June 2nd.

8 a.m.

A team of experts from the Shandong Provincial Health Agency, with hundreds of staff, gathered at Rainbow Hospital.

They are responsible for the review of Rainbow Hospital's application for a tertiary general hospital.

President Xu Chuan, with the senior management of the hospital, received the other party as soon as possible.

After the two sides exchanged pleasantries.

Xiao Di, the leader of the expert group, said: "President Xu, Rainbow Hospital is huge, and its hardware and software facilities are very outstanding.

In terms of the comprehensive strength of the hospital, it is far beyond the ordinary tertiary hospitals.

However, the process of hospital grade review is still indispensable!"

Hospital review is an important starting point for the supervision of health institutions, promoting hospitals to continuously strengthen the construction of connotation, improve and implement the hospital management system, and promote the high-quality development of hospitals.

Private hospitals are declared as tertiary hospitals.

It is also up to them to judge.

Rainbow Hospital is nominally a village-run hospital, but it is actually a private hospital.

"I understand!"

Xu Chuan said with a pleasant face: "Team Leader Xiao, how do you usually evaluate, how do you evaluate now, Rainbow Hospital will fully cooperate!"

Xiao Di smiled and said, "President Xu, according to the Evaluation Standards for Tertiary General Hospitals, we will evaluate your medical services and management, medical quality and safety, technical level and efficiency.

The total score of the evaluation is 1000 points, with more than 900 points being rated as Level 3 A, 750 to 900 points being rated as Level 3 B, and 600 points to 749 points being rated as Level 3 C.

The evaluation criteria are divided into 3 parts and 101 sections, with 448 standards and monitoring indicators.

Bed allocation, department resource allocation, scientific research indicators, number of inpatient surgeries, hospital quality indicators, medical safety indicators, anesthesia medical quality control indicators, clinical laboratory medical quality control indicators, etc., are all within our evaluation standards.

The next period of time.

We'll review it at Rainbow Hospital, I'm afraid we're going to trouble you. "

"Rainbow Hospital will fully cooperate!"

Xu Chuan said again.


Xiao Di divided the expert group into eight groups.

According to the division of tasks, each team went to the various department buildings of Rainbow Hospital.

Facing the assessment of a tertiary hospital.

The medical staff and staff of Rainbow Hospital are very cooperative.

The expert group also continued to score.


Rainbow Hospital, Department of Neurology.

Yuan Lang, a member of the expert group, is evaluating the indicators of [key specialties].

This indicator has a score of 60 out of 60.

There are 7 specific indicators.

For example, key specialties need to reach the domestic or provincial advanced ranks.

For example, the director of the department or the leader of the discipline should have the technical position of deputy chief physician and have a certain reputation in the academic field of the specialty in China.

For example, he publishes 3 papers in national core journals or provincial academic journals every year.

For example, to carry out international academic exchanges, whether there are professional talents to form an echelon, and so on.

During the assessment process.

Yuan Lang met Zhang Xu, the 55-year-old director of the Department of Neurology.

Zhang Xu is over 50 years old, but he looks very young.

Yuan Lang asked, "Director Zhang, take the liberty to disturb you."

We need to assess whether the department director of the key department of Rainbow Hospital has the technical position of deputy chief physician and has a certain reputation in the academic field of the specialty in China.

If it's convenient for you, can you introduce yourself~?"

Zhang Xu smiled kindly: "I am an expert in neurology and an academician of the Xia Academy of Sciences.

Last year, I was hired full-time by Rainbow Hospital as the Head of the Neurology Department of the hospital.

In terms of social duties.

I have served as the vice president of the Modu Branch of the Xia Academy of Sciences, the dean of the Institute of Brain and Intelligent Technology of Zhangjiang Laboratory, the doctoral supervisor of the Center for Excellence in Brain Science and Intelligent Technology of the Xia Academy of Sciences, and the vice president of the Xia National Society of Cell Biology.

As for the academic field......

I have systematically studied the gene expression profiles of the dorsal root ganglion and spinal cord of chronic pain, discovered new pain information regulation systems such as endogenous sodium-potassium pump agonists, and provided a new theoretical basis for clinical analgesia and drug development, discovered the interaction between opioid receptor subtypes in nociceptive neurons and their correlation with morphine analgesic tolerance, expanded the function of the receptor complex and the research direction of drugs, discovered that fibroblast growth factor 13 (FGF13) regulates the development of neurons and brains by stabilizing microtubules, elucidated the mechanism of intellectual disability caused by FGF13 gene defects, and led the establishment of the Xia Guoren Human Brain Atlas Research Science and Technology Innovation Platform。

I have presided over a number of national scientific research projects and published more than 120 papers.

In terms of honors, I have won the Xia Guo Youth Science and Technology Award, the Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation Science and Technology Progress Award, the Eli Lilly Asia Outstanding Scientific Research Achievement Award, the Xia Guo Science and Technology Progress Award First Prize, and the Xia Guo Academy of Sciences Teaching Achievement Award.

