Gossip King

Chapter 999: Snake and hit seven inches, this digging...

Digging people, there is always a pit for a radish, no pit, where to put these radishes?

Not to mention that all major departments of Xingsheng now have key personnel inaugurated. Today's thriving Xingsheng has a very low turnover rate. Even if Xingsheng loses several major teams, it is impossible to accommodate all talents above the director of Fengxing Magazine.

Without a job, these people can't dig.

"Yes, Xingsheng is currently short of personnel in the personnel department, equipment department, and financial reporter department."

"The entertainment news group recently submitted three resignations, and there are also three missing."

"Those three have already had two interviews in the morning...it was interviewed by talents introduced by our company."

The headhunters are obviously very clear about Xingsheng's employment needs. Naturally, people eat this job, and they know the employment situation of the major media well.

"There are too many people above the director level of Fengxing Magazine, Mr. Gao, you...you want them all?"

"Who said I want it?" Gao Leng shook his head: "At this stage...I don't want any of the people from Fengxing Magazine."

"Then...then you want us to dig...how...how to dig?" For a while, several headhunters were confused, not to mention that they couldn't understand the high-cold routines, and just a few of them were also confused. Looked at Gao Leng.

No one knows what medicine is sold in Gao Leng Gourd.

"Everyone, take a look at the confidentiality contract first." Gao Leng smiled mysteriously and nodded towards Yang Guanguan. He ordered Yang Guanguan to write this confidentiality agreement. He reviewed it and wrote it well. Yang Guanguan just wrote it. It has been placed like a vase for a while, and Gao Leng has always been cold and indifferent to her, which made this proud girl who was very wary of Gao Leng at first, thinking that he would covet his beauty just like other men. I feel left out very much. Now that Gao Leng has managed to arrange a job with a little gold content, she is naturally very caring.

One non-disclosure agreement was quickly placed in front of the four.

The content is simple: headhunting companies are not allowed to reveal who funded the digging.

"Mr. Gao, don't worry. When we dig people, we always say, "A certain company needs talents." We didn't know which big company hired them until the day the other party came to interview.

This headhunter is talking about the normal state of the headhunting circle. When headhunters are digging people, they will not reveal which company is inviting interviews when communicating with talents, but will only truthfully introduce the specific situation of the other company, such as whether Listing, assets, ranking in the industry, tentative annual salary, etc. These general directions will be discussed, and details will be communicated, such as whether to provide hospitalization, whether to provide children’s school places and so on.

Only which company this is, avoid talking about it.

It's not that the headhunting companies are so professional and they are all so concerned about the professional ethics to protect the interests of the digging company, but if it is revealed that the person who digs the person, the talent will directly contact the other company...

What about the headhunting company?

Doesn't this commission just fall apart?

Several people took out pens from their pockets, planning to sign without much thought.

"No, no, no." Gao Leng hurriedly stopped them: "Look clearly, the confidentiality agreement says ‘whose fund is not allowed to be revealed’, it is ‘who contributed’, not ‘employing company’."

The capital contribution and the employing company are actually not the same.

The meeting room was quiet.

Several headhunters looked at the confidential contract more and more suspiciously. They looked at each other. Obviously, they didn't understand.

"Mr. Gao, this... whoever recruits will fund it."

"Yeah, is it possible that you have contributed funds to other companies and failed to recruit them?" The eldest headhunter blurted out, but as soon as this sentence was spoken, they looked at each other again and understood what they had. He said "Oh" and looked at Gao Leng.

The summit dispute between Fengxing Magazine and Xingsheng Magazine is lively and lively. They naturally know it. Now that Gao Leng shoots, it must be to overthrow Fengxing Magazine. However, what the headhunters see more often is the rival company poached. A team or several teams of the other party, with so much money, want to kill the other party's entire supervisor level and above, almost none.

After all, this is not in line with the cost. The main reason is that there are not so many positions to accommodate each other's people.

"Yes, I funded and recruited for other companies." Gao Leng smiled slightly and gave them a positive answer: "So I said, at this stage, Fengxing Magazine's person Xingsheng won't want one."

"Mr. Gao, do you mean that you spend money to recruit for other companies?" Several headhunters looked at each other again, and the talented people had learned something.

