is 1,000 years behind Rainbow University!"

"The degree of cow beep in Rainbow University has exceeded my imagination! I am now completely broken...... mentality."

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