July 18th.

Rainbow Tech Island.

Rainbow Academy of Sciences.

Inside the press conference room.

Hundreds of media reporters gathered together to attend the press conference on the birth of 6G technology and the launch of 6G network at the Rainbow Academy of Sciences.

On the high platform of the scene.

There were three heavyweight guests seated.

They are Tao Rui, President of Rainbow University, Fang Yun, head of Rainbow Village, and Zhao Changqing, President of Rainbow Academy of Sciences.

The press conference begins.

Zhao Changqing, president of the Rainbow Academy of Sciences, was the first to speak.

He said slowly: "Ladies and gentlemen, as early as the period of small-scale commercial use of 5G, the exploration of 6G has begun.

Major countries and regions around the world have started 6G research and strategic layout.

The same is true of our Xia Kingdom!

Under the promotion of Xia Guo's industry and information technology, the vision needs and potential key technologies of 6G have gradually come out of the haze.

We, Rainbow Academy and Rainbow University, have always focused on the research and development of 6G.

After a period of research.

The researchers of our university have finally conquered 6G technology.

Next, we will take the lead in launching the construction of 6G network in Rainbow Village......"

Hear here.

Everyone present nodded.

Xia Guo has made world-leading achievements in the field of 5G, leading the world in 23.

The direction of wrestling in the countries of the world became.

Countries such as Mi Country, Neon Country, Ou Meng and other countries have established 6G technology R&D teams together to form a small circle of technical barriers, preparing to isolate Xia Guo's technology R&D.

But in the end.

Xia Guo is still one step ahead and takes the lead in developing technology!


On a high platform.

Tao Rui, President of Rainbow University, said: "The 5G network can connect people, machines and things, and the 6G network will inject perception on the basis of interconnection.

Because 6G itself is a huge sensor that perceives the physical world everywhere.

In this kind of world where everything is intelligently connected.

A series of scenarios such as digital twins, holographic projections, human sensors, and satellite Internet will be realized.

The communications community generally believes that if 6G technology wants to land, it needs to overcome a variety of technologies.

For example, ultra-large-scale antennas can provide more accurate positioning, three-dimensional coverage, and high-speed mobile scene coverage.

For example, terahertz communication can meet the spectrum requirements of 6G with extremely high capacity and high speed.

For example, the integration of communication and perception uses wireless signals to achieve wireless communication and wireless sensing at the same time.

For example, wireless artificial intelligence, which combines artificial intelligence technology with wireless communication.

For example, intelligent metasurfaces can solve the same channel interference in multi-residential communities, strengthen the security of communication, and prevent eavesdropping.

In addition to these.

6G technology will continue to make breakthroughs in the field of basic technology and materials.

As originally envisaged.

It will not be until around 2028 at the earliest, and 6G will not really be born.

And we, Rainbow University and Rainbow Academy of Sciences, have overcome these difficulties one by one and successfully mastered 6G technology!"

The voice fell.

The scene resounded with tsunami-like applause.

Media reporters have a basic understanding of 6G technology.

Not an exaggeration.

6G technology will reach the ultimate in mobile communication indicators!

Compared with 5G, 6G requires more interdisciplinary technology research, and communication and other industries need to break through many bottlenecks.

From 5G to 6G, it belongs to the watershed of the times.

If 5G is to merge the physical world with the digital world.

At the beginning of 6G, it is necessary to build the perception of the physical world in the digital world, and further operate the physical world.

The difficulty is desperate to think about.

Research institutes around the world.

I am afraid that Rainbow University, the world's first university, and the Rainbow Academy of Sciences, the world's first scientific research unit, can successfully conquer 6G technology!


Tao Rui continued: "5G is composed of three application scenarios: eMBB enhanced mobile broadband, uRLLC ultra-reliable low-latency communication, and mMTC massive machine-type communication.

On this basis, 6G will add virtual world, holographic technology, and strong artificial intelligence.