"Forty million was spent on the deposit alone, with a budget of 200 million. You actually spent so much money on recruiting from other companies just for the sake of overhead and popularity..." These few people also opened their eyes.

This kind of mastery, they are rarely encountered once in their lives.

"The OBO company on Wall Street didn't just defeat B and Z companies in that way. In the early stage of that important African railway investment project, they hollowed out the B and Z teams that organized the project. They are well-known in the global headhunting community. The case of workplace killings, Mr. Gao, this is the Chinese version of workplace killings."

"No, the OBO company back then dug the people of company B and Z under its own banner, and Gao always dug for others, which is much more domineering than OBO!"

I saw it in the textbook before, but now I saw it in reality, and several headhunters couldn't help but sigh.

"The talent environment of the empire is different from abroad. In short, you have signed the confidentiality agreement. This time the investment has nothing to do with the company. It is clear that it is the investor." Gao Leng pointed his finger at himself: "I personally pay for it. You guys, this time digging has nothing to do with Xingsheng. No matter what method you use, as long as you dig out people above the director level of Fengxing Magazine, no matter which company you dig into, as long as you dig one, I will give one."

"You personally contribute so much money to dig..." A headhunter said here and hurriedly stopped.

They all felt puzzled, what good would it do for him if the individual paid this money to hollow out the popularity? But is it good for Gao Leng to close the headhunting company? So the headhunter swallowed what he was about to ask.

"The entire popular magazine, including the branch, has more than 100 people in charge."

"Well, there are a hundred people. If you add a deputy director, you will get more than 300 people. However, with so many media companies in the entire empire, it’s okay to consume these people, but you have to find these people in a short time. The right position is not easy."

After a few headhunters had an exchange, they felt some resistance. They noticed that the period stated in the agreement was within seven days.

"The minimum requirement for this tens of millions of deposits is: each company must dig out at least 15 people at or above the director level of Fengxing Magazine, and 20 people at the deputy director level." Gao Leng said: "More refunds, less compensation, digs more, earns Much."

Four companies, each of which requires a minimum of 15 people at the supervisor level. That adds up to 60 people, which accounts for almost half of his supervisor level; not to mention the deputy directors, each with 20 people, nearly 80 people. .

In total, more than one hundred and forty people will be poached at the level of deputy director or above.

This is a big move, a super big move.

"Mr. Gao, this is the case. Our company has been in contact with nearly 20 media companies, all of which are large enterprises. However, the total number of high-end talents they will recruit in the next seven days is only seven or eight. Before the peak of resignation, twenty-five to be poached in seven days. To be honest, it is really difficult."

"Yes, we have been following up the well-known domestic media recruitment, and they certainly overlap. The well-known companies I know on hand need to recruit no more than ten talents, and the turnover rate of senior staff is relatively low. It is unlikely that the talents of the agency will be sent to the state-owned enterprise media. The time period of a week is indeed too short."

These headhunting companies keep in touch with the employers for a long time. It can be said that once the top executives of major well-known media companies resign, they will immediately follow up. Their data is now the vane of the flow of high-end talents in the empire's large media.

Unlike ordinary talents, mid-to-high-end talents have fewer positions and lower turnover rate. It is still possible to consume the management talents of Fengxing Magazine within a period of time. Within a week, it is more than difficult, extremely difficult.

After all, job hopping requires the employer and the talent to match each other's eyes. Many large-scale media can look down on the people of Fengxing Magazine, and if they can afford the media of Fengxing Magazine, this will not necessarily be recruited.

Moreover, within a week, it usually takes at least one month to dig a mid-to-high-end talent. Firstly, the phone communication, then the video interview, and finally wait for the talent to understand, then go to the city where the company is located for an interview. Nowadays, many are digging corners across provinces, and they have been going back and forth for more than a week.

"I said, retreat more than make up." Gao Leng smiled lightly: "The number you mentioned is that the employer has already cooperated with you. I hope you can dig the number of people, right?"

Several headhunters nodded. If they didn't cooperate with them and didn't give them money, they would naturally not count. This year, the small media has gone.

"I have a suggestion." Gao Leng smiled strangely: "You are all well-known headhunters in the Empire. There are many companies that have been cooperating with you for a long time, most of which are large companies. You can try to expand your business to small and medium-sized enterprises. Expand it."

