Goodnight Kiss from My Rumored Husband

Chapter 1281: Suddenly there is a mother 2

Chapter 1281 Suddenly There Is A Mother 2

Caller ID General Song.

He answered, and shook handsfree. Song Changwen called him, "Read it deeply."

The tone sounded a little anxious.

Gu Nian frowned deeply. "What's the matter?"

Song Changwen hesitated over there, then tentatively asked: "I saw Jiajia today sent two circles of friends in a row, what does it mean that she suddenly has a mother?"

Gu Nian heard the words and smiled.

He calmly said, "That's when I recognized the godmother outside."

It feels very simple and normal to recognize a godmother.

Song Changwen's voice became slightly sharper. "She recognizes it?"

Exposing inner grievances.

Gu Nianshen was still calm, "I don't know."

He didn't give Song Changwen a chance to ask any more, and then went on: "If you care, call and ask yourself if you don't know."

After talking, I hung up.

Then he stared at the screen of the mobile phone and grinned and locked the screen.

Capital Airport, because of the cat monster tomorrow ’s concert, the passenger traffic has increased in the past two days, and the airport has cast posters for the cat monster concert everywhere.

Even the toilet.

The tall man went into the bathroom and saw a cat demon poster on the wall next to the sink. He frowned slightly, his eyes extremely dissatisfied.

At this time, the mobile phone in the right pocket rang, and when he saw the caller ID, he immediately answered, put it to his ear, held the mobile phone in one hand, and reached over to turn on the faucet.


He shouted, and before the words fell, Song Changwen's voice sounded, "Chang Lin."

The tone sounded a little anxious.

Song Changlin paused, frowning in response to Song Changwen, "What's wrong?"

Song Changwen asked: "Did you see Nian Jiafa's circle of friends?"

Still with a taste of temptation.

"Jiajia's circle of friends?" Song Changlin wondered a bit, then said: "I haven't read WeChat yet, go and see now."

He immediately hung up the phone and went to the WeChat circle of friends.

There are not many of his friends. The second development is Gu Nianjia. The next one is her.

Seeing Gu Nianjia's two dynamic content, he knew for a second what Gu Nianjia was referring to, shaking his head funnyly.

He thought it was funny, not because of Gu Nianjia's circle of friends, but more because of Song Changwen's anxiety.

After reading Gu Nianjia's circle of friends, he was not in a hurry to return to Song Changwen, he had to wait for Song Changwen to call him again.

Unsurprisingly, after two or three minutes, Song Changwen called again.

Song Changlin answered calmly. Song Changwen asked over there, "Does she really know a godmother outside?"

"I don't know," Song Changlin replied in an unhurried tone: "But she may be going to the capital in a while. I see her and ask."

Song Changwen: "OK."

Having said that, I just want to hang up the phone. Song Changlin considered it, and thought about it, saying, "Sister ..."

He shouted, and his voice paused again.

Song Changwen didn't hear the text over there and asked curiously: "Huh? Anything else?"

Song Changlin said, "You can actually call Jiajia directly."

Song Changwen's voice immediately cooled down, "I just asked casually, she didn't know she was fooled outside by being confused."

The colder it gets, the more serious it gets, "Also, you have to warn her not to know some messy people outside. What is her identity? Can anyone be her godmother? Anyone can go with Gu Jiache. In a relationship? "

(End of this chapter)

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