In simple terms.

5G is the perception, encoding, and transmission of objective information such as video, audio, and pictures, and can realize the interconnection of human social space, information space, and physical space.

6G can transmit subjective information, so that vision, hearing, smell, taste, and touch can interact with machines, and realize the intelligent connection of human social space, information space, physical space, and consciousness space.

From a technical point of view. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The peak of 6G reaches 1 Tbps, the capacity of the entire network is 1,000 times that of 5G, the energy efficiency is 100 times that of 5G, the traffic density is 100 times that of 5G, the connection density is 100 times that of 5G, and the average user rate is 10-20 Gbps outdoors and more than 10 Gbps indoors. "

Hear this.

The scene once again burst into warm applause.

After the applause subsided.

Fang Yun, the head of Rainbow Village, said: "With the cooperation of Rainbow University and Rainbow Academy of Sciences, 6G technology has been developed.

Our Rainbow Village will officially lay out the full coverage of the 6G network in the village.

We have identified that 6G is mainly used in scenarios such as digital healthcare, immersive content, autonomous vehicles, smart cities, smart factories, spatial communications, intelligent interaction, tactile Internet, emotional and tactile communication, multi-sensory mixed reality, machine-to-machine collaboration, and fully automated transportation.

At the same time, Rainbow Village will join hands with Rainbow Aerospace Group to launch dozens of 6G satellites to provide full coverage of the village's 6G network. "

The voice fell.

The audience burst into applause again.

Finally, Fang Yun said: "Rainbow Village is the earliest village with full 5G network coverage in Xia Kingdom, and it is also the first 5G village in the world.

Now, Rainbow Village's goal is to become the first city in the world with full 6G network coverage.

After the birth of the 6G network, villagers can use the synaesthesia Internet to achieve multi-sensory experience interconnection, and interact directly through interactive holographic technology.

In the future, when you meet your relatives in the distance through holograms, you can feel each other's body temperature.

Not only that, from centimeter-level precision positioning, zero-contact medical care, to smarter factories and higher-level autonomous driving...... Industry, agriculture, energy, transportation and other sectors of the real economy will usher in changes. []

At that time, the Internet of Things terminals in Rainbow Village will show an explosive growth of 100 billion yuan, and the number of connections will account for more than 90%.

The immersive service 717 service based on new terminal devices such as virtual reality cabins and holographic devices is expected to contribute more than half of the average monthly traffic.

Finally, it will bring a broad market of hundreds of billions of terminal connections and trillions of gigabytes of average monthly traffic to Rainbow Village!"


After the press conference.

Countless netizens have discussed it.

"Oh my God! Rainbow Village is already laying out a 6G network?!"

"Our city doesn't even have full coverage of the 5G network, and Rainbow Village is too awesome, right?"

"Rainbow Village is worthy of being the first village in the world, and it won't be long before Rainbow Village will achieve full coverage of 6G network, once again walking in the forefront of the times!"

"After the full coverage of the 6G network, I estimate that the technology content of Rainbow Village will become higher and higher, far exceeding that of other cities in the world!"

"Made, it's also a village in Xia Kingdom, why is there such a big gap?!ah? It's Rainbow Village, that's okay!"

"Rainbow Village is really awesome! We have just popularized the 5G network here, and the Rainbow Village is ready to popularize the 6G network!"

"To be honest, running virtual games at 5G speeds is actually very reluctant. With the birth of the 6G network, we will be able to play virtual games in the future, and the network speed will be able to take off completely!"

"Since 2012, the scale of Xia's digital economy has grown from 11 trillion yuan to 50 trillion yuan, leading the world in Internet applications, the number of netizens, and the development of artificial intelligence. With the gradual application and popularization of 6G technology, China will also usher in leapfrog development in virtual networks!"

"That's right! From now on, the virtual network will make the scale of Xia's digital economy jump to at least 100 billion yuan!"

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