July 30th.

Zhu and the military training base.

As the most modern contract tactical training base in China.

The base covers an area of 1,066 square kilometers.

The main tasks are to organize divisional, brigade, and regimental-level units to complete joint tactical exercises, to conduct technical and tactical training in coordination with armored units and other arms of the armed forces, to carry out live exercises on the scale of military divisions, and to provide support for the various weapons equipped by the army to carry out live-ammunition and live-explosive operations and for the aviation units to carry out attack drills against ground troops.

Compared to previous years.

This year's Zhu Juhe military training base will carry out a joint sea, land, and air force campaign exercise on the scale of a group army.

Against both sides, divided into the Reds and the Blues.

In this exercise, a batch of the most advanced military equipment will be dispatched.

For example, the Red Army and the Blue Army, each with two aircraft carriers.

For example, the Red Army and the Blue Army, with a fifth-generation aircraft - the Rainbow fighter!

For example, the Red Army and the Blue Army have the Rainbow Main Battle Tank, the Rainbow Heavy Infantry Fighting Vehicle, and the Rainbow Light Tank.

For example, the Red Army and the Blue Army have anti-drone system equipment such as the Rainbow ground-guided air defense command system ZK-K20 and the Rainbow short-range air defense missile weapon system H-17AE.

For example, the Red Army and the Blue Army have coastal defense system equipment such as the Rainbow YJ-18E missile weapon system, the Rainbow YJ-12E multi-platform supersonic missile, and the Rainbow CM-802B anti-ship missile.

Of course, as a real combat exercise.

It is impossible for both the red and blue sides to use live ammunition to directly attack each other's troops and equipment.

That's not called a drill, it's called a civil war!

In this exercise, in order to allow the red and blue sides to carry out high-intensity confrontation and ensure safety, the two sides used laser simulation countermeasure systems and data simulation countermeasure systems.

Laser simulation countermeasure system for simulating direct fire from weapons within a variety of line-of-sight ranges.

It is actually a complete laser communication system, consisting of two parts: laser emission and laser reception.

The laser emission part is mounted on firearms, anti-tank missiles, and armored artillery, and emits invisible infrared laser beams that are safe for the human eye in both frequency band and power.

The laser beam is divided into two layers: the outer annular section laser beam represents the close off-target, while the inner circular section laser beam represents the hit.

These two functions are achieved by different signal codes in different laser beams, and the signal codes of these lasers also include information such as what kind of weapons and ammunition types are represented, ranging from small guns to ground artillery, tank guns, anti-aircraft guns, aircraft guns, and so on.

The laser receiving part is placed on the personnel's helmets, clothing, and armored vehicles and other equipment.

It has several photoelectric sensor probes, which are distributed on various parts of the target to distinguish the effect of hits.

For example, for personnel, the photoelectric sensor on the helmet receives the hit signal and means that the soldier is shot in the head, and the soldier is declared dead at this time, while a single hit on the torso is counted as a serious injury and is not allowed to move according to the rules of the exercise, and needs to wait for medical attention, and if the person is hit twice or more, he is also declared dead.

The data simulation countermeasure system is used to simulate the firing of long-range weapons and curved weapons when the line of sight and direct projectile trajectory are blocked by terrain.

Once a curved weapon such as a howitzer is simulated and launched, various data such as muzzle velocity and angle of fire will be transmitted back to the server of the director's headquarters in real time, and then the server will automatically calculate its hit range.

The existence of these two systems.

It can allow the director to grasp the casualty data of the red and blue sides at a glance, and have an accurate control of the battle situation.

This exercise.

The leader of the Blue Army is Man Guangzhi, who is well known to military fans.

The leader of the Red Army is Liu Yijie, a rising star in the army.

Whoever on both sides can complete the beheading plan will win the exercise!

Man Guangzhi, with the rank of colonel, is proficient in informationization, foreign armies, and joint operations, and is an outstanding commander of the whole army who has made many meritorious contributions.

He studied 4 bachelor's degrees at the National University of Defense Technology and 3 years at the Academy of Military Sciences.

He memorized "The Art of War" by heart, translated more than 100,000 words of foreign military materials, compiled the first army information-based unit training specifications of the Xia Kingdom, and explored more than 20 new tactics such as ultra-low-altitude coordination and random attack.

Man Guangzhi has participated in 33 red-blue confrontations.

In 33 confrontations, he has only lost one and has never been captured alive.

Compared to Man Guangzhi.

Liu Yijie was promoted completely by virtue of his military exploits.

He started as a compulsory soldier, won gold medals in international military competitions, and won many first-class merits.

In various competitions at home and abroad.

