Goodnight Kiss from My Rumored Husband

Chapter 1280: Suddenly there is a mother 1

Chapter 1280 Suddenly There Is A Mother 1

She opened her mouth and yelled. The man reached out with both hands, one arm around her waist, and one hand covering her mouth.

Gently dragged her up and pulled her into her arms.

Gu Nianjia was shocked. After adjusting it, she looked up at Zhang Jingyu angrily. "Well, who is jealous, I really think that teacher Mei is good. You should bring someone."

After saying that, she pushed Zhang Jingyu awkwardly.

Zhang Jingyu looked at her with amusement, "I said I want to take care of my girlfriend."

She stared at Gu Nianjia's face, Gu Nianjia knew that he was talking about her, and her face couldn't be controlled red.

Turning awkwardly, he said angrily, "Where's your girlfriend, you single dog?"

She was really embarrassed and shy, and Zhang Jingyu stopped teasing her, "Let's go."

Hold her hand directly and pull away.

This is the school. People coming and going, Gu Nianjia is very worried about being seen and misunderstood them.

To her, it was a misunderstanding.

She desperately wanted to open the hand of Jing Yu, "I will go by myself, don't hold my hand."

Zhang Jingyu didn't embarrass her and let go of her hand.

Gu Nianjia didn't dare not follow him. After all, he has now become a real beast. In case she is not obedient, he directly carries her away.

Then the campus forum will be contracted by both of them tomorrow.

She obediently followed Zhang Jing and met the car. After Zhang Jingyu unlocked the car, she reached out and opened the back door.

There were two boxes lying on the back seat, one brown and one pink. She looked very familiar with the pink box.

She frowned, turning to look at Zhang Jingyu, pointing her finger at the pink box, and asked Zhang Jingyu in a determined tone, "Is this my suitcase?"

Zhang Jingyu nodded, "Yes."

Gu Nianjia's brow frowned a little, and she asked indefinitely, "Who's there?"

Zhang Jingyu: "Your toiletries and changing clothes."

Gu Nianjia was anxious, "Why are you like this?"

Is he a devil?

Why is a teacher so ignorant of politeness? How can you move other people's things casually?

What about his professionalism?

Zhang Jingyu ignored Gu Nianjia's protest at all, opened the front passenger's seat door and forced her into the car.

In fact, Gu Nianjia really wanted to go to the capital, and she wanted to go to the cat demon concert.

She hated herself in the car, hated herself, and hated herself.

"Drink water."

When Zhang Jing met the car, she handed a pink thermos cup to Gu Nianjia, forcing her and who she was.

Gu Nianjia was so tired that she took the water cup and tried the temperature of the water.

She opened the lid and took a sip symbolically.

There was nowhere to vent her heart, and she picked up her mobile phone and sent a circle of friends: "Suddenly there is a mother."

At this point, many people got up. Li Nanmu, a young boy with an Internet addiction, responded first: "What happened? Are you going to get married, Jiajia? Is it your mother-in-law?"

Gu Nianjia saw the word "mother-in-law" and suddenly jumped out of Teacher Sun's face.

Her kind smile, her enthusiasm, her ... braised pork.

Shouldn't her old man ... be aware that Zhang Jingyu liked her and wanted to chase her, that's why she was so good to her.


Gu Nianjia thought, eyes widened, and felt that he had fallen into a large pit.

Her circle of friends sent it out, and many people saw it, including Gu Nianshen.

Gu Nian frowned, and just about to call Gu Nianjia to ask what was happening, her cell phone suddenly rang.

(End of this chapter)

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