What else do you want to know, young man?"

The voice fell.

Yuan Lang stood stunned on the spot.

Soon, he hurriedly bowed: "I'm sorry, Academician Zhang! I didn't investigate it clearly in advance, please forgive me!"

Zhang Xu kindly patted Luo Kai's shoulder and didn't say anything.

When Academician Zhang left.

Yuan Lang broke out in a cold sweat.

Standing in front of him just now was the medical master of Xia Kingdom, the great god of the national medicine level!

I even asked the other party whether he was the technical position of deputy chief physician and whether he had a certain reputation in the academic field of his specialty in China.

This is simply outrageous!

As for the [key specialty] indicators of tertiary hospitals, do you need to talk about it?

Rainbow Hospital must be a perfect score!


The other side. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The other members of the expert group are all undergoing rigorous evaluation.

Tertiary hospitals require more than 500 inpatient beds, and Rainbow Hospital has 20,000 beds.

A tertiary hospital requires that the whole hospital should have more than 3 key specialties, and Rainbow Hospital has 70 key specialties.

A tertiary hospital requires no less than 2 clinical dietitians, and Rainbow Hospital has 50 clinical dietitians with physician qualifications.

The proportion of engineering and technical personnel in the total number of health technicians is not less than 1%, and the proportion of rainbow hospitals is 10%.


Numerous indicators are measured.

Rainbow Hospital has all met the standards, and far exceeds the standards of ordinary tertiary hospitals!

The Group of Experts has completed each review.

They will all announce the latest developments in Weixin's skirt chat. []

[Lao Liu of the expert group]: "Among the 8 indicators of hospital management, organization, information, finance, equipment, general affairs, construction, safety, and environment, with a total score of 140 points, Rainbow Hospital has a full score!"

[Lao Sun of the expert group]: "Three bases, three strict training and management indicators, a total score of 45 points, full marks for Rainbow Hospital!"

[Lao Wei of the expert group]: "Ideological and political work and medical ethics and medical style construction indicators, Rainbow Hospital full score!"

[Expert Group Lao Li]: "Hospital infection management indicators, a total score of 40 points, a full score for Rainbow Hospital!"

[Lao Wang of the expert group]: "Nursing management indicators, a total score of 75 points, full marks for Rainbow Hospital!"

[Expert Group Lao Zhao]: "Medical management indicators, a total score of 105 points, full marks for Rainbow Hospital!"

[Lao Zhang of the expert group]: "Function and task indicators, a total score of 50 points, full marks for Rainbow Hospital!"

[Expert Group Xiao Chen]: "The department sets indicators, with a total score of 30 points, and Rainbow Hospital has a full score!"

[Expert Group Xiao Shen]: "Staffing indicators, a total score of 30 points, full marks for Rainbow Hospital!"

[Expert Group Xiao Zhou]: "Technical level indicators, a total score of 200 points, full marks for Rainbow Hospital!"

[Expert Group Xiao Feng]: "Statistical indicators, a total score of 100 points, full marks for Rainbow Hospital!"


Three days later.

All the evaluation indicators are released!

After summarizing the statistics.

The expert group was surprised to find that Rainbow Hospital had received a perfect score of 1,000 points!

In this regard, everyone was amazed.

They have participated in many reviews of tertiary hospitals.

But a full-scoring hospital like Rainbow Hospital.

There is not a single one in Shandong Province!

Or, not in the whole country!

...... (Isn't it)

June 6.

The unveiling ceremony of Rainbow Hospital's tertiary general hospital was held in the hospital conference hall.

The leaders of Shandong Province, Qindao, and Xu Chuan, deputy director and president of the provincial health institution, jointly unveiled the "tertiary first-class general hospital" of Rainbow Hospital.

Rainbow Hospital is ranked among the top three hospitals.

It marks the birth of the 17th tertiary hospital in Qindao!

... Create...

After the unveiling ceremony.

There's a lot of talk on the internet.

"Damn?!Rainbow Hospital turned out to be a full-score hospital!"

"Haha, Rainbow Hospital has finally become a tertiary general hospital, and it finally deserves its name!"

"Ride the wind and waves, and be among the top three. Congratulations to Rainbow Hospital for becoming a private tertiary general hospital!"

"The edge of the sword is sharpened, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold! After seven months of blue wisps and seven months of wind and rain, Rainbow Hospital has finally ushered in a bumper harvest! Congratulations to Rainbow Hospital!"

"Seven months of hard work, seven months of wind and rain, is this a human talk?"

"It takes more than ten years for other tertiary hospitals to be ranked as a tertiary hospital, but Rainbow Hospital has done it in less than a year, which is really outrageous!"

"Having said that, now is the golden age of social medicine, and I hope that more excellent private hospitals will be born in the future!

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