Gossip King

Chapter 998: What medicine is sold in the gourd

The people in the entire conference room looked at the gold headhunter from MK Company who was going to make the one or two hundred orders, and looked at the dumb eyes.

He also said that the high cold pretends to be forced, this will be a fool.

"This gentleman, please." Yang Guanguan opened the office door, and she looked at it with deep admiration. Somehow, you can say it's a fake tiger, she opened the office door to invite this toe When the high-spirited headhunter went out, a drum of pride appeared in his heart. Although he spoke nicely, people with a discerning eye knew that this was a list that looked down upon Xingsheng.

Tell you to look down and regret it!


"Okay, thanks...thank you." MK Hunter was embarrassed and annoyed. He was too full of words before, and there was no room for maneuver at all. MK Hunter looked desperately at the check with 10 million written on it. It was put into the folder by Gao Leng.

This should have held ten million in his hand.

This should have been the same as the other four, sitting here and quietly getting a deposit of 10 million.

The deposit alone is 10 million...

Can't think about it anymore, think about this MK headhunter and he was bloodied to death on the spot.


He nodded towards Yang Guanguan, squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying and moved out step by step, only to hear the door behind him closing, although it was a very soft sound, he did hear thunderous thunderous sounds.

"Master, why is there someone hitting himself there." A group of interns who have just entered the Xingsheng magazine are standing in the large office. They are all childish. The school and Xingsheng have talents to cooperate, and they entered in their junior year. Today is the first day of Xingsheng’s internship. The one who brought them to Xingsheng Magazine has five years of work experience. He said that rich experience is not counted, but in front of this group of college students, he is an absolute veteran and is respected by the students. master.

"Beat yourself? How could it be possible." The teacher reporter pushed his glasses and followed the eyes of the students...

I saw a man who just came out of the conference room and slammed his head fiercely with his hands...

"Maybe...maybe..." The master reporter was puzzled, but he couldn't lose his share in front of this group of students. He laughed and said, "It's a lot of pressure to do our business. This guy is definitely not inspired by the news. Just relax your head and relax. I rarely experience exhaustion of inspiration. I write news in one go. You guys, learn a little bit. Doing our business is not a real talent. It's nothing to hit yourself! Hey, this kid, write I don’t know if the news comes out, come and ask me..."

"He's starting to beat his chest..." The students obviously believed in the master: "Isn't he going crazy with such a pressure? I remember that our school went crazy for one or two during the college entrance examination, just like this uncle. Horrible..."

The reporter looked over again, and saw that the man beat his chest like a baboon, looking so angry that he would die.

"He's starting to hit the wall... Being a reporter is really stressful! I regret now that I chose the journalism department..." These students were obviously a little scared for a while.


"General Manager Gao, please tell me which company we want to dig. Our headhunting company has been engaged in this business for more than ten years. It can be said that I can dig for you who are capable people from large companies that you have fancy. "The manager of Hairun headhunting looked at the ten million deposit in his hand, and his chest shook loudly: "We are the first headhunting company in the empire."

"That's not right, our Kaizhi headhunting company is the first headhunting company in the empire." Another headhunter was unhappy when he heard this. He stood up respectfully and handed his business card to Gao Leng, and then took out the company. "Our company’s biggest advantage is mainly to do media talents. It can be said that any domestic media has cooperated with us. By the way, Xingsheng cooperated with us last year. We recruited Xingsheng people."

"Don't mention that your company cooperated with Xingsheng last year. Last year Xingsheng recruited five people. Four of them were successfully recruited from our side. Only when you open up your mind can you talk about one..." A headhunter stood with his waist. I got up and handed the information of my company to Gao Leng: "Gao, hello, I am the key account manager of Wise Headhunting Company. As soon as our boss heard that Xingsheng Magazine wanted us to come, he immediately sent me over. And my boss originally wanted to come by himself, he said that Mr. Gao is a man of the world! He must come in person for your cooperation! Unfortunately, he is in a foreign country, so he sent me here. I am the manager of the key accounts of Wise Company. Unlike the deputy manager level, who can’t make a decision, I can make a decision, and I will do my best for you."

The deputy manager couldn't shoot the board. This knife was inserted into the other three people, all of whom were deputy managers...

All of a sudden, there was a fight.

They all know that this is a big order, too big for them to imagine. Since it is a big order, it must be grabbed. All competitors are present, and it is always right to step on the opponent.

A few people blushed with thick necks, and all of a sudden, they turned from fighting against each other directly to each other.

"Quiet." Gao Leng frowned slightly, just like being acupuncture. The few people who were blushing just now with thick necks calmed down and looked at Gao Leng together. The golden master in their eyes, God of wealth.

"I cooperate with all four of you, so there is no need to fight." Gao Leng said slowly. As soon as he said this, the expressions of the other few did not relax at all. They knew in their hearts that even if they all cooperated, there would be resource competition. Grabbed it.

"Yes, my budget is no more than 200 million."

This time I will say two hundred million more, no one will not believe it anymore, let alone feel that Gao Leng's pretense is forced. These people waited for Gao Leng to continue talking.

"As for any of you who can earn more, whoever earns less, it's simple, count the money per capita, whatever level of commission is, give it as much, and finally calculate the total. I will pay if it does not exceed 200 million, and I will also give it. With a deposit of 10 million for each of your companies, I must be able to start work." Gao said coldly.

A deposit of 10 million yuan is more than enough to start work. This deposit has refreshed the highest amount of headhunting in the empire.

"Mr. Gao, please tell me, what kind of talent do you want?" one of the oldest headhunters asked. He clenched his fists and looked at the other people. This is a tough battle. Who has dug many people? Whoever earns more, the key is what kind of talents Mr Gao needs, and what kind of talents his own talent pool has always been in touch with Gao Leng recruitment standards.

"I hope that you can dig out the talents of Fengxing Magazine, at or above the supervisor level, as many as there are," Gao Leng said.

"Fengxing?" Several headhunting companies looked at each other and were puzzled.

"But, Mr. Gao, you have such a standard, above the supervisor?" a headhunter asked.


"No, Mr. Gao, you..." Several headhunters looked at each other again, and after receiving Gao Leng's reply, they became more confused: "Let me give you an analogy. This supervisor includes all major departments. For example, the director of the finance department, your company's director of the finance department has not resigned, and there is no vacancy now. Then I hired the director of the finance department of Fengxing Magazine. Do you want it?

Digging people has always been a pit for a radish, no pit, where to put the radish?

There is no place to arrange these people, it is impossible to poach them away.

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