Goodnight Kiss from My Rumored Husband

Chapter 1370: Xiaoyan changed 5

Chapter 1370: Xiao Yan Has Changed (5)

Gu Nianjia didn't dare to question or entangle him to let him say, because Song Changlin now felt different to her.

They are alienating a little bit.

Song Changlin's phone suddenly rang. He took out the phone, glanced at the caller ID, and got up to go out.

Watching his tall figure go away, Gu Nianjia was very insecure and shouted: "Xiao."

After calling her guilty conscience, she didn't know what to say.

Song Changlin's hand had been choked to answer, but when Gu Nianjia called him, he stopped and looked at her in confusion, "What's wrong?"

He was still very patient and was not anxious to answer the phone.

The handsome face still has such deep eyebrows, and the contours of the five features are still so clear and distinct.

As she imagined when she was a kid, when the teenager grows up, he will definitely be a handsome man.

Gu Nianjia stared at Song Changlin's face with a little enthusiasm. He opened his mouth and did not speak. Song Changlin bent his lips and smiled, "I'll take a call first."

He said he put the phone to his ear and walked towards the door.

Gu Nianjia's thoughts were interrupted, and she blurted out when she was just brewing, "Can you stay with me for a little longer?"

She had expected that they would go further and further.

But ... but could you let him accompany her for a long journey?

Gu Nianjia's tone, unconsciously, was careful, Song Changlin listened to the footsteps, and for a moment God, what the person on the phone was just saying, he did not hear.

Going back to God, he asked, "You're saying what you just said."

Stepped back again and stepped out of the door.

No retrospective.

Gu Nianjia watched Song Changlin's back disappear into her eyes. She lowered her lips and felt a particularly familiar loneliness in her heart.

It feels like a person squatting in a corner every time he is isolated at grandma's house.

But she may never look forward to the teenager who gave her warmth.

Gu Nianjia thought sadly, Song Changlin called back.

"I asked Aunt Zhou to rest in the hotel. I'll take care of you here."

After hearing the words, Gu Nianjia's eyes brightened, and she raised her head in surprise, thinking that she had heard the wrong thing. Song Changlin held the mobile phone in one hand, put it in her black trousers pocket, and walked calmly towards her bed.

She opened her mouth and asked, "Really?"

Song Changlin nodded his head, "Yeah."

He returned to his chair and sat down.

"But ..." Gu Nianjia looked at Song Changlin. His handsome face was as gentle and flat as ever. When she reached her lips, she put it back.

She wanted to ask, wasn't he very busy.

After all, he is managing Tianxi, and his mother's burden is now on him.

Gu Nianjia stopped talking, and Song Changlin didn't ask her what she wanted to say, and she said directly, "What you want to eat, you can tell Aunt Zhou that she will cook and deliver it."

Then he lowered his head on the phone and didn't know what to turn.

From the tone of his speech, it was clear that he had already communicated with Aunt Zhou.

Gu Nianjia looked at Aunt Zhou, her old man was packing, she should feel that Gu Nianjia was looking at her, and she looked at Gu Nianjia.

With a smile: "Jia Jia, I'm going to the hotel tonight. If there's anything you can call me, the hotel is right next to it."

Gu Nianjia nodded, "OK."

Looking back at Song Changlin, he wanted to ask if he didn't have to work, and Lin Xiaoyu suddenly ran over.

(End of this chapter)

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