Goodnight Kiss from My Rumored Husband

Chapter 1369: Xiaoyan changed 4

Chapter 1369: Xiao Yan Has Changed 4

All day, she was still a little angry in her heart, angry that Zhang Jingyu suddenly went back and did not say hello to her.

But I couldn't help worrying, worried about his injuries, always thinking of Zhang Jingyu's injuries on his back.

Inexplicable irritability.

She turned back with pain and turned her back to the door, trying to close her eyes and sleep.

Lin Xiaoyu's crisp and tender voice suddenly sounded behind him, "Xiao."


Gu Nianjia heard her appellation and opened her eyes suddenly, her eyes sparkling with surprise.

Staggered, and reacted, she turned her head and saw the familiar figure of the man, the familiar black shirt, the familiar gentleness and elegance.

She reddened her eyes. "Little cock."

The word '舅' in the back is a little choked.

The things she experienced have hit her hard. She is still having nightmares. The horrible encounters continue to occur in her dreams, and she is afraid every day.

But ... I have never been wronged like this at the moment, I feel good and wrong.

It's like just coming out of the ghost door, desperately needs a hug, desperately needs a familiar, gentle ‘do n’t be afraid’ to comfort her in her ears and give her courage.

Song Changlin saw that Gu Nianjia's eyes were red. There was a distress in his eyes, but he didn't immediately touch her head in front of her as before.

She didn't give her that spoiled look.

The steps were still hurried to the bed, and he said in a joking tone as he walked, "Listening to Aunt Zhou and your sister-in-law that you can eat in the hospital, why are you thin?"

He went to the bed and looked down at Gu Nianjia.

The tall and familiar figure gives Gu Nianjia a special peace of mind.

From childhood to age, when she was bullied, she most missed this figure. Only in front of him did she dare to be wronged, and only he petted her.

Gu Nianjia flushed her eyes and red nose, and returned to Song Changlin in a crying voice. "Where can I eat?"

It's been so many days, and she feels that she's so arrogant, so she rubs her eyes and suppresses the grievance.

Then he looked at Song Changlin and said, "You look so thin, you look a lot thinner."

It's really thin, and it's very obvious.

She looked at it very carefully.

"Is it normal that I lose weight?"

Song Changlin joked and sat down in a chair by the bed.

Gu Nianjia stared at his face again, "It's also very sloppy, he has red blood in his eyes, hasn't he slept well?"

She asked distressed.

Song Changlin grinned, "You still care more about yourself."

He laughed, looking particularly tired and vicissitudes.

It feels like you have experienced many, many things.

"Xiaoyu, is there something wrong?" Gu Nianjia looked at Song Changlin and always felt wrong.

I didn't see her since she opened her eyes. He hadn't been here for so many days, and she had this suspicion.

Her sister-in-law, who has been hurting her, hasn't come to see her after such a big deal. No matter how busy he is, she doesn't think it's possible to see her.

Although her memory of the day was vague, she mistakenly regarded Zhang Jingyu as Song Changlin, but when she heard Song Changlin's voice called her, she should not remember it wrongly.

What else happened that day?

She always felt that all of them had something to hide from her, including Zhang Jingyu.

Song Changlin shook his head. "Nothing happened."

Windy and light tone.

Then he lowered his eyes, obviously not wanting to say.

(End of this chapter)

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