"Small and medium-sized enterprises can't afford this money! They are short of high-end talents, but when I hear this recruiting a high-end talent, they have to allocate as little as tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of money to our headhunting company. They simply can't bear the money. "A headhunter shook his head. It is true that small and medium-sized enterprises lack talents, but they also lack money.

They are reluctant to invest so much money in recruiting a talent.

"So, you can provide them for free. I will give them the money." Gao Leng reminded.

A few headhunters had their inspiration.

"As long as the people from Fengxing Magazine are poached, I will pay for the expenses incurred, including reimbursement of air tickets and hotel accommodations during talent interviews. I only look at the results. As long as you poach them, all the expenses It's all mine." Gao Leng said more clearly: "You can all engage in activities to give back to old customers, expand new customers, and openly recruit talents for these companies for free, as long as there are talents suitable for Fengxing Magazine. Yes, you will reimburse each other for the round-trip air tickets and accommodation for the interview. Doesn't this greatly increase the motivation of these supervisors to go to the interview?"

Some companies extend an olive branch and also reimburse back and forth air tickets and accommodation. For the directors of Fengxing Magazine, this kind of recruitment is really tempting. In the past, the most worrying thing about inter-provincial interviews is that you ran away. In the end, the interview failed, and the round-trip expenses were not worth it. Unlike overseas companies, the Empire is very few companies willing to reimburse the round-trip expenses. Even large enterprises will only reimburse the people who succeeded in the interview. If the air ticket and accommodation expenses are reimbursed, then It will greatly increase the interest of the interviewer: the big deal, just as someone invited to travel, and nothing was lost;

For other media companies, a headhunter recruits talents for you for free, and also provides air tickets and accommodation in your name. It seems that your company is becoming more high-end, but it can also greatly save the cost of recruiting talents this year. , They will be very happy, and will rush to put the talent recruitment that would have been reserved for next month during this event to the interview now.

If you pass the negative test, you can tell the other party to start the job next month or next month. After all, those who quit are often in the job and don't care about delaying some time later.

The headhunters are even happier. They sold favors and made money.

This money is out of the cold.

Where can I find such a great thing?

"Oh hello, Mr. Gao, if this popular magazine met you, it's a **** mold for eight lifetimes." A headhunter finished speaking, picked up a pen and decisively signed the confidentiality agreement: "Reimbursement of air tickets and hotels, It has greatly increased the interview rate and saved time. This kind of digging is very enjoyable! Signed! The country is so multimedia, it can definitely be done."

Swish, a few others also signed.

This kind of good thing is of course signed.

"It's just a pity." After the signing, a headhunter shook his head: "Our headhunting company wants to make money. It's best to dig the big head. If you dig at the manager level or above, you can earn at least 50,000 or 60,000. A manager has an annual salary of at least 300,000 yuan, right?"

"Well, you're talking about the branch. The managers of the 14 important departments in the headquarters of Fengxing Magazine are all earning millions of annual salaries. If we dig one, we can earn hundreds of thousands, which is comparable to digging six or seven supervisors! "The other headhunter gritted his teeth. This is all money.

"Their fourteen managers couldn't dig at all. They all came out with Lao Yang and took charge of the 14 most important departments of Fengxing Magazine. Don't even think about it, just dig for the supervisor." A headhunter watched. After looking at Gao Leng, he kindly reminded: "Gao, I think if you want to break the popularity, you still have to dig their manager like a way, this manager is the soul of a company, and the manager will hire another one after he leaves. The manager is gone, it is too difficult to recruit one. High-end people are really too difficult to recruit."

"Yeah, especially the fourteen managers of Fengxing Magazine. If this is three or four, then Lao Yang will have a broken arm and a broken leg! It is a pity that it is impossible to dig. There are many people digging them, and I have dealt with more than a dozen of them, none of them digging."

Although it is difficult to recruit mid-range talents like supervisors, it is much easier to manage as long as the money is in place. But high-end talents above the manager level are different. This is the soul of a company.

Just like Jian Xiaodan, Lao Hao, Fatty, losing one is a general loss for Gao Leng.

"The managers of Fengxing Magazine are all divided into the original shares. They are the founders of the mountain. They can't leave." Jian Xiaodan said very positively.

Gao Leng smiled slightly, and tapped his hand on the table twice: "Snake a snake and hit seven inches, this digging..."

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