Liu Yijie relies on his strong personal strength to be invincible in the whole army!

Among the many soldiers in Rainbow Village.

Liu Yijie is the most dazzling one!

At present, he has become the new leader of the Red Army, and will fight against the leader of the Blue Army, Man Guangzhi!


The beginning of the red-blue confrontation.

Rows of elite soldiers are heroic.

Columns of ironclad chariots are ready to go.

Man Guangzhi and Liu Yijie both held operational meetings in their respective "Chinese military accounts."

The Chinese military tent refers to the hall of the command center of the training base.

The Red Army and the Blue Army all have command information systems, which can share all kinds of information in real time through means of information interaction such as graphics, texts, audio, and video.

"Forward Scout Team Report!"

"Accept the report of the sea and air situation from the superior!"

"Report! The Blue Army's unmanned reconnaissance aircraft is conducting reconnaissance of our position!"

"The air defense detachment quickly strikes at enemy aircraft, and the reconnaissance detachment releases drones to carry out aerial reconnaissance!"

"The higher authorities reported that an enemy electronic reconnaissance plane was found in the southeast direction of our army!"

"Activate the feint signal and apply to the higher authorities to implement electromagnetic blocking of the Blue Army!"

"......" (read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The "war" between the red and blue sides quickly started and entered a white-hot state.

The command center hall of the two sides closely follows the battlefield situation, enters the role to think about countermeasures, and explores the way to win through confrontation.

In the past, wars were fought mainly by pre-war planning.

Because the troops' ability to perceive the battlefield situation is limited, they can only anticipate a variety of complicated situations in advance, and it is inevitable that they will not be able to make a mistake in the future.

Nowadays, with a large number of new equipment being installed in the troops, the degree of battlefield visualization is getting higher and higher, and the proportion of in-war planning is getting larger and larger, which puts forward higher requirements for commanders' battlefield adaptability.

Both sides are carrying out three-dimensional offensive and defense, and there is no so-called "chariot, horse and artillery go alone".


Red Army Command Center.

As soon as the 1st Synthetic Battalion broke through the front of the Blue Army's position, it encountered a trap set by the Blue Army!"

"Report! 3 heavy infantry fighting vehicles are pumping black smoke and have been ruled out of battle!"

"Report! The right flank attack skirt has also been hit by tanks hidden in the bunkers of the Blue Army's positions!"

Faced with a series of intelligence.

Liu Yijie, the leader of the Red Army, immediately ordered: "Let the army aviation force implement close fire support!"

After the order is given.

4 helicopter gunships, roaring and quickly containing the positions of the Blue Army. []


Blues command center.

"Report! The Red Army's tanks, heavy infantry fighting vehicles, artillery, air defense, army aviation, and other arms will strike at our army at the same time!"

Facing the enemy.

The leader of the Blue Army, Manguangzhi, quickly issued a series of orders.

"Discover the impact of armored vehicles and people, and quickly set up obstacles and mines!"

"Anti-tank missiles quickly annihilate enemy armored targets, and infantry combat vehicles use artillery-launched missiles to clear the main threat in the forward passage!"

"Forward mobile strike artillery and rear artillery fire, striking at the Red Army at the same time!"


Red Army Command Center.

"1 batch of 2 enemy planes are rapidly assaulting our army!"

Liu Yijie, the leader of the Red Army, quickly issued an order: "The radar searches for the target, and the ground-to-air missiles are ready to resist!"


A few minutes later.

Blue fighters burst into the sky over the positions of the Red Army.

The Red Army's surface-to-air missiles drew a graceful arc in the air (Zhao Dehao) and accurately hit the target.

Seeing the failure of the aerial fire strike, the helicopter gunships of the Blue Army attempted to retreat to a deep position and hide in a mountain col.

The Red Army's armored attack skirt immediately switched to intermittent shooting to strike as far as possible at the retreating Blue Army.



On both sides of the red and blue sides, the two sides have each other's offense and defense, and they also have each other's battle losses.


For both sides.

The first day of fighting was just a temptation.

More brutal aircraft carrier operations, ship operations, submarine operations, and fighter bombing have not yet begun.


Military fans from all walks of life are paying attention to the Xia Guo Military Channel.

This actual combat exercise.

Xia Guo Military Channel, live broadcast throughout the whole process.

See the performance of both the red and blue sides.

Military fans are all watching with relish.

It's the He Ping era.

Modern warfare is rare.

Such a large-scale actual combat exercise is even more rare.

As a melon-eating skirt public.

They all know that it will take many days for the actual combat exercises of the red and blue sides to determine the winner or loser.

The following August.

For military fans, it's a military feast!

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