Goodnight Kiss from My Rumored Husband

Chapter 1325: Shouldn't you just make a promise? 2

Chapter 1325 Shouldn't I Make a Promise? 2

Zhang Jingyu is also a VIP ward, also on this floor, separated from her by two.

She supported the bed and stood with no strength on her legs. Lin Yichan pushed her to a wheelchair and pushed her to the door of Zhang Jingyu's ward.

I knocked on the door twice, and no one responded. Lin Yichan unscrewed the door lock. Even in the VIP ward, I couldn't avoid entering the door with a strong smell of disinfection water.

When I entered the bathroom, I saw the hospital bed. Gu Nianjia saw Zhang Jingyu lying on the hospital bed, saw her pale face, and her heart twitched.

I ca n’t say what it ’s like. I just want to hurry to the bed and see his injury.


Lin Yiqian pushed Gu Nianjia to Zhang Jingyu's bed. Gu Nianjia raised her hands and tried to catch Zhang Jingyu's hand, but she finally put it down again.

Staring at her face.

"I'm back to you. There's something wrong with you. Call me for anything."

Lin Yiqian felt that she was inappropriate here and left for a reason.

Only Gu Nianjia and Zhang Jingyu were left in the ward. Zhang Jingyu still had her eyes closed and had no consciousness. Gu Nianjia didn't know what to say.

Just watching Zhang Jingyu.


Suddenly, a familiar voice called from behind her.

Zhang Jingyu's mother, Teacher Sun.

Gu Nianjia turned her head and saw Teacher Sun, calling her with full guilt, "Auntie."

Her eyes were red.

Teacher Sun held the packaged food in her hand and saw the scar on Gu Nianjia's face. She distressed and quickened her pace to Gu Nianjia's side. "How can you get out of bed and go back and rest."

She said as she put down her things.

Gu Nianjia stretched out her hand, hooked it to Teacher Sun's hand, then held it with both hands, and apologized, "Auntie."

The teacher was injured because she was rescued, so she was lying here.

Her old man must hate her.

As a mother, her son suffered such a serious injury. It is impossible to say a little blame and no resentment. But seeing Gu Nianjia's injuries and her regretful apology, she immediately lost any complaints, only Distressed.

Her elderly man gently placed Gu Nianjia's head on her parents, calming her softly, "I'm sorry, what the child said, isn't it all right?"

The injury has already been injured, and it is already true. The most important thing now is to make the most of this risky injury.

After speaking, she put down her hand and turned to get a cotton swab and dip it in water, so as to moisten Zhang Jingyu's lips.

Gu Nianjia said, "Let me stay here with the teacher."

She reached out to ask Teacher Sun to give her a cotton swab, and she took care of Zhang Jingyu.

Teacher Sun frowned: "Your body can blow down in a gust of wind now, and Jing Yu wakes up and should worry about you again."

Said she continued again.

Gu Nianjia looked down and apologized, "I'm sorry."

Teacher Sun said: "Sorry, don't say it. Hurry back to rest. He will wake up and I will call you."

She didn't blame.

It is really for the sake of Gu Nianjia's body.

Gu Nianjia refused to go back. "I'm waiting for him to wake up here."

Then she moved the wheelchair a little closer to Zhang Jingyu's bed.

Continue to worry about watching Zhang Jingyu anxiously.

"Why is this kid so mean?"

Teacher Sun had nothing to do with her. She pointed to the lounger near the window and said to her, "Then you lie down, lie there."

Before she lowered herself, she got up and pushed Gu Nianjia to the reclining chair.

(End of this chapter)

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