Goodnight Kiss from My Rumored Husband

Chapter 1326: Shouldn't you just make a promise? 3

Chapter 1326: Shouldn't You Give It Yourself? 3

Then she took her to the chair.

The body hurts everywhere, and it feels piercing, just for a while, Gu Nianjia is sweating.

Teacher Sun was so distressed that she made a hot towel to wipe her.

She was exhausted, and she was relieved a lot by the hot towel.

Teacher Sun was busy doing something else, and Gu Nianjia picked up her mobile phone.


The man opened his eyes and looked at the girl lying on the chair with white fluffy cushions, a beam of less bright light hitting her face.

The scars of varying depth on her face did not affect her cleanliness and innocence at all.

Those injuries should not have appeared on her face.

He wanted to reach out and help her heal those injuries.


Zhang Jingyu murmured so softly in her mouth, but unexpectedly awakened Gu Nianjia.

Gu Nianjia didn't fall asleep. The name ‘baby’ was intermittently in her mind or dream.

She opened her eyes, glanced at Zhang Jingyu's eyes, and then reacted, "Teacher you are awake."

A little excited.

Zhang Jingyu frowned, and asked hoarsely, "Why did you fall asleep like that ~ ~ I was a bit sleepy, and fell asleep."

Gu Nianjia then remembered that she was reading a book on her mobile phone just now.

Zhang Jingyu raised her eyebrows and asked with interest: "What book are you reading?"

Gu Nianjia smiled weakly back, "The review materials you bought for me can also be found online."

She was afraid Zhang Jingyu didn't believe it. She raised her phone and pointed the screen at Zhang Jingyu.

Zhang Jingyu smiled with curly lips. "Are you so serious?"

Gu Nianjia nodded, "I will definitely read and study hard."

She assured her seriously.

She didn't know how to repay Zhang Jingyu's life-saving grace, and how to express her strange feeling inside.

However, she felt that if she studied hard and got good grades, he would be happy.

Will definitely praise her, the baby is awesome.

She moved the wheelchair to Zhang Jingyu's bed herself.

Zhang Jingyu frowned and looked at her severely, "The premise is to heal well."

Gu Nianjia pursed her lips, and nodded smartly, "Teacher, thank you."

Zhang Jingyu raised her hand and placed it on Gu Nianjia's head, rubbed it gently, and turned her lips upward, without answering.

When did you not say thank you?

"Jing Yu wakes up."

At this time, Teacher Sun came out of the bathroom. In fact, the bathroom door had not been closed. She had heard the voices of Zhang Jingyu and Gu Nianjia for a long time.

Waited deliberately until then.

Of course they both talked.

But ... what they said was not what she wanted to hear.

Shouldn't they hug each other, and then move to say something compelling?

It really sads her!

Teacher Sun pretended to be a surprise, walked quickly to the bed, and bent over to embrace Zhang Jingyu, "My son, you finally woke up."

Zhang Jingyu: "..."

Good showy acting.

Although it was a little exaggerated, the distress was real, and Mr. Sun's eyes became red.

Gu Nianjia didn't know what tone she should use and what position to comfort her, pouting the corner of her mouth, she was very blame and awkward.

Teacher Sun held Zhang Jingyu and had not yet let go of him.

Zhang Jingyu was helpless, "If you don't let go, I may be in a coma again."

Teacher Sun heard that, he quickly released him, and then flunked his eyes, distressingly reproached, "You stinky boy, I will fall into the water with Jiajia in the future, you must save Jiajia first."

(End of this chapter)

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