Gossip King

Chapter 1013: If there is no simple list

The bloodthroat flipped from the back seat to the driver's seat again. He pondered it carefully, and reached out his hand to tidy up some information on the back seat and put it in the co-pilot. He bent over and opened a black box quietly placed under the co-pilot. It's a black leather box. It can be seen that it has been around for a few years, and the edges and corners are a little worn.

"Old man, we are about to start work." Bloodmaw said as he opened the black box, there were iron racks, wires, black tape, etc. inside. He took out one of the small bottles and took out a white medical After spraying the mask on the small bottle, the medical white cotton mask filled with medicine was stuffed into the pocket on the buttocks.

He took out a roll of black tape and threw it to the back seat with a pop.

Then he took out a pair of thin gloves and put on his raincoat. He looked in the mirror and looked at the mask and hat he was wearing.

everything's ready.

The Santana car began to fall backward and drove toward the simple car.

"It's so cold." Jian Xiaodan raised his head and drank the last bit of mineral water. He looked around and saw that Santana in front of him turned back in his direction, blushing: "Oops. It's really the car following me. It seems that the main car is out of anger."

She was embarrassed and quickly sorted out her clothes. After thinking about it, she opened the car door and took out her business card: "Apologize, give him a business card, and then..." Her eyes swept to the back seat.

A dozen gift bags were placed in the back seat of the cold car.

That's how it is to be a journalist, not to mention, there are many gifts. When you go to a press conference, there will be gifts for the press conference, and the gifts are all pretty good. Not to mention the status of Gao Leng, the boss-level person, as long as he visits or visits the company, he will definitely have a gift.

"This set of porcelain is not bad." Jian Xiaodan opened the back seat door, leaned forward and pulled out one from a pile of gift boxes. This was a gift from a famous porcelain company in the Empire. Although the set of porcelain inside is not top-notch, After all, it is an ordinary gift included, but the high-cold grade is here, and this set of porcelain is worth three or four thousand.

"Give this to him, I probably won't be angry anymore. I braked with this kick of the accelerator... It's really embarrassing." Jian Xiaodan blushed and muttered, she walked towards Santana.


"Mr. Gao, all the materials you need to prepare for your business trip are in the box." Yang Guanguan walked into Gao Leng's office and put a small black alley at the door: "Mr. Jian said she was all packed, Mr. Jian is really you. What a capable man."

When Yang Guanguan said this, he looked at the box enviously and convincingly: "Every time you go on a business trip, Jane takes care of everything, my personal secretary..."

She is a personal secretary, nothing more than nothing.

During this period, Gao Leng has only arranged for her some daily tasks, such as arranging important interviews, important meeting time, bubble coffee and other trivial chores, and even arranged a simple order every time when booking a flight.

Before he didn't trust Yang Guanguan, Gao Leng knew that she was sent by President Lu to stare at him. After that, President Lu completely trusted himself, but Gao Leng was so used to it, and for a while, he didn't know what to do with the secretary, so he kept hanging like this.

Now that Jian Xiaodan is so busy, it's good for Yang Guanguan to do all the chores.

"Well, let it go." Gao Leng looked at Yang Guanguan: "You follow."

"Me?" Yang Guanguan pointed at himself with some surprise.

"Mr. Jane is now the vice president. You have to pick some work over." Gao Leng adjusted his tie. She wore a plaid shirt and tie inside to look formal, while wearing a windbreaker outside was a bit more chic and not so. Staid.

In the past, he didn't use Yang Guanguan because he felt that the secretary was unnecessary, but now he goes up, the more he feels the secretary is essential. At the very least, it should make Jian Xiaosi a little easier.

She was too tired. Yang Guanguan slowly cultivated her. Although she certainly didn’t have the same ability as Jian Xiaodan, at least she could do well in the personal secretary. At least she could do some social entertainment that did not require Jian Xiaodan’s presence. Hold it, Gao Leng thought.

Going to the northwest to meet the boss of a venture capital company, it is better to bring a secretary. This is how you do things in the empire, and sometimes you still have to have the facade you want. The secretary is the face of a boss.

"I'm going to talk about a project this time. I will bring you better. I may have some entertainment." Gao Leng looked at Yang Guanguan: "Sorry, I forgot to tell you that you are going on a business trip yesterday. I don't know if you have any clothes. ."

"Prepare, prepare." Yang Guanguan, who was suddenly appointed after being idle for a long time, looked particularly excited. She quickly pointed to her position: "I have been prepared, I have to prepare for journalism, but I didn't expect it to be so fast. ...You will really take me on a business trip."

Yang Guanguan mouthed a "you". The high coldness at this time was far from the rogue boss she thought when she first took office. She walked quickly out of the cold office. Her office was next to the glass door. Not long after she came out carrying a small red box: "Look."

In the news industry, reporters who often go out will prepare a change of clothes or a suitcase in the office. News comes as soon as it is said, and journalists have to leave if they say they leave. This is the basic professionalism.

"Not bad." Gao Leng nodded in satisfaction, and smiled a little excited and nervous when she saw her: "I have been observing you during this period. I took over the chores of my work, booked air tickets, went out for entertainment, some simple business meetings, etc. You would take over, so that she would free up some hands to manage Xingsheng."

"Yes." Yang Guanguan pursed his mouth tightly, his eyes bursting with excitement.

A professional woman, especially a woman with professional dreams like Yang Guanguan, can't stand being idle. Being able to start working with Gao Leng will greatly improve her personal ability.

"I will do my best to do what the secretary should do." Yang Guanguan's words seemed to be a guarantee.

She herself knew that her ability was incomparable with Jian Xiaosi.

"Mr. Jane is my goal. It’s just that she is so capable. I once forgot to bring something to catch up when I got off work. I found out that Mr. Jane hadn’t got off work. I heard from my colleagues that she was always busy until late. Sometimes I just slept in the office." Yang Guanguan looked at Gao Leng with a look of admiration: "General Manager Gao, if Mr. Jian did not preside over the Xingsheng Magazine, and the hosting was so good, I think you would be very busy."

"Of course." Gao Leng said and picked up the box. Yang Guanguan also quickly picked up his box and pushed open the door. Gao Leng walked in front and said affirmatively: "If there were no simple orders, I wouldn't be who I am today. ."

Behind a successful man, there is always a woman giving silently, and behind a successful boss, there is a group of capable people and strangers who are giving.

But just